Spirits dont want to work with depressed people

What work have you done? I’ve has solid results by asking a spirit to allieve depression - and I agreed to go on a walk twice a week.


That’s good advice and it’s applicable to anything you do. I’ll give a couple non magick examples.

Say a person wants to be a Dr. They have to give it their all to succeed because it means getting good grades and years and years of education 8 yrs grade school 4 years university 2 years premed I think and another 4? Years medical school then 2? Years internship. That requires 100% commitment and effort.

Or the person who wants to be a musician they have to commit to buying the instrument, taking lessons and practicing lots and lots and lots (science says it takes 10,000 hours or more of practicing to become a professional so the person wanting to be a musician has to commit to practicing 10,000 hours or more to perfect their craft (though they are not gonna be counting 1 hr practice 2 hr practice etc because it’s not a drudge if your committed to it (plus every time you do something you couldn’t before like play 16th notes you get a rush of satisfaction).

The point being to get good at anything even spirit workings you have to commit yourself to doing the work the same as you would to achieve a non magick goal.

You won’t succeed if you don’t put in the efforts required to succeed. That includes hrs researching what your into and finding all about it and what worked for other people doing what you’re doing or wanting to do. In this case you have to research Angels and angels work if that’s your interest or demons and demon working if that’s it.


I’m sorry if you’re reading my comments as negative, they’re not intended that way.

I see your frustration, and it frustrates me too. I think you don’t realise this takes a lot more work, many many rituals and practice, and you give up too easily, blaming everyone else… but it’s your fear and inconsistency that are tripping you up.

We can do it, and it took us years and hard work, so you can too. I started practicing qigong 30 years ago. You have to learn to walk before you can run.

Take a look at your phrasing:
Instead of saying: “is it a waste of time”, “will spirits be angry with me?”, “spirits don’t want to wprk with depressed people”, “Reddit says [blah]”
… none of which is true, unless YOU as a creator being manifest this as true for yourself, (which you’re doing very well) …

Try: “how can I connect better”, “What do I need to do to develop my senses”,“I wonder if I search on BALG for meridian what comes up”

Try having a sense of curiosity and verify for yourself what’s real.

And you don’t need to be quoting xtian dogma you read on reddit. We all know what the fundamentalist JCI think… we have a “no preaching” rule for a reason :slight_smile: This is NOT reddit, it’s pretty obvious we don’t have the same views, so there’s no point asking us to speak to the ideas of people that are not here.


I did Kish and was ignored and belittled by BALG. I am angry about the lack of help and misinformation about spirits. I want help and cant find any. I am confused about wards, shields, banishing.

Reddit is an opinion website in anycase it’s not an information site and anyone can have an opinion and express it there (within reason) so it’s not exactly a top grade source of information. You need to do a lot of research way beyond Reddit if you wanna work with angels, demons, gods or goddesses, or even magick. Places like BALG are a good place to start. Check other similar sites online elsewhere too and skip the Reddit because it’s purely focused on opinion without any requirements for actual experience or verification of what’s being said there.


Yeah, magick is a massive subject, it took me 30 years to get here as I just said. And by the way, I know bugger all :slight_smile: I know how much I don’t know and maybe not that.

You can’t digest an entire degree’s worth of information overnight, or develop world class skills in an instant.

I think that’s completely unfair. Every thread you have has many replies, and people have done thier best. You seem not to like the answers, which is not the same thing.

You have to do the work. And it’s going to take time.It will take even longer if you keep getting in your own way. Doubt kills magick, every time.

I suggest you pick a place to start, get a book, work through it, focus on just that topic. Then move on to the next. We have whole threads of tutorials free, and lists of beginner books.

But do something and stick to it, and don’t worry and judge it until you’ve finished. Let it be what it will be. Approach it with curiosity like a child, instead of the cup that is too full to put any more in.


@Pamelq_Taylor I haven’t seen any belittling in this thread. All I see is honest efforts to give you helpful advice. I don’t know about other threads (maybe you were ‘belittled’ on a different thread but I don’t see it happening on this one).

On any forum you’re going to find people who disagree with your viewpoint and sometimes their way of disagreeing seems harsh or belittling or like disrespect. Chances are they didn’t mean it to be (especially here given how actively the rules are proliced especially the one about respecting others opinions).

You need to accept that other peoples views may differ from your own and that human beings such as we are can and do put our feet in our mouth at times and at other times are so set in our opinions that we don’t wanna hear others and may defend our own rather aggressively feeling we aren’t understood without actually meaning to hurt or offend the other person on the other side of the discussion.

It’s not necessarily meant as disrespect or meant to belittle it’s usually a case of other people having strong emotional reactions to things that challenge their beliefs (you may react the same in a different circumstance or thread it’s just human nature. We wanna be right and if we feel a challenge to our views we want to defend them. Everyone’s prone to that, you me even saints and athletes.)


