Specially resistant target

When you work magick on another person, you are directly attempting to manipulate their will. Not all people can be manipulated or coerced into doing your will. Some people are indeed strong mentally for that.

There are methods to break down these natural defenses and Duration ritual work is one method.


Mmmm interesting. So you would say, if instead of doing 1 ritual with, let’s say, Dantalion, I do 1 every day for 3 weeks, or one every week for 2 months, or whatever… that could have a better result? Is it the reason why certain books of Gallery of Magick have rituals for 11 or 33 days?


Btw, I tried to break any possible barrier against Magick that he may have with the ritual Destroy Magickal Defenses (or something similar) of Angels of Wrath. The target is absolutely aware of the existence of Magick (because of his African culture and his religion), so he actively prays against its influence (he’s Muslim) every day. I wouldn’t say I have the best results with those kind of rituals (my own evocations seem to work, tho) but thought it was worth a try before my Magick.


I think the reason might be a combination of things.

For one, you gradually build the energy by repetition to let it be noticed, also that each time you do the working even if you keep the intention the same each time you would naturally be in a slightly different mood each day so your intentions would have a slightly different edge for different parts of the intention.

Sometimes you might be more focused on your perceptions and other times seeing it more from theirs and the emphasis on what parts of the intentions are important, enjoyable, justifiable or whatever will be highlighted in a different way each day, giving a more well rounded expression of your desires, as opposed to a more straightforward “I want this thing to happen.”

Similar to a master painter wouldn’t always paint the whole picture in one go, he might have the idea of what the picture wants to look like when finished but he would build on it a bit at a time and he would want to let the paint dry a bit in between times.


Also a longer term working is a pretty good rendition of the living in the end Law of Attraction/Assumption style that lets you experience your outcome.

And as you go along you might find that you adjust some parts of your intentions that get to seem more applicable and pliable to your situation rather than an “I want this and only this” approach, so you get to mould your desire as it fits with your mood on a daily basis. You gradually change it or grow into what you are asking for until you reach your final expression of what you want.

With the ritual you apply the magical framework of calling the names etc and the imagination part you can fine tune to what you actually feel is relevant to your sphere of possibility. Your confidence may grow so then you can ask for bigger and better than what you started with or you might find that you scale things back a little because it just fits better with you.


Try gipsy spells on resistent targets, they work marvelously

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Wow…unfortunately he sounds like someone you may not want to mess with, for your own safety, as far as casting black magick spells on him repeatedly. Perhaps he knows how to summon evil djinns to harm you in some way. I’m saying this because this sort of thing has actually happened to a few people I know of, living in the Middle East. Be careful, djinns can be evil, they can even possess you. You might want to reconsider casting spells on him over and over. I’m not being rude, I’m giving you honest advice coming from personal knowledge about his culture… Whatever you decide to do, best of luck. But first, take a step back and ask yourself, Is he really worth the risks and harm that might come to you as a result?

Mmmm not really. As I mentioned, he’s extremely religious so casting black spells (or any kind of spells) and summoning Djinns is something he would never do. What he will do is to pray inside of the system of his religion, to pray for protection and that any Magick directed at him goes back to the sender. So the point here is if we think his prayers will be stronger than my protection and spells. But no, he will not attack me:)

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It seems Muslims are praying even harder during Ramadan

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I’d still be careful if I were you. Again, you have to be safe. Many people lie, or hide things from others. Many people are not exactly what they’re portraying to the world. My advice, from personal experience unfortunately, is not mess with him. The results might not be what you want, they could be bad or unpleasant. Is he really worth it?

What you mean, that he could be doing Magick even if he doesn’t admit so? Or that his prayers can have real power to send back anything I send to him? Do you have bad experience with Magick and Muslims?

I’m extremely sure he wouldn’t do Magick, I know him well. He despises everything that has to do with it, and is afraid of it (is considered a grave sin).

But actually I asked myself the same question yesterday night, during an evokation to Dantalion: Is he really worth it? And no, he’s not, at all, not in any sense. But he deserves a hard lesson, believe me.

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That’s true, I didn’t consider it. I guess I don’t take their prayers too seriously, everything is too dogmatic. But I cannot say they will not work, as I don’t know.

sometimes it’s hard to get concrete evidence that magick is working. sometime it’s subtle. maybe the magick is working inside him but can’t be seen externally.

you can always layer spells and oomph up your spells by invalidating any defense magick he may have.

sometimes one have to take a break and come back to cast later in a better resource state of mind.


Hopefully!!! The Law of Polarity says it, if an energy is there than its oposed energy is there too. For black magicians is an excellent opportunity.

I’m no expert, but does magic works as mere atoms of mater?

Can you explain how is an opportunity? I didn’t get it…

I’m sorry if I missed this in this post, but have either Belial or Vine been mentioned?

Any time you do a love / manipulation spell, I’d evoke one of these Kings
first, before anything else. Ask them to destroy any walls/ resistance/ blockages your target may have (intentional or otherwise) erected that is preventing them from seeing you as supremely high status relationship material.

After the path is cleared, then call on spirits like Dantalion, Sallos, Sitri, etc…


This happens all of the time. But w/ the right commitment and maneuvering, you can exploit the tiniest of weaknesses.

No, they haven’t. Belial is on my list to be contacted, as part of the layered plan, but didn’t think about calling him first and that would have made sense.

The barriers against love/manipulation (how is better for us not to be together, for example) could be cleared with Belial. But here my main worry was his barriers against my Magick in general, as in him being super religious and praying against the influence of Magick, specially now during Ramadan…

Belial & Vine are your Kings here- trust me.

Vine is a lesser known King who will jack up your magic’s power to the nine if you can make contact w/ him.

One of his other specialties is to break the will of anyone who opposes you. Solomon used him to both build and destroy the defenses of castles. This is a warrior demon who specializes in destroying things (strong magicians/ religious people that work against you included)

Check out EA’s video on youtube. You’ll get a feel for him. He’s perfect for this type of stuff.

As for Belial…well, if you think your target can out muscle the Breaker of Chains, you’re probably screwed anyway to a degree. Belial + a few other manipulative counters could probably get it done though. Sounds like you’ll need a well designed layered spell regardless. Hope this helps!