Spells/Rituals to ‘let go’ of target/outcome

thank you!! itll take time but i’m sure i’ll master this eventually :slight_smile:


  • No spare time to sacrifice to thinking. Work. Sport. Taking care of yourself.
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Spells are like alarm clocks, set em and forget em. You’ll know later down the line what results you got. That happens to me. It will be like an ahhh moment , when you realize that’s exactly or close to what you asked for. :grin:


love that mindset!! 🤍

I wanted to give you a mental image, so it will be easier. Curses are different tho, but that’s a whole different talk show lol. When spell is complete you simply send it to the universe, the energy of the spell, and it’s done. Being careful to dispose of all spell remnants properly, so you have no reminders. To bring something to you, bury remnants near your front door in the earth. To send something away, take spells remnants far from your home and release in a storm drain, you get the idea. For endings take what us left to a location, bury it, and never look back or return to that spot. Hope this helps. When remnants are disposed of, that is when the spell is complete. The rest is up to the powers that be.


Haha I haven’t dabbled in to any curses yet but I am interested in sending my best friends abusive, drug dealer boyfriend to prison so I will keep that in mind! Thank you for sharing your tips, it is very helpful!!!

After casting if I have trouble forgetting about it I meditate on it. Then I place the situation in a bubble and imagine it popping. Sometimes it can take a few tries but it really works.


I’ve been trying to get better at meditating but I suffer from anxiety and I also have a gemini moon (restless mind) so meditation is not my strong suit. I will definitely keep practicing and I will try that method! Thank you:)

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I hear ya, it’s so hard not to care sometimes, but really curses are serious stuff, and if it’s her situation and problem, I wouldn’t involve yourself magically. The only exception would be…and this is just my opinion …if she came to you for help and did something to free herself from him, then I would have her do the spell. If she won’t, then you’ll know for sure where things stand. Getting involved aside from protecting your own family and children, can backfire in so many ways, not to mention the fact that it can be dangerous to curse someone who has been harming you. There are any manner of things to take into consideration before you curse. I would strongly advise against it especially since you brought up the abuse factor.

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Yeah it took time for me too. I have anxiety and have Gemini moon too but I’m proof it’s possible to master.

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I am a Scorpio, and believe me I don’t hold back if I know my cause is a just one, but I tend to over think things and I am one who can care too deeply, so I have to check myself sometimes before I act rashly. With experience and time you learn these things, noone can tell you what to do, but still please think about it.


omg I love meeting other gemini moons!!! I’ll have to look at your profile and see your other tips you’ve posted :slight_smile:


I’ll stick to helping myself only & if someone does ask me for help on their own, then I will provide them help. I think it will take me a very long time to perform rituals for others because 1. i’m still inexperienced and 2. i would only want to do it if that is what i was meant to do, if the universe thinks that is my purpose. Who knows.

That is smart.

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yes!! its so much easier than affirmations. I’m going to make a separate post about all of the things I have manifested today using afformations :slight_smile:

What you want to do will probably not work since you would have to forget about the ritual/spell in order for it to make you forget about the first ritual you did. A few tips: keep yourself very busy after the ritual, practice thought substitution (replace the thought of the ritual and its outcome with something else repeatedly until it becomes an immediate response ingrained in your subconscious mind), at the end of the spell/ritual you must be absolutely sure of its success or it won’t work for you and then you have to act as if it has already been manifest, that is by feeling it and not just believe it but know it and trust the feeling of knowing it. A better alternative to what you want to do is to just do another ritual after the one you want to forget, I noticed that by doing that you take your mind of the first ritual a lot easier and the more rituals/spells you do after the first one you initially wanted to forget, the easier it will be to forget it. There is no shortcut to developing the necessary skills to be a black magician, you need to keep doing the rituals and be completely to willing to fail until the time you get it right, your subconscious mind learns with the help of repetition. When you succeed you will have a deeper understanding of how it is done but you will understand it in a way that can only be understood through experience. Also you can take the help of subliminal messages that program your subconscious mind and you can use affirmations of your choosing that will contribute to this goal like for example " I quickly and easily forget about a spell when it is done" (there is an app for this both for android and ios) and then you keep listening to that and the repetition of these affirmations and messages will stick in your subconscious mind and at some level you will then start to believe this but it is then up to you to strengthen that belief by action towards success. If you have more questions I can try to answer them as well.


Thank you for taking the time to type this out! You are right! I’m definitely going to keep practicing my magic + work on skills to help my magic actually manifest.

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You are welcome I enjoy helping people. I used to wonder the same thing you do but I learned this and it will help you like it helped me and others.

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Get the GOM of Magick Books- Inner Alchemy, and Arc Angels of Magick.

There are workings within those books for just the issues you’ve described.

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thank you!! i’ve been looking in to purchasing some books to help with my magic :slight_smile: