Spirit merged with friend

Sounds like he merged with his shadow/wild self it can take a bit of getting used to. As the shadow self has been repressed for some time, it might not have a filter in the early stages. So until he adapts to the new paradigm he might be a little abrubt about things.

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This friend was an ass to begin with lol. I mean you might not be wrong but idk.

Final update on this Iā€™m at his house first time iv seen him since all that happened and he seems to have gone back to his old selfā€¦ just with more standards pretty sure heā€™s not a man whore anymore :joy:


If you do this do you lose ego? do you keep your own separate energy body?
or do you share one energy body even after death.
Can you unmerge once you leave the body?

If itā€™s a perma merge like an actual merge then the person and the entity become one. The entity ceases to exist as itself basically the person becomes what the entity is, who they are spiritually and so forth and everything that comes with it. So if that person was say human in soul and merged with a random demon then now that person is demon in soul and all that demon owns is theirs. Certain personality traits of the demon bleed into the physical personā€™s personality and so forth. Itā€™s one energy body. No you canā€™t unmerge itā€™s not like a puzzle itā€™s like mixing food coloring and water. You canā€™t separate it once itā€™s mixed. Only case it can is if it was by force and the being breaks free in which case thatā€™s soul damage for the one that did the merging.

Thereā€™s no ego loss it has nothing to do with ego loss.



What happens if you both want to project to different places at one time? How can that be possible with only one energy body?

So basically it is good for knowledge and power, but it takes away your individual freedom and makes you share the energy body of the spirit?
Why would you do that instead of cloning their energy body and getting all their power that way.
Is it only for knowledge?

Thereā€™s no both, do you know what merge means? They become one person thereā€™s no opposition in what that single entity wants. Mate thereā€™s no lose if freedom. You become one, youā€™re one being. Thatā€™s it. I dont know how simple this can get.

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If they both have their own ego as you said then both are bound to have disagreements.

I feel like you are really bad at comprehending English lol. I said they become one person. The ego is just the personality and morals you develop among other things. When they merge they become one, one mind, one body, one soul, so of course thereā€™s also one ego. Itā€™s not two minds sharing a body. Itā€™s one mind. Thereā€™s no lose of freedom because they are one person.

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You didnt say that before.

You should have said egos merge

You said no egos are lost. So that does not imply that the egos merge

My dude I said all that happens when they merge. I told you it had nothing to do with ego loss. Not my fault your comprehension skills are elementary level lol.

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You never said they merge though

If the mind and soul merge itā€™s self explanatory that the ego merges. The ego is a product of the mind. Smh.

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You never stated that their minds merge either

All you said regarding that was this

So you xant blame me for not understanding something you did not specifically say

You do realize the ego is the personality?