Soul installation

purple had a soul cluster

Yeah I’m not taking or touching anything she claims or says.

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the person she replied to had two souls

A walk-in is someone who has two souls in their body, but doesn’t mean one is going to be bound like the one that reincarnated into it in the first place.

I never ssait it would. I even said it was ok if i was still the driver

You kept asking the same question despite my answer assuming adding “100%” is going to change my response.

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because you didn’t answer the question before

A soul can be force bound to a body but the soul still has free reign meaning if it didn’t want to it can screw your own up. If it’s consensual the soul won’t be bound the same way it would simply be sealed in a body like it would be sealed in an object.

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First you said second soul won’t be bonded. Then you said that it just wouldn’t be the same as the first soul


You’re trying to incarnate a soul into you, sealing a soul in you and incarnating one into you isnt the same thing.

How would it mess your soul up? Is the soul in the body?

From what I read soul stays in spirit world

Sealing a soul that doesnt want to be there into your body, the soul still has the capacity to affect yours. No the soul is within you, but it doesn’t lose the capacity to project.

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So I am guessing i can’t incarnate my soul into another body and have split consciousness either

I personally don’t believe that, if anything that sounds like creating a thoughtform from one of your sub personas forcibly, in which case one personality flips into being dominant and thinking it’s its own person.


so i can project using my soul?

Nothing of what I said was about projection.

can someone evoke my soul and keep it in a safe place? Is it possible

Mate, you’re reincarnated, someone will evoke your energy body that’s it. What happens to your energy body can sometimes affect the soul but that depends on what they do.

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