Spirit to make parents stop being homophobic?

Thank you.

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King Paimon, believe me


A post was merged into an existing topic: Banned This aka TheArtisMagistra

The tower upright means everything falling apart.

The tower reversed I imagine would mean literally holding everything together.

Like keeping ur or a family together, that seems like exactly what you want, no?

Tower reversed is negative too, iirc :sob:

Ah you’re right, usually they mean the exact opposite, but this one is change, both ways.

" Reversed Tower Meaning"

"When you get the Tower card reversed, you can feel some crisis looming along the horizon, and you are struggling as much as you can to try and avoid its manifestation. What you have not realized is that these breakdowns can be beneficial in breaking down your reliance on something that is false. The tower is built on faulty foundations, and it must fall. Though the destruction will be painful, the humbleness resulting from it can bring us peace.

What you relied on will no longer be there for you. Do not take this as a drastic and depressing change, it is time for you to become more self-reliant."

Up to you dude (the OP) wether this is what you want.

Do a sweetening jar and task a spirit to make them warmer and more open to you overall.

Also do work on yourself making you appear more dignified and respectful if necessary.