Spells Not working

Well here’s the thing… At the end of the day, you are in the drivers seat of your own destiny. When you call up a spirit and tell them to do X, they typically aren’t going to do Y because they think Y would be better for you than X. They may go a different route because what you asked for is impossible or simply outside of their abilities, but generally a spirit you evoke is not going to dictate to you like Yaweh how you should live your life unless you ask. What tends to happen is people will ask for X…then X situation happens and if it was a bad call, it will backfire in their face and they will suffer the consequence. Here’s a good example:

Now there was a story by a user named @KenTabor back in September of 2014, where he basically had summoned Ladilok to help him have sex with a particular girl at his workplace. Now, ladilok succeeded in making this happen, but what ended up happening was that his boss found out about their fraternizing and fired him, which cost him a lot in time and money to recover from. Now did Ladilok know this would happen? I can’t say for certain. But what I do know is this…the thing you should worry about most when it comes to spirits is not that they will say no. Your main worry should be that they will say yes b/c when they say yes, they will give you exactly what you asked for in spite of the chain events of consequences that may come with that. So as a limited human being at the base of Jacobs ladder, without the vantage point of being able to see the whole chess board from above…it is sometimes wise to leave things in the hands of spirits versus being too specific in your requests, so that they may move the pieces in a way that would bring about the best outcomes. So this is where the advantage of casting a general spell/request for love comes into play versus targeting a specific individual.

One last thing when it comes to your spells not working. I don’t know exactly what you’re doing wrong without further information, but one common problem is that people sometimes struggle to bring their result into the present reality as if it has already happened. During the ritual and especially afterwards, its important to act as if what you have asked for has already come to pass. Azazel once stated to a user, “Act as if what you want to create is already there. Be one step ahead of creation and all of creation will follow you.”