Something watching me

I’m struggling a lot to sleep these days (actually since the end of October). I always feel that there’s something in my room, watching me, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s nasty, cause the energy isn’t heavy but it’s disturbing my sleep. I always get to sleep like 4 in the morning or when I can sleep earlier I keep waking up all the time. I don’t know what to do and I can’t really see or listen them, so I don’t know how to deal with it. Any advices?


Performing a banishing ritual, like the LBRP, before going to bed, and again upon awakening.


It could just be your body reacting from your awkward sleep schedule.

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It could be indeed but I don’t really think so, cause before I would go to sleep really early like 21h. And now I just can’t, even when I’m sleepy something is always bothering me

Then you probably should do a banishing, I would go with Lilith when banishing (my opinion).

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I never talked to Lilith before, is it a problem?

Or get some sage and call upon your spirit guide and Micheal the Archangel. You’ll clean that up!


Thanks, gonna get some sage in the morning


Legit all parts of house. And if you have a sigil open you arnt using then burn that. If it’s still bad you can DM me. It’s most likely just a astral critter. Lil boogers haha


I never sleep before 4am or if I do I always wake at between 3am hence it’s 3.56am here and despite taking half a dozen clonazepam lol anyway the previous occupants of my house used to hear little girls giggling on the landing outside the bedroom. Salt in water put you fingers it on the salt water and flick it on yourself then around every room in your house paying attention to the corners of each room. Salt each entry point to your home. You can do this if you want to rid your house of the entity or you can try and find out what it wants. If you feel it’s not going to hurt you it may want to you to talk to you. Good luck :heart:


I’m too scared to try to talk with it, also I can’t really hear anything, I can only communicate using a pendulum. And if I do it only on my room will it be enough?

i have the same problem but cause well hospital

Well if ur scared of it I would do the salt thing and get rid of it xx


thank you :heart:

its more then one but their children from wat the evp picked up the other day my daughter is in the hospital so we been there for awhile oh you can see wat it is by using the evp app

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Your welcome! Good luck with it! If u need any help with it let me god knows I’ve had enough experience with annoying and scary entities in my house!! Lol bloodynightmare! Ooh should have said sea salt is best to use x


Don’t talk with it, that gives it more energy. I’m seeing it as an astral ‘peeping Tom’ and it’s got to go! Burning Dragon’s Blood incense works well too. Smoke the rooms up like you do with sage then open doors and windows for it to leave.


Can I do it during the day? Cause I only feel it at night, so Idk if it still here on the day light.

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Yes, you can do any ritual in the day time (this is a general rule, and there are exceptions). A banishing ritual should be done at least twice a day, morning and night, as I said in my earlier post.

If you choose to smudge with cleansing incense like sage instead of performing a banishing ritual, you can also do it at any time of day. It changes the energetic environment, making it unwelcome to negative beings. However, once you have driven it away, you will need to set up wards to keep it from returning.


Fear feeds upon itself. You are scaring yourself.
Say fuck it, and if it wants to possess you, allow it.
Once you surrender, it will never fuck with you again.