Some kind of journal

Two points need some additional elaboration about my dream this morning.

Firstly, the hallway and by extension the home I was in was one I grew up in. There’s some additional significance to that, but I won’t get into it as it’s better saved for a proper “pathworking journal” methinks…

I note it all the same so I can return to this for reference.

The second point, is that before I saw the group of shadows silhouettes, within the flashing fog/mist there was a moment that the dark figure seemed to have a hat on during one particularly bright flash in the fog.

Could that have been the Hat-man? (I’m not sure but in the dream I thought so…)

This morning since I was up early, and wanting to correct my lack of energy work (despite being told not to) I set about practicing some Qigong.

I only did about twenty minutes, as there was a continual prodding to finish early and not do too much.

I seem to get the feeling that if I do a lot of energy work right now I may end up “blowing a circuit”.

Has my energy body changed in some way I’m not consciously aware of that I need to be careful with?..

At lunch time I went to subway.

New employees…

Not the brightest crayons in the box either. It was quite pitiful seeing how my sandwhich got assembled and by the time it was finished, I was downright perturbed a bit.

When I sat down to eat, not only was it wrapped badly but it wasn’t cut in half and the vegetables wee all falling out.

I was irate but just tore the sandwhich in half and made the best of it.

Tbh, I was in a bad mood because of this and while lost in some mental revelry I was suddenly confronted by a deep voice:

"Hahaha, Why do you Rage?"

Me: hold on. What? You just gonna jump in my thoughts? Sigh
I dunno. At the end of it, I didn’t feel like making a scene, and it ends up being a bit of an impotent rage at best.

Can we not do this right now?

I then went about my day and the rage subsided and I let the whole thing go.

Though I couldn’t help but wonder if this was part of my current stuff. Hmmmm

Here, I need to backtrack a bit:

Returning to Mar 9 '21 Tues…

On a whim, I decided to grab the Shadownomicon and put it in my pack to carry around with me.

Upon grabbing it, I had a flashback…

See, last year I was prompted to start carrying the book in my pack for awhile.

One day I was pulled to go to a quiet place, pull the book out and turn to page 97, the entry on the black mote

Simultaneously with this flashback I remembered this:

I must go into some greater depth about this…

Off and on I was getting anxious due to the blackouts for some reason.

I started trying to pinpoint why this might be.

When I was around fifteen my family lived in a trailer.

It was the bush years, and the economy was bad. Dad wasn’t in the picture and money was tight.

At one point, we went without electricity for a good stretch .

This trailer (and the trailer park itself more than likely) had some bogeys…

And being stuck in the dark at night (flashlights not withstanding) wasn’t fun, on top of stress, depression, and other things.

In particular, it was when the family lived here that I would spend many nights racked with fear at an invisible presence that would stand just outside my door to my bedroom.

No matter how much I told myself there wasn’t anything there, I couldn’t convince my body otherwise.

I would cover myself in the sheets and try to remain as motionless as possible, trying to slow and still my breath paralyzed with fear and at times truly breathing quickly.

All the while I would feel presence so strongly that it seemed to be just on the other side of the sheet.

Many nights I couldn’t remember how I fell asleep, as I’d probably just lapsed into terrified exhaustion.

Other times I would feel the oppressive presence lift, convince myself that my mind was getting away from me, and go to bed after.

All this, is classic of the behavior or experiences of the shadow people, and the man with the hat…

Though I never “saw” anything…

(There was also plenty of other things but I won’t get into them here)

I was thinking of all that briefly in the hour or so before I saw this black orb fly by part of the room.

The first time it flew up at a 45° angle veered around in a sharp U turn and shot away the direction it came but ending further up then it started.

It was about the size of say, just smaller than a kids soccer ball.

I wanted to write this off the first time as floaters on my eye or something, but moments later it shot by again.

I kid you not, it looked just like what you might see on Ghost Adventures and their most compelling orb captures.

Blew. My. Mind.

It was a black orb which I’ve never really heard of so at the time I suspected that this could’ve been related to the shadows…

And, so…we return to my fhashback of the mote entry of the Shadownomicon.

Now let’s segueway into the following:

Returning to this Monday (Mar 8 '21),
I happened to be in the town where my family had lived in this trailer park.

On a whim, and with the shadows on my mind I decided to cruise by and check the place out …

It’s now seemingly abandoned, with naught but three boarded up condemned trailers, and one oddball one at the front that seems occupied, but otherwise a bunch of empty plots.

It was never a very good place to begin with, had a lot of wierdos, derelict trailers, and many nights there was just a vibe to the place that didn’t feel good or right.

The police would frequently patrol the second half of it too…

Now it’s kind of a big nothing.

Also, considering the internal rollercoaster I experienced Monday morning (I was all over the place, at one point I was anxious, at another point I felt like I wanted to give up, give up on anything and everything, at another point I felt like I was on the verge of being depressed), and the looks I was getting from co-workers only for everything to be fine later and the rest of the week (for the most part) I don’t have much doubt that it’s confirmation of contact with at the very least Legion.

Sunday, I’d been listening to the newly released legion mantra/enn with the book out after all…

And on that point I have to revisit this:

At some point a female voice came at me in a tone like an overbearing somewhat controlling woman.

“That is quite enough Of THAT! Stop this Nonsense!”

And then an annoyed silence when I basically said, “DENIED”.

I didn’t really think about it too much other than thinking that the tone I was hearing was kinda off (not something I’ve dealt with before)

Was it actually The Shadow Woman?..

I dunno.

Just some minutes ago I was prompted to remove the Shadownomicon from my pack.

Soon as I took it out, all kinds of tingles…

I’ll add one other thing since it just occurred to me.

Last year in July I believe.

I was going to watch the Hatman documentary.

But when I was going to put it on…

(Don’t watch the that)

Wtf? Why?

(Something will come…)

What…no way

I ended up getting so unnerved that I passed.

The next day I said, “fuck it I’m just psyching myself out…”

I put it on…

With the first 10 mins or so, something showed up.

The room had this odd tingly energy about it and there was definitely a presence permeating the entire apartment. It was a “pokey” energy and I could see a red sort of sparse static in the air (in my mind’s eye).

Despite this unnerving development I watched the entirety of the documentary.

The presence remained the rest of the night, and I went to sleep just a bit apprehensive but just kind of said “well shit, I didn’t expect that. I’m going to bed, I hope you’ve gone off somewhere else by morning…”

By morning everything was back to normal…

Had to edit something, hit word limit.

Had to cut and now paste the following:

Speaking of flashbacks, there was another one I had.

The strange laugh that seemed to channel through me the other night gave me a flashback later of sometime last year…
(It was a laugh of amusement)

Maybe…early summer? Late spring?

I was lying in bed.

It was the middle of the night and I was between waking and sleeping.

A sigh…
The kind of sigh someone makes when they’re trying to get someone to do something but they’re not doing it. In this case getting up.

Basically, a sigh was channeled through me so I could feel the spirits exasperation and dissapointment…

Alright, fine

What time is it?

3:(??) AM

Haha, why am I not surprised?

Mar 15 '21 ᛗ Monday:
(With amusement I must note that I go into talking about the self and I have the MANNAZ rune up here…)

This morning I dreamt some stuff, but the only thing that sticks out and seems noteworthy was this:

I’m about to take a shower, and I’m in the bathroom. Along with my usual pendants I wear most times, I’m wearing an additional inverted cross and possibly something else. I wonder at these new ones for a moment before I spy a pendant of the sigil if Asmodeus on the edge of the sink.

I pick it up gently, and say “Asmodeus” somewhat fondly, and say something I don’t remember…
I then kiss the pendant in respect and affection before placing the cord around my neck…

It’s funny cuz I had been thinking of asmodeus just the day prior in passing (and a few times on other days).

Another dream from a few days ago:

It’s a little fuzzy, but I was riding around in some crazy powered wheelchair.
There were military personnel all-over the place. Land and sea, milling about at stop signs and traffic lights.

My landlord who is a retired navy veteran was there conversing with some of these personnel also.

Eventually this gave way to me riding some bizarre form of motorcycle with large compartments under the seats for storage. Apparently some military model.

I came to be in a shack that seemed to have dogs stored in boxes that could be summoned out of them, as well as a few cats I believe.

There was a girl there and I was telling her she needed to hurry and that I and these “guardians” would stay behind for whatever was coming. (It seemed we wee to sacrifice ourselves for this girls safety).

Death, death has become a very present theme around me. It seems I need to process something around death. I feel that a part of me grieves or carries some burden within around death. It’s a bit of a strange feeling. Part of it seems to have to do with myself. Does a part of me grieve for the death of the self that has been? Is it a sadness or weight knowing that who I am must die? Is it the sacrifice of the self that got here, for the self that will come to be? Does part of me not want to let go? Is it the teen from my adolescence? (I feel this may be part of it) is it the young man who felt list, hopeless, and without aim in my youth?

I feel like I may have to figure out some kind of shamanic death rite.
To put the old to rest…

Yet another dream, this one from 2019:

“At some point a guy was saying something and I put an arm around him saying that I understood where he was coming from as I was a soldier and most people don’t know what it’s like carrying the dead around with you…”

This dream is from Oct 25, 2019 Friday two nights before the New Moon.

Curiously, this dream with all the military personnel occured around this last New Moon (Mar 13 '21 Fri).

Could it be that one of my past lives relevant to this incarnation was in fact a soldier? If we entertain this notion, could it be I have some deep psychic trauma/pain from a previous life that needs healing? Did I previously fight in some war? Is this a familial, collective memory (ancestral)? (There’s a tradition of the navy on my grandfather’s side, though he went against the norm and joined the army [he’s now deceased R.I.P]) Who can say…
Moreover, how do I explore this? Watch war docs? Go to war museums?

Friday evening I believe? At an urging I made an offering to Naamah.

I should’ve made offering to Lilith and Hekate around the moon, but I suck and failed to do so. Though Im not truly obligated, I do prefer to do so. “Keep your friends close”. I’ll make it up…

Last night I was going to call Abaddons, but was tired. Didn’t feel like doing an evocation. I was told he wouldn’t be happy with an invocation. I said “fuck it” and went to bed. 🤷
Admittedly, I might be a bit salty from the last time I called him and he gave me a bit of a hard time. Haha

I’m still a bit frustrated about the whole thing with being told to go easy on energy work.

Honestly, the last couple of days have been fairly chill (read lazy).

I feel stuck, unmotivated, and these current developments make feel, “meh”.

There seems to be unadressed blockages from years ago.

Sat night, against my better judgement I decided at the last minute as it felt like I was supposed to somehow, to try some chemognosis DXM.

Ultimately, while that got me somewhere it wasn’t really that strong a trip. I’m rather nonplussed by the whole thing. I might try again next weekend at a higher dose but kind of don’t care to…

I’ve also been on a fast since Saturday morning.

I’ve had naught to eat except some avocadoes here and there. It just feels like something I need to do. I might go the whole week. Maybe more. I’m sure it’s all part of the alchemy.

Something I’ve noticed that I don’t really understand. Today and the day before I’ve been getting this tightness in my belly. So that I’m not bringing air into my diaphragm.

A fear response? Almost like a deep anxiety is acting in my body. However, I have no conscious fear or anxiety. I believe it’s related to all this death stuff that’s been coming up.

This morning I had a bout of this and actually became short of breath.
Maybe I should cut back on caffeine while I fast…

Additionally, some part of me has been feeling this off and on sort of sadness. Again, this isn’t a consciouss sadness. It comes from somewhere within.

Something I didn’t really get to the bottom of…

As previously mentioned, I had reason to believe that I was possibly under some ongoing psychic attack.

After diminishing this a good deal I decided to call on Suhgurim to do something about it.

Again, he was very clear and forthcoming that if I wasn’t careful I could have unforeseen consequences.

I gave him my most cautious answer and decision after debating it for a bit.

Ultimately, I have no idea what came off this but just now while going over it I was told “It has been neutralized…”.
I can’t quantify this or what it means or what may have actually happened. :person_shrugging:
Tbh, I acted from the standpoint of better safe than sorry. No one died. I seem to have no issues outside of anything I may do or be doing. All’s well that ends well, I suppose…

Things I need to try:

As previously stated, I have a bunch of minor/lesser servitors. For now, they sleep except when they are tasked by their “mother” at her discretion according to her parameters. I check on them now again and ask her how they are.

Last time I did this, I got an impression off her