Spell to cure someone's depression

I know there are spells to make someone feel drained and depressed but can something be done for the opposite?
I understand you can never truly make someone else happy, but it just hurts to see them hurt. I was going to make one up nilly willy but I thought I might go ahead and ask…


You could evoke the raw energies of the sun to bestow vitality,hope and happiness in the persons life. Now whether or not they capitalize on it is ultimately their choice.


What is done cannot be undone, but your undoing can be halted and reversed before it is finished. As you can cause one outcome, so can you cause another.

Meditate on your goal and you will see your path.


That’s good thank you. I wonder if I could idk… do something to manipulate their receptiveness.
Because otherwise I don’t know that they’ll receive it… I hate to sound insensitive but it just seems they’re sinking and not trying to do anything about it. The worst part is that they claim to be trying but never take any action.
So. I want to be positive and using the reality bending power of magick… Maybe it’ll rub off :sweat:


Are you saying trying to make them happier through magick could* backfire?


Not at all. I’m saying that anything that is done cannot be undone, but any process that is occuring can be halted and reversed.

As I said, meditate on your goal and you will find the path forward.


I think first of all that if you want to help you need to understand what depression is. When you are truly depressed you can only be depressed. So if there is the slightest hint of blame towards the person for “not trying”, it is hurtful. I know nothing about making spells to cure depression but I think it would need to be one that acknowledges that depression is something you go through, not something you can be lifted up from. Depression is a tricky thing, and it is nice that someone wants to help. Being there without any blame is the most important in my experience. If there is alcohol or other drugs involved I would try to gently talk the person out of using those as it only makes things much more complicated. St. John’s wort is a good thing to take for anxiety and depression.

Good luck with the help and remember to stay healthily selfish, so you don’t drown as well.


This is what I meant by not trying…
I understand it sounds really bad. I understand depression I was there. It’s not fun and it’s debilitating.


Well, sometimes you have to step back from someone and realize you are unable to help them. Could be the case here.


That’s why I wanted to turn to magick. They just seem to want to be left alone… which is normal in these cases but I want to be there spiritually…

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Totally agree with @Mouchany honestly, I’ve had the experience. Was taking the pain of someone on my shoulders and end up in the asylum so… Don’t waste your energy trying to be jesus, helping is great but if they can’t help themselves alone, they can still see professional.

You’re not here for the well being of the others, it can sounds egoist but I was really like that before and totally end up screwed. It’s either never enough, or they just become used to your support without acting alone,…

Maybe a waste of energy, but I do appreciate your kind heart.


This was the case for me… I’m just now getting my head above water, but for the longest time any help that was offered would just send me further down. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to anyone, or be influenced by anyone, because I was angry with the whole outside world, and I’ve always been a stubborn son of a bitch who does not like being told what to do, how to feel, think, etc. So nine times out of ten if someone tells me to do something, or act/feel a certain way, or questions my experience, at least when it comes to the way I live my life, I do the opposite… lol

I had to see the bottomless pit for myself and I had to choose to stand back up when I was finished riding that downward spiral…


And I think you can always care for someone really deeply but don’t put too much energy in that otherwise it will consume you


And sometimes the best help is to leave them alone, because otherwise you will be the crutch from which they cannot fall from.


@Mouchany @Freaya yes yes I realize this that’s why I am asking for spells. That way I can still help from a distance.

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You are a stubborn fellow. Okay then, if you absolutely want to make a spell I suggest using sigil magic. Write the preferred outcome on a piece of paper. Use the present tense so it says what has already happened. Cross out all the vowels. Cross out every repeated letter. Make the sigil with those left. It should look like what pleases your own subconscious the most. Burn it and integrate everything else into the ritual that you see fit.


Thank you!
Im nothing if not stubborn :wink:


Good luck, stubborn woman. :fox_face:


Of course, but like these guys said, you can help stack the odds but the result ultimately depends on the individual with the depression. It is a tricky thing.

This is a good idea. I would only add that some positive aspects of mars might be in order to light a fire under the person’s butt and give them a bit of fight, to literally battle the depression.

And this is a good pairing with it. If you combine the Hermetic laws of vibration, polarity, and cause & effect, you can bring a heavy influence to bear on the outcome, potentially.

Also a good idea. You could give them a functional, innocuous gift with the sigil hidden in plain sight. Then it would be in hand effecting them passively.


Thaankk yoouuuuu!

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