Spells/Rituals to ‘let go’ of target/outcome

I would like to know if anyone could tell me how they have mastered to ‘let go’ of the outcome after you’ve casted a spell or if anyone could refer me to a post where this is explained! I’ve looked at some posts but I am looking for a spell/ritual to let go of my anxiety, fear, worries, all of that. (letting go of my target specifically but id like to know how to let go after magic IN GENERAL so that when i perform other spells like money magic, it will also be successful) I know I am blocked because I can’t even read tarot for myself anymore. I feel as if my magic is being blocked because of this. I’d also like to help my friend out who is stuck on their ex (no contact for awhile and their ex is with a new person now) so that she can let go & if they’re meant to be, she will come back. Just something in general to help let go of things yenno. I’m the type to tweak things so they fit my specific needs so if anyone has any tips, tricks, suggestions, or could refer me to a post where someone goes into detail about this, that’d be great :slight_smile:

Id also like to note that i 100% believe in magic. i believe that the spell work that i have done WILL work. But the issue is, i need to let go and forget in order to achieve this. so its not like im a skeptic or anything its just that i have issues with trusting myself and ofc its my ego… i cast a spell and get discouraged when there isnt movement in a day which i KNOW is not good!

Well how are you going to let go of the spell for letting go hmmmmmmm? Let me ponder LOL


I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic or a smart ass but I’m genuinely asking LOL. a lot of the people on this forum that are very successful with their magic because they let go of the outcome and they really emphasize the importance of letting go. SO, i’m asking for ANYTHING that could help with that because its something that i struggle with.

I was just being funny :slight_smile: Sorry.

I think it is all dependant on the situation and the person involved. Letting go of the outcome is easier if your ok with it going either way. There’s far more stories of people struggling with your problem or not.

I have not heard of a spell for that specifically but you could always create one.

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In the book angel of alchemy there’s a ritual with angel of surrender kevashiel who helps with letting go , i did it for the first time for 10 days and felt awesome , the. After a few months I did it again for (was supposed to be a month) but this time it didn’t help at all so I stopped in the second week . Even if you don’t use that ritual you can just call kevashiel and ask him to help you let go


i will look into it, thank you :slight_smile:

i couldn’t tell if you were being funny or rude because i notice that a lot of the ‘older’ users on here tend to give rude answers to ‘newbies’ lol but something i’ve been trying out today are afformations rather than affirmations. my mind is naturally very negative so i feel like saying ‘why is … coming to me so quickly’ is better than ‘… is coming to me quickly’ because my mind will be like ‘no its not’. just a trick i discovered deep in the forum. :pray:t4:

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I struggled with this as well, until someone made me see it from a different point of view.
During every magick ritual, at some point you visualize and feel into the desired outcome, that is the result wanted. For the ritual to be successful you MUST absolutely see the outcome as already done. If this is the case, there should be no lust for results because the desired outcome has already been imprinted on the astral and MUST come to pass in the physical.
Convince yourself with certainty of this, and there is no need to lust for results, they are already done and on the way.
This helped me tremendously, I hope the same for you.


You can work Hecate. She will remove things in your life if you ask her to. Be careful and make sure you really want to get rid of things you give to her to take away because once you give them to her she will not ever return them to you later. They will be gone for good.


I’ve kind of entered this mindset already due to my afformations i have been saying! This is a great tip :slight_smile: Believe it is done and coming to you already!!

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It is easier said than done, but you will get the hang of it. After you’ve completed a spell, just forget it. Don’t think about it, don’t sweat how it’s gonna turn out. Get it out of your mind, and leave it to the powers that be.


thank you!! itll take time but i’m sure i’ll master this eventually :slight_smile:


  • No spare time to sacrifice to thinking. Work. Sport. Taking care of yourself.
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Spells are like alarm clocks, set em and forget em. You’ll know later down the line what results you got. That happens to me. It will be like an ahhh moment , when you realize that’s exactly or close to what you asked for. :grin:


love that mindset!! 🤍

I wanted to give you a mental image, so it will be easier. Curses are different tho, but that’s a whole different talk show lol. When spell is complete you simply send it to the universe, the energy of the spell, and it’s done. Being careful to dispose of all spell remnants properly, so you have no reminders. To bring something to you, bury remnants near your front door in the earth. To send something away, take spells remnants far from your home and release in a storm drain, you get the idea. For endings take what us left to a location, bury it, and never look back or return to that spot. Hope this helps. When remnants are disposed of, that is when the spell is complete. The rest is up to the powers that be.


Haha I haven’t dabbled in to any curses yet but I am interested in sending my best friends abusive, drug dealer boyfriend to prison so I will keep that in mind! Thank you for sharing your tips, it is very helpful!!!

After casting if I have trouble forgetting about it I meditate on it. Then I place the situation in a bubble and imagine it popping. Sometimes it can take a few tries but it really works.


I’ve been trying to get better at meditating but I suffer from anxiety and I also have a gemini moon (restless mind) so meditation is not my strong suit. I will definitely keep practicing and I will try that method! Thank you:)

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