Specially resistant target

I’ve done some works to a person, basically with Seere (make him decide something that benefited me) and Dantalion (make him feel and think in an specific way). It was (kind of) love and persuasion related.

With Dantalion it worked minutes after the ritual and during the next days, he said things that made obvious he had been influenced; but as I realized here in the forum, feelings don’t equal actions, I called Seere. It worked in about a week and a half.

Well, none of the situations lasted, with him recoiling for what he said about a week later. I must say the target is a super religious Muslim, he actively prays for protection against magic directed at him and Djinns (because of his religion they believe heavily on it).

I honestly don’t think I should continue working towards what I was before (apparently it shouldn’t happen and I may be receiving hints that this is not the best for my life), but I still want to banish some people from his life (thought Asmoday) and influence his life in some other ways. What would you go about it with someone to whom the Magick obviously affects but that then fights against it? Why do you think this is happening and how could I prevent it?


Sounds like you need to layer your magick. Especially for a stubborn target. Sure someone might like you, then change their mind again if you’ve laid no foundation.

You can’t expect to ask dantalion to make your target have feelings for you and for it to be sustained without also affecting communication, trust, and connection… demons seldom go for the big picture like that which is why you work towards small just out of reach goals.


Yeah, I have read about layering spells and have been preparing the strategy. In the meantime, as issues arose with my target, I used those 2 demons and it worked… quite literally. I’m new to Magick and still surprised. Is as you said, they didn’t consider the bigger picture, they just did what I asked for.

Anyway, a romantic relationship with him (where we were coming from) may not be the best idea, but I still want to influence him (we’re friends and work together). Should I layer my Magick and don’t stop doing it? Feels like I’ll have to be doing workings every week, with his stubbornness…


What are you trying to influence exactly? It’s hard to give advice where you’re being so vague.


Sorry, you’re right. So I basically want to:

  • Make sure we have a close and very good relationship, that I’m a priority for him. No necessarily love related but good, warm, loving feelings. We have came out of a romantic relationship where we never fought, ended it in very good terms but since our breakup have had some fights and misunderstandings, we have better and worse days. Our relationship affects other parts of my life so I want to make sure that the closeness, friendship and good feelings are still there (obviously I’ll make an effort in real world too).

  • Banish a couple of people from his/our life. Specially one that will be moving to the country where we live soon. Ideally she would stay where she is/go somewhere else, and not come close to us. Don’t wish her bad, just to not have any kind of contact with him/us anymore. Thought about Asmodeus, and Amon.

I had been really thinking about going hardcore on him (Raum to destroy his dignities, Asmodeus to avoid him from getting into a fulfilling love relationship anytime soon) because of the fundamentalist shit and manipulation he has displayed. But I don’t have that will constantly, despite things maybe I don’t wish him bad, so maybe I shouldn’t move on that department until I don’t have a clear idea of what I want. But great friendships between us/the girl gone are a must.

Thank you for any help!


Change your perspective and stop telling yourself that he is stubborn, resistant, and protected. easier said than done, but that’s the key here. As long as you continue to work rituals on him while maintaining that view, that’s the intent you’re putting into the spell. You know you can influence him if you’ve already had success; perhaps ask Dantalion to change YOUR perspective of the situation, and then proceed from there.


That’s love.

Why are you being possessive over someone who’s love you claim to not want?

You want him to be close to you, but want him to be unhappy? You basically want to keep him on the back burner in case you decide you want him.

You don’t really even know what you want how can your magick be sincere?

You’re calling him manipulative but that’s how you sound. Decide if you want to curse him or not, but don’t expect to stay friends.


Waw, that’s a really great point. I’m starting to think that I should be using the spirits to help me change my perspective and attachment to things, instead of… well, trying to change others and keep the attachment?

I’m big into Neville Goddard, and what I fear the most is that I have assumed again and again, not that he’s protected, but that this girl will come to the country and they will end up together. I’ve seen time and again how our assumptions harden into facts and is what seems to be happening, and right now I don’t know how to stop it…


It’s an irrational fear if you have a good friendship and connection. detach.


Don’t worry, those fears are baseless. Start focusing on manifesting that situations always work out for you. And read (or re-read) Feeling is the Secret :smiley:


Yeah after listening to about 10 hours of Goddard preaching that’s his best work.


Yes, but not necessarily romantic, is it?

That specific girl coming here will affect my life in a negative way, work wise. If they date it will affect me further (work wise again). I’m not really being possessive over him.

You don’t have all the information, because I have not provided all the story. Fair enough. He finally convinced me to be in a relationship with him (we work together and he’s technically my boss) as I was not sure of what would happen with work. He presented himself as a person with X ideals, personality, wishes… really similar to mine. Our relationship was amazing. We were only together for around 5 months, but very soon he started pressuring with his religion. It was small comments only in the beginning. I made VERY CLEAR what are my beliefs, I’m spiritual but don’t like fundamentalism of any kind. The stuff that (week by week) started coming out of his mouth was incredible. So from the person I met, he was suddenly someone that thought that listening to music is a sin, that I should hate gay people because is what God wants, etc. At the end is what people told me would happen with someone of his culture (I don’t like to generalize so I don’t think that has nothing to do with it): From trying to convince me to marry him on month 1, to thinking that he should marry someone he never sleep with before so that God is happy. Funny when he has been the one pushing for sex all along. He changes his mind and confuses the fuck out of me, and I’ve seen enough to know that yeah, what he likes is me but he thinks he has to do something else because of God. Maybe someone with burka.

I see the greys and not only black and white. I don’t think he’s a bad person. He’s someone raised in an African country by people who have told him that he has to think that way and that he’s against God if he doesn’t. Is it really his fault? He doesn’t have a mean heart, so excuse me for being hurt and angry about how I have been treated, but not sure about wanting to ruin his life. He had good intentions as he tried to marry me, but him changing his mind every week and getting more and more religious could have ruin my life and I feel used. If he wanted to marry out of convenience a hijabi woman who isn’t too fighty (as he has accused me of just because I didn’t let his ex friend push me around on the idea of having 4 wife’s in different countries who know nothing about each other) then he shouldn’t have insisted on having a relationship with me as he did.

The situation is much more complex than this, but I hope you get my point. I’m not just a jealous child that doesn’t want to eat but doesn’t want for others to eat either. I’m angry and wish him to learn a lesson and yeah, I would be a liar if I would say I don’t want to hurt him a bit. That’s why I mentioned Asmoday and Raum, to work in something very specific. But I don’t want his utter destruction and yeah, I still want to have a good relationship with him because we work together.


Yeah, but our romantic relationship has ended so he’s actually free to date whoever he wants. As he should. But this specific girl would hurt me professionally (I know it sounds messed up, small new company, complex situation)


Id go with spells to make you appear more valuable than you are etc and target specific individuals you want to repel as the targets…

Seldom does someone not feel negative energy dumped into them from a curse and keep the curser in their lives.

If you build your friendship and value someone coming from a different company probably won’t cause you to lose your job. If you can lose it that easily, my focus would be on manifesting a better job, it seems like way less effort.


I will re-read it today :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: In my case assumption is what have brought me everything I can think about, I’ve been very aware of it for the last couple of years. Good stuff but the bad too. This is the only bad thing I have assumed in the last year (apart from my relationship with him wouldn’t work) and I can see it approaching me like if it’s a predator. Trying to find the way to asume the oposite.


I’m afraid you’re right. I had a burst of energy (rage, hate) against him about 3 weeks ago, it was very strong, and he had aches on his body for about a week. He couldn’t sit straight or sleep, and he felt “under spiritual attack”, and he was more detached. Every time I try to influence him, it works but then he pulls back.

Maybe I should direct only good things at him, and keep the more darker works for her (tinder if I can avoid her coming)…


Thanks for your input, btw, really appreciated!


Don’t forget about good things for yourself! Keep building your own value. Become irreplaceable.


You know I realized I’m so focused on my fear of her coming and them dating etc, that actually I forgot to look for good things for myself? And where I live, there’s so many opportunities for me to build a nice life and find a great guy that probably focusing on him not getting it is dumb of me. So thanks for your reminder!


Your boss will also probably feel more secure if you find a new relationship yourself so he won’t feel like you’ll be jealous and ruin his relationships.