No thats not it I reached out to Lucifer and was ignored for no reason. I couldnt find out why? I reached out to Hent’yos and felt nothing the second time, the first time it took energy from my crown chakra. I am/was scared to approach other divinties due to not knowing who to talk too and feeling like they wouldnt respond neither and would hurt me due to inexperence. I wanted to ask for a reading and nothing it just feels like I am being strung along

Let me ask you something. You say approached Lucifer and he ignored you.
What if he was busy somewhere doing something else and couldn’t just drop everything to respond to you immediately. Does that mean you were ignored? Or does it mean maybe you should try again and maybe you’ll have better timing it’d you do? I’d suggest the second one.

Also, has anyone ever out of the blue that you dont know like a beggar on a street corner ever asked you for something (like money) and haven’t you sometimes ignored them because you don’t know them? Maybe he didn’t wanna give you what you wanted because you haven’t gotten to know him and therefore hr doesn’t know you either? Maybe you need to get to know him & he you.

Or maybe he was waving his hand in front of your face screaming at you that was there but you thought he was ignoring because you can’t yet see or hear spirits.

I suggest keep trying because the only thing you lose is time if you try and by doing the try try again thing you have a lot to potentially gain. If the gain is important to you you’ll keep trying til you get it.

@Pamelq_Taylor Anyhow… I said all I can think of to say now it’s up to you to consider it or ignore it


You don’t need any kind of external source to get results if you want to. If don’t get attention from those intelligences (perhabs hey have more important things to do) better stop forcing.
Keep focusing on your own energy, learn more about your ‘inner potential’ or whatever you name it and just do the work for yourself first.

Also, you better found a healthy way of coping with frustration, cause none of us are here to do the work for you :+1:t2:


See I am confused someone said we are to work & speak with authority but you shouldnt use God names? How do you do that?

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There is no need to be confused.

Yes, you use godnames (for example in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, you call YHVH/Yehovah, Adonai, Eheieh, and AGLA), but you’re not sitting there at each quarter reciting Bible verses, there is the difference.

And if were going to be impartial and unbiased, then people choosing to use Jesus or Jehovah here shouldn’t get criticism from the other side. Let them stay in their own lane.

Im sorry ya’ll I think I am just bitter because I for the umpteenth time placed ALL my faith in something and it didnt pan out. Its like being line for some big ride and getting to the end of the line and finding another line to the ride. I dont know what I want anymore I want to work with entities but I keep feeling like I will be left holding the empty bag. I read work on self confidence and dreams and meditation and dont know how! I keep hearing find different entities but I cant find anything. I keep being told to in/envoke with authority but no god names. I keep being told their are no teachers but beginner spirits but cant reach them. I feel conned and keep trying to reach out to things but feel slapped by hidden details that hinder wards, shields, and banishment. I look for help on being read and nothing happens. But have faith maybe in a 1000 years you’ll get there! It feels like a Christian church but extra steps and demons instead! IDK

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Oh. I see the godnames issue. Older rituals and grimoires had a method for invoking or evoking spirits, and used “barbarous” words and names of power and authority to bind and compel a demon. Demons weren’t fond of that treatment. Then the next question with this ares might be, should I be concerned with what demons think of us? Probably yes.

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Placed all your faith in something? That could be one of your blocks. You have to put all your faith in yourself and your ritual and believe it will work know it will work.

It’s not believe in demon x or y then do ritual x get result a.

It’s decide what you want research rituals a-x to find one that resonates with you that you feel/know/believe will work (or at least you feel certain it can) find entity that deals in/with what you want then do ritual without any doubts fears or anxieties while performing it you are believing it will work (you know it has worked for others so you know/believe without a doubt it can/will work that’s the mindset you need while doing the ritual magick). Nowhere in there does it require faith in anything it requires focus and belief that what you are doing will work.

Faith goes kinda like this; ‘maybe there’s a god maybe he cares so I’m gonna pray to him and hope to get what I want and if I don’t I’m going to accept the traditional explanation and blame myself because god knows best and I’m just a human I must be wrong if it didn’t work’.

Belief is like how everyday you put your feet on the floor/ground expecting it will hold your weight and not cave in and you are not thinking what if you are just doing it cuz you believe the floors there it always holds your weight it will always hold your weight so you step outs bed onto the floor and it holds your weight and you walk from point a to point b
It’s not faith or trust it’s belief and knowing

Those may be poor quality examples but I stand by this: you have to put all your faith trust belief in yourself first and the ritual second it’s not about having faith in the entity cuz that won’t work and magick won’t work unless you have faith trust and belief in yourself and what you are doing first.

& now I gtg to work so… I’m gonna be outa this thread for a while or longer. Gone.


Our advice, multiple times, has been that you were not ignored; You said you can’t sense spirits, so you have no idea.

Our advice, multiple times, has been that it takes YEARS to get to this point for many; you give up after a couple of tries.

I sent you a video of howto do this and you ignored me. It’s called the Solomonic method.

Here’s your main issue, you are trying to implement ideas you don’t understand, with skills you cant be bothered to learn and with expectations that are not meet-able without these first two in place.

Take a deep breath, accept this takes time and effort, go back to basics, pick one good beginner book and learn the system all the way through.

I say a book, because you just don’t listen to us. A book will carry an authority you may respond to better. I recommend Corwin Hargrove’s Goetia Pathworking. If you want to use the Solomonic method, try the Lesser Keys of Solomon (that’s a book too). Take yourself to school.

Suspend disbelief until that’s complete.

You have all the answers you need, now you have work to do if you want to be serious about learning magick. It’s not easy, it’s not instant, it’s not the entities fault, it’s about you and only you… complaining that it isn’t as easy as you wanted isn’t getting you anywhere. It’s time to piss or get off the pot. :smiley:

Best of luck :slight_smile:


Hey, I’m just going to add my two cents here. I would highly suggest that you read a lot about the entities that you’re trying to work with so that you can tune into their energy before you can even see or hear them. You would look at their associations, what kind of animals represent them? What kind of colors? Nature speaks to us, we are part of nature, these entities are part of nature, they are part of us and they want to work with us.

An example would be, if you want to work with Odin, you might start noticing a lot of crows and Ravens. You might also notice that kind of thing with Hekate, as well as hearing dogs baying in the distance when you’re thinking about her. The other day I went for a walk, I found a cloth pink rose on the ground with a penny next to it. It was like a purplish pink. I associated that with Lucifer, I didn’t see or hear him but I associated it with him, I felt it was from him because I look for stuff like that. The next time I walked around that lake, I felt led to explore the little wooded area, and I found a giant shell of a snail that was empty, I also found another cloth Rose it was pink. Not long after that I seen a hawk up in the tree and I just sat with it and I felt that spirit. Have you worked with Spirit animals yet? I worked with those when I was younger before I started working with entities themselves.

Also, I suggest going outside when you’re starting to kind of tune into these entities. They can speak through wind changes, they can speak through clouds, they can speak through colored feathers. All of this is going to come before you can see or hear spirits. Let mother nature talk to you. I stress again to read about these entities so that you can see their evolution up until now. I work with Lucifer and from what I’ve read Lucifer came from Venus, there’s an association with him and the planet itself. Every deity associated with Venus might have something to do with Lucifer, that’s why I associate roses with him. I might randomly smell cinnamon, I randomly smell dragon’s blood, to me it’s Lucifer. I might be wrong, but it’s the courting stage, you come to them as a fan. They’ll speak to you through the universe before they show up with that amount of strength. And once you see them before you and hear their voice, they still speak through gifts that you find outside.


Oh I think this is the perfect, ultimate motivational call to action :grinning: the best I’ve read in a long time lol.

@Pamelq_Taylor, maybe it is time to, you know, just concentrate on it?
Really if you are not getting the answers you want then find some good books. Plenty are mentioned on many threads on the forum.
The best way of learning is doing.


I’d find a grimoire from an author you believe has good work and follow the book.

I think people get into trouble like this when they try and scrape together some random bits and pieces of stuff they heard online from usually dubious sources at best. Buy a book you resonate with and then practice.

Half of the demons I hear about online I’ve never ever heard of anywhere else or seen in any grimoire, new or old. If someone I think is legit received some magick, sure that’s one thing, but most of these “demons” seem like glorified servitors to me. There’s nothing wrong with servitor magick, that can work quite well, but if you’re summoning up someone else’s “servitor” that acts kind of like a “real demon,” then who fucking knows what’s going on with that thing. The spirit probably carries all the random issues of its creator, like a misogynistic “love demon.” Real, ancient demons are powerful enough to not need to do this, but spirits like this will be extremely aggressive about getting as much of your attention as possible, along with any body fluids they can squeeze out of you. They will give you little rushes of energy and shallow supernatural manifestations like that to convince you that something is going on, but if you continue with the spirit, nothing is going to happen other than that. They will continue to try and monopolize your attention while giving you no tangible, real results that benefit your life, or maybe some shallow results that you would have gotten with literally any magickal method.

A quality book of magick will take you through a process of transformation. You are allowed to do or not do whatever magick you want, and I believe that the lives of those who work with quality magick are testaments to what good magick can do. Find a teacher you can respect, be they someone with a name and a face or an anonymous but clearly well put together grimoire, and learn from their experiences. Or wallow in despair and never do magick again. Up to you.


No, they can strengthen you. It might be that you’re not compatible with the energy or the vibration is too high, which is causing you to feel drained and tired. It can also be that you connected to an imposter or a parasite. I have personally not read any experience here of members feeling drained while working with a demon. It is possible at the beginning while adjusting to their energy, but not normal after you’re used to it imo.

Edit: I also noticed you mention it was a custom enn. Is the maker trusted? As in, are you sure they didn’t put any subliminals in it?