Some unused rituals from the 6th & 7th Books Of Moses

The Black Raven Spirit Commando conjuring method.

I have never seen this ritual given in print. I wrote this from the instructions in the book as they’re given. They conjure spirits of great power.

Do this on the 3 full or new moon nights.

Draw the Faustian or Goetia demon seal you want to use with Butterfly Blood and standard India Ink.

Create the outer circle fig.109 in such a way that the demon’s sigil will fit within the outer circle as a wheel within a wheel. Then consecrate the sigil by reciting:

Ego NN. consecro, et benedico istum Circulum per Nomina Dei Attissimi in eo Scripta, ut sit mihi et omnibus Scutum et Protectio Dei Fortissimi + Elohim + Invincibilis contra omnes malignos Spiritus, eorumque Potestates. In Nomine + Dei Patris + Dei Filii + Dei Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Put the demon seal inside the circle while reciting

Tetragrammaton, Theos, Ischiros, Athanatos, Messias, Imas, Kyrie Eleison. Amen.

Recite one of the following, for protection or comfort:

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you say, “(Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name) is my refuge,” and you make (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name) your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
“Because he loves me,” says (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
Thou (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name) art the most holy, ruler over all that is revealed and hidden, exalted above all that is high.
Sanctify and glorify thy adorable name in this thy world so that all the nations of the earth may know that thine is the glory and the power, and that thou hast se­cured me from all distress.
But especially out of the painful emergency the object of the prayer, which has over­taken me NN.
And I herewith promise and vow that I will now and ever after the vow must be verbally stated.
Praised be (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), my Rock and my Salvation.
Thou wilt be my representative and intercessor, and wilt help me.
For thou helpest thy poor, feeble and humble creature, and in time of need releasest from fear and danger.
Thou dealest mercifully with thy people; merciful and forgiv­ing, thou hearest the prayer of every one.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
Praised art thou, (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), thou who hearest prayer.
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.

Or, if you prefer, use this conjuration from the Satanic Litanies by Baudelaire:

O you, the most knowing, and loveliest of Angels, a god fate betrayed, deprived of praises,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
O, Prince of exile to whom wrong has been done, who, vanquished, always recovers more strongly,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who know everything, king of the underworld, the familiar healer of human distress,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who teach even lepers, accursed pariahs, through love itself the taste for Paradise,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
O you who on Death, your ancient true lover, engendered Hope – that lunatic charmer!
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who grant the condemned that calm, proud look that damns a whole people crowding the scaffold,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who know in what corners of envious countries a jealous God hid those stones that are precious,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You whose clear eye knows the deep caches where, buried, the race of metals slumbers,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You whose huge hands hide the precipice, from the sleepwalker on the sky-scraper’s cliff,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who make magically supple the bones of the drunkard, out late, who’s trampled by horses,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who taught us to mix saltpetre with sulphur to console the frail human being who suffers,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who set your mark, o subtle accomplice, on the forehead of Croesus, the vile and pitiless,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
You who set in the hearts and eyes of young girls the cult of the wound, adoration of rags,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
The exile’s staff, the light of invention, confessor to those to be hanged, to conspirators,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!
Father, adopting those whom God the Father drove in dark anger from the earthly paradise,
O (Faustian or Goetia spirit’s name), take pity on my long misery!

Then conjure the General Citation of the Faustian or Goetia spirits.

Abahaym + Fogom + Holmay + Mogathoro + Zefgon + Stywo + Ykos + Rohahym + Quohawet + Fohowen + Kawahaym + Thabohym + Wowoke + Gohazaym + Ehowor + Phaghywem + Xehato + Fegaworo + Gohaym + Ekhowahym + Thago + Woghcroe + Yckato + Soahgo + Bebato + Howahym + Sywohay + Noghowe + Quohym + …

Repeat the Semiphoras of Adam:

Adonay Sabaoth, cadas adonay amara. Aly, Adoy, Sabaoth, amara.

