Spirits I will be working with for the time being

Hi everyone, I’ve done my research and I have a list on what spirits I want to work with.

Memory / learning
Andrealphus - To help me remember every detail and to use the knowledge I learned in practice.
Vapula - To help me understand and advanced in skills.
Marchosia - To give me discipline to accomplish learning goals, strength in learning hard concepts.

Social skills.
Haagenti - To help me remove my doubts.
Ipos - To remove my social fears and improve my charisma.

These are the spirits I have listed that I want to work with for the time being. I’ll try and do my first summon tonight. For the banishing of unwanted spirits or imposters. Shall I use salt water or just water?.


I use salt water, but in any case I’d enchant/consecrate it with intention that the water is banishing and purifying, filling the space with wanted energy. Then either will work.


Thanks for the suggestion.

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