Spirits good for inducing psychism suggestions and experiences

Spirits good for inducing psychism igniting the inner black flame opening chakras inducing kundalini inducing visions divination lucid dream development magickal empowerment spiritual enlightenment psychic development psychic empowerment etc TELL ME THE SPIRITS YOU WORK WITH TO ACHIEVE THESE THINGS SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES!

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I recommend the search function, many spirits can help with your senses though most will make you work and develop them, even if they are helping you do that.


@anon97554939 I was suggesting a new page where people specifically share there experiences with there deities

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I get you, hübet right now the people who have posted that have already done so and are not likely to repeat themselves: people tend to state things once only.

Meanwhile, the people who haven’t shared yet are in the same boat as you and have started developing their senses.

I’m sure we’ll get some resonates, but this forum has 10 years of experiences posted and more members that have been and gone than we have active, so you’ll be missing out if you don’t search around and see what else was posted before. :slight_smile: :+1:


I sent a P.M.

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