From here, conjure your specific Faustian or Goetic spirit:

to conjure Barbuel ♄: Yschiros + Imas + Zebaoth + Otheos + Kuwethosorym + Zylohym + Zaday + Yschowe + Quyos + Xexhatoroway + Yzwesor + Xywoy + Yzyrye + Zalijmo + Zebaoth + Adonaij + Messias + Aglaabaij + Stoweos + Hijwetho + Ycoros + Zijwetho + Uwoim + Chamoweo + Zijzobeth + Sotho + Emnohaij + Zedije + Huwethos + Chorij + Yzquoos + Lijraije + Weghoijm + Xijxor + Waijos + Gofaijme + Toroswe + Ycijros + Emanuel + Imas + Barbuel.

to conjure Aziabel ♃: Thoeos + Ygweto + Yzgowoij + Quiseo + Wijzope + Xorsoij + Nowetho + Yzose + Haguthon + Xoro + Theos + Magowo + Wijzosorwothe + Xaroshaij + Zebaoth + Em­anuel + Messia + Yzijwotho + Zadaij + Xexhatosijmeij + Buwatho + Ysewet + Xijrathor + Zijbos + Malhaton + Yzos + Uzewor + Raguil + Wewot + Yzewe + Quorhijm + Zadob + Zibathor + Weget + Zijzawe + Ulijzor + Tetragrammaton + Aziabel.

to conjure Aziel :male_sign:︎: Agla + Cadelo + Samba + Caelem + Awenhatoacoro + Aziel + Xorwotho + Yzewoth + Xoro + Quotwe + Theosy + Meweth + Xosoy + Yschyros + Gaba + Hagay + Staworo + Wyhaty + Ruoso + Xuatho + Rumwe + Ruwoth + Zyros + Qualos + Wewor6 + Vegath + Wysor + Wuzoy + Moses * + Aziel.

to conjure Marbuel ☉: Adonay + Jehova + Zebaoth + Theos + Yzhathoroswe + Wehozymathos + Zosim + Yghoroy + Vegorym + Abaij + Wogos + Gijghijm + Zewoij + Ykosowe + Wothym + Kijzwe + Zijwoth + Omegos + Hehgewe + Zebaoij + Wezator + Zijbuo + Sijbetho + Ythos + Zeatijm + Woxoe + Sijwoijmwethij + Pharvoij + Zewor + Wefgos + Ruben + Hebathoroos + Stawowe + Zijen Zijwowij + Haros + Worso + Yzwet + Zebaoth + Agla + Marbuel.

to conjure Aniquel aka Anifel or Antiquel :female_sign:︎: Theos + Aba + Zaba + Aba + Agathoswaij + Yzoroij + Ywetho + Zardos + Quasoe + Uschijros + Cijmoe + Zowathim + Gefoij + Zarobe + Weghatlj + Phegathorowaij + Mesowe + Xalose + Weghathorsowe + Wephatho + Yzebo + Storijwethonaij + Quorathon + Sijbo + Mephor + Wijhose + Zaloros + Quetho + Zebathonaijwos + Zijweth + Ycarij + Ruwethonowe + Quiathosowaij + Zebaoth + Messias + Aniquel.

to conjure Ariel ☿: Yschyros + Theos + Zebaoth + Wyzeth + Yzathos8 + Xyzo + Xywethorowoy + Xantho + Wiros + Rurawey + Ymowe + Noswathosway9 + Wuquethowesy + Zebaoth + Xymo + Zvswethonowe + Yschyrioskay10 + Ulathos + Wyzoy + Yrsawo + Xyzeth + Durobijthaos11 + Wuzowethos12 + Yzweoy + Zaday + Yrswethwytho + Kamwoy + Yswo + Yzwothweth + Zaday + Zywaye + Hagathorwos + Yschyros + Imas + Tetragrammaton + Ariel.

to conjure Mephistopheles ☽: Messias + Adonaij + Weforos + Xathor + Yxewe + Soraweijs + Yxaron + Weghath + Zijbalor + Weghaij + Wesoron + Xoxijwe + Zijwohwowetho + Regathoswatho + Zebaoth + Adonaij + Zijwetho + Aglaij + Wijzathe + Zadaij + Zijebo + Xosthoy + Atlatho + Ysewey + Zyxyzet + Ysche + Sarsewu + Zyzyrn + Deworonhathbo + Xyxewe + Syzwe + Theos + Yschaos + Worsonbefgosy + Gefgowe + Hegor + Quaratho + Zywe + Messias + Abarabi + Mephistophiles.

to conjure the spirits of Air: Call the spirit’s name from the list: Agares, Pruflas, Barbatos, Marbas, Amon, Gusion, Botis, Parsan, Loray, Baathin, Eligos, Valefor.

to conjure the spirits of Fire: Call the spirit’s name from the list: Caim, Focalor, Gamigin, Orias, Lakohem, Amdusias, Alphar, Oborek, Ohazor, Thagono, Kozoros, Halphas, Bifrons, Zagan, Ulakor, Decarabia, Androci, Rodanor, Koborue, Wohokoi, Geksoro, Quohor.

to conjure the spirits of Water: Call the spirit’s name from the list: Wogoros, Laquethor, Hohozet, Gomholim, Wolgor, Zyboleth, Mogolhor, Storhoth, Kokosor, Bellwath, Molgorho, Phalho, Istowe, Stewoi, Falegoy, Fonhoikso, Gomory, Lamiwey, Howorge, Quothoi, Rorasthe, Eworke.

to conjure the spirits of Earth: Call the spirit’s name from the list: Foray, Nebiros, Zepar, Sitri, Belial, Bune, Berith, Furfur, Malphas, Sabnoc, Gohor, Styx, Ipos, Glasya Labolas, Beleth, Paymon, Ronove, Hohair, Furcas, Marho, Vebar, Sydon, Tewoh, Kuwori.

At the end of the spirit conjuration you use, recite the following:

Bohahyn + Thawogo + Gohayn + Hogogeth + Myharon + Wolahetowe + Thagohay + Fuloseth + Tetragrarnmaton + Adonay + Wogath + Rohawei + Defgoso + Nykowo + Hagowoh + Xehe + Fugohe + Zebaoth + Messias +++ Amen.

Light Myrrh and Frankincense incense and fumigate the seal, chanting the Altissima Dei Verba (The Binding of the Spirits):

Zijmuorsobet, Noijm, Zavaxo, Quehaij, Abawo, Noquetonaij, Oasaij, Wuram, Thefothoson, Zijoronaijwetho, Mugelthor, Yzxe, Aglopuaij, Huzije, Surhatijm + Sowe, Oxursoij + Zijbo, Yzweth + Quaij, Salarthon + Waij, Weahaij + Qijroe, Sardowe + Xoro, Wugothoswethij, Kakowe, Ykquos, Zehatho + Aba + . A + m + e + n.

Wait to feel the spirit’s presence.

When you see or feel the spirit, recite the Binding of Moses:

Zebaoth + Abatho Tetragrammaton + + + Adonaij + Abathoij + Xijhawe + Aglaij, Quohowe + Agla + Muijroshoweth + Phalowaij + Agla + Theos + Mes­sias, Zijwethororijm + Feghowo + Aba + Mowewo + Choe + Adonaij + Cewoe Christohatos + Tetragrammaton.

Give the spirit your Instructions when you feel its presence.

When you’re done, recite the Valedictio to release the spirit:

Zebaoth + Theos + Yschyros + Messias + Imas + Weghaymko + Quoheos + Roveym + Christoze + Abay + Xewefaraym + Agla + and now depart.


Repeat this ritual the 3 nights of the full or new moon.

This ritual is untested and needs work. Any additions would be greatly appreciated - the Spirit Commando is powerful work.