Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Basically the RHP has been playing holier than thou with the left for a real long time and Alot of people buy that shit.


I think that it needs to be pointed out here that there is just as much dogma and stupidity on the Left Hand Path as there is on the Right Hand Path. LHPers love to bash on the Right, but they have many of the exact same beliefs and behaviours. You can see it right on this very forum.

@Mike_Bee if you want to connect with your son over his magical interests, the last thing you should do is belittle his beliefs. You don’t have to agree with them, but you should respect them. He may never come around to your way of thinking and that is perfectly fine, but by continuing to extol the virtues of your own beliefs over his, you are doing the exact thing you accuse the Right Hand of doing.


Good point.

Too many. Maybe a few of them should read their holy book. It as the “book” that got me to thinking. Worship a genocidal homocidal god? No thanks. The more I thought on what I read what they were worshipping the more I knew I wasn’t like them (stupid or ignorant).


@DarkestKnight Very true

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Add to above: it’s like killing is bad but a god who kills first born Egyptians is good? I couldn’t turn a blind eye to the details in their holy book and couldn’t reconcile the contradictions. So I decided I’m not them. The end - basically it was their own words & teachings turned me away from right hand paths

Oops @ the @ I thought I was starting from scratch (so I edited to fix my or my phones goof up)

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@DarkestKnight is right if I want to connect with him in this way I absolutely have to respect his boundaries. My strategy thus far with him is to shut up and just let him guide the conversation and answer his questions as truly and straightly as I can. We’ve made progress in coming together but we don’t see eye to eye unfortunately. But that’s ok. I still support him.


In that case your definitely on the right trAck he’ll likely mellow with time with how you’re handling it.

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He’ll find his way to where he needs to be, he’s got a sharp mind and good instincts. Wherever he’s supposed to be and what road he has to walk I’m certain he’ll find it. I’m just here for him.


Mike, you are one of the few on this forum who is also well versed in RHP teachings, so, in my opinion, rather than it becoming a matter of your personal beliefs versus those of your son, simply focus on helping him to become a powerful magician, regardless of the path he chooses to walk.

And you most likely never will. This is something all parents must eventually face. He is not you, and his life isn’t yours. He will say, and do, things you won’t agree with. It’s how children separate themselves from their parents and become their own individual.


I recognize this too. It kind sucks but it’s right at the same time. He’s has to walk his own road.


That’s awesome advice


And there will be bumps, that you can stand ready to help him to overcome, should he ask.


He does listen to me too. He had a drinking problem starting to get out of control about 9 months ago and we had a long talk about it. It was pretty heated but reflected on what I told him and realized I’m only trying to help him be his best strongest self. He put the breaks on the drinking and is focused more on career and spirituality now. So we do have a good relationship where we both listen to eachother. I’m glad about that.

This parenting business is hard work.


Many parents try to hold on so tightly that they wind up driving their children away, so you’re definitely ahead of the curve.

Yep. No ever said it was easy lol


This is EXACTLY what my parents did with me and you’re right it drove me away.

I vowed with my Son I’d be different. I’d express more confidence in his judgement and abilities and stay near enough to be there when he needs me but allow him to be himself and grow how he thinks is best.

I noticed too the older I got the more I understood why my parents did the things they did.


Thanks for listening guys @Kish and @DarkestKnight that helped me process that. I appreciate the good advice too.


My cat beast

He’s a good kitty.


I’ve evoked President Malphas a couple of times and worked with him.

Highly recommended.

He has a very interesting energy and could play some harmless mischief during the Evocation. I had flashes of him coming as a Crow and kept switching between a Crow and a Pigeon (when I tried to focus on him with my eyes closed during the Evocation), the next morning while I was playing with my son, I look down and there’s a small grey and white Pigeon feather, seemingly placed strategically between my feet. This is interesting because they say Halphas (he comes as a Pigeon) and Malphas many times come together. So I didn’t know what to make of it.

His communication is good and when my clairs weren’t so open earlier he would communicate through physical signs/dreams telling me what needed to be told. He has very charged energy which is also quite serene. EXTREMELY intelligent, powerful and capable. I can vouch for that first hand.

In terms of sacrifice, he values non-physical over material.

Also read up on sacrifices and offerings with him. There is an article somewhere on Google. I’ll try and find it and send it to you.

P.S. apologies on derailing your son’s discussion, but I have no input yet since my son is 5, although he did ask me a few nights ago while I was putting him to bed, what Angels are and what Spirits are :thinking::thinking: (family is Hindu so we literally have no talk about Angels at home or anywhere around).


Something really really weird happened today.

I get a call from my order mates requesting some magickal assistance. We talked and decided to call lucifuge rofocale. I set up my altar and went to get the lucifuge rofocale tarot card and it had vanished from my deck. Now I had a full deck on Saturday night I Know because I counted them before I read for my son.

Now these cards are stored in a secure wooden box. What could have possibly happened…and why the timing why today…what’s the meaning of this…

I still did the ritual and sensed nothing amiss with lucifuge rofocale except maybe I sensed a face palm from him for losing his card…:open_mouth:🤷🤦

I just reordered the deck so now I will have one for ritual and spell work and one for divination. Problem solved but damn that’s weird.