So I have a wand/bbq lighter, candle, apple cinnamon oil, plate, cup, swiss army knife and a rider waite deck, water, napkin.
So I imagine rhyming as part of the spellwork, “with this card I cut all cords, with this, the Ace of Swords, there shall be no more emotional outbursts, whit this Ace of Cups reversed”. Something like that.
What initial planets? Moon, Venus? Mars?
What sort of hand patterns to go with it? LRH?
With each spell as a layer, how do we determine results? Time?
Or what possible energy patterns to do to manifest? Dancing to chain of fools etc?
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As each spell is recited, it leads to a breakup.
Candle is dressed with oil.
Black Book with Lovers card on it.
Aces cross over the Lovers card,
Red paper underneath the candle and book.
Cards are arranged for drawing.
wipe hands with each other, draw next card
“With this, I do cut between us all cords, with this card, the Ace of Swords”
wipe hands with each other, draw next card
"With this, there will no longer be any emotional outburst, with this card, Ace of Cups reversed.
wipe hands with each other, draw next card
“With this, without you, life goies on, someone will lay on me their hands, with theis card, the Ace of Wands”.
wipe hands with each other, draw next card
“With this, Life and new Love and for me heat in their loins, with this card, the Ace of Coins.”
Recommend a New Moon, squared with Venus and or Mars.
So any of these spells, should lead to the result.
Id also recommend summoning someone with a bit more power working in those planets to oversee results occur, etching thier sigil in the candle as well.
This looks like some “out with the old, in with the new” spellwork and I’m here for it!!