Spirits are summoned or invoked by BALG leaders are Not Demons but other Dark forces

most of spirits answered to rituals and spells of E.A koetting and BALG leaders are not the actual luluars / demons/fallen angels

but other Dark forces and dirties attracted to using blood and semen in that operations

except incantations channeled in this forum , it’s real demonic

using blood gave authority to the dirties to control in human whatever they want .

and dark forces stay for full 3 years after using the blood except some spells can finish these problems

demons and clean spirits don’t need to Blood of Human at all

some need to blood of animals, that’s right …but not necessary kill those animals , hurt by medical tools is sufficient

I don’t use the term “demons” myself, and neither to I think dualistically… but what does “dark drive” mean to you? What makes an entity “dark” or not, and what do you see as the opposite?

Personally, very few of them are darker than little ol me on a bad day, humans pretty much beat out most entities for “darkness” anyway, but it doesn’t stop me being friends and working with them.

There’s no reason you can’t set boundaries and develop a relationship that works for both of you. So… what’s the question here?

Not really, again you are in charge here, you can negotiate and set boundaries, and if one entities request isn’t what you want to do, work with a different guy. There’s always others who will work with you just to help, or for the energy of gratitude.

No it doesn’t, unless it does so in your mind. The blood thing is completely overblown imo. I use it all the time because I enjoy it, but they’ll totally take it and run and not be coming back unless you call, as usual.

I’ve refused an offering only once: an entity who’s name I forgot from the book baneful magick made the bizzare request for me to by a red cyclamen (that’s a flowering plant) and tear it to pieces as an offering. I said no, that energy didn’t sit right with me, and I got this snide little laugh. I cut the connection and never bothered with that entity again. I mean, fuck him, who cares? it’s a two way street.

That’s supposed to happen… If you don’t banish, and I generally don’t, the entity ideally stays around and you can connect more casually for conversations outside of ritual. I’d hope that was longer than three years. Otherwise banish. This is black magick 101, so yes.

But again there’s nothing darker than some humans, so I don’t see what the problem is.
And you can avoid the discarnates you don’t like, which isn’t always the case for humans. .


The OP makes no sense.


I’m wondering if the OP is a bot/troll account. Having looked at his post history it seems to be a large amount of posts asking members to scan a seal

OP what exactly do you consider a dark force? The entities people call demons are merely a label attached to them influenced by religious ideology. In truth these entities all have varying personalities

If you read our tutorial section neither blood nor semen is required to summon them and if someone does need blood for a ritual often a substitute is used instead


demons are the fallen angels, who lose their angelic light but some save some light , not evil all

there are spirits darker than demons

there are evil spirits by nature or hobby , some dark and some not

dirties and the evil spirits attracted to blood to manipulate of evocator used his blood

I disagree with this blanket characterization of all entities any author at BALG could ever have summoned. Some of them yes, most of them no. I think you might have seen a ritual series or book you didn’t like and assumed the rest?

For example, they have also worked with the Norse pantheon, angels and other deities. E.A. Koetting has an entire book about how to work with the Nordic entities.

That’s what banishing and warding is for. You should not be entertaining randoms that just show up. Control who you work with and who affects you and choose who you WANT to work with. If you don’t want to talk to who you see as a “dirty” then don’t. If you’re having trouble with spiritual hygiene, we have tutorials to help with that, and E.A.'s latest book is all about protective magick.

I mean, you haven’t posted in a while and suddenly this: what brought this on, are you having issues?



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Demons aren’t fallen angels that’s just religious dogma. Of course there are positive and negative entities. They each have their own personalities.

You’re not really saying what you want help with. Is there something members can assist you with beyond spouting UPG?


Yeah, particularly in Christianity, every non human spirit you can think of is a “demon” rendering the term practically useless. Whether it’s ghosts, fae, astral wildlife, djinn, phycological problems like addiction and depression, channeling, getting upg, ET close encounters, the wind blows in the wrong direction, you sneezed, everything is a demon.

And then you get all the entities and gods of other religions and cultures also childishly labeled “demons”.

Take a look at this Christian only video on demonology: it’s a total, unmitigated and misinformed mess, and just shows none of them really know what they’re talking about, they just make shit up and if the person making shit up had a position of religious power like oh idk, King James, that’s what all the sheep follow. Nobody relies on their own gnosis in religions like this, it’s not allowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02LYLz1y6x4


Shouldn’t have looked that up: Now my youtube algorithm is giving me ALL the demonology all the time.

I guess its a popular keyword. I actually quite like this guy so I’ll listen to what he has to say. He’s a scholar so it’s less sensationalist and judgmental and more analytical and considerate of the history. The other guy was all “zomg people actually do this!?”

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I couldn’t even get through the first video you posted. It was a generalised unsubstantiated mess. Way too much UPG that uses traditional religion to try and sound authentic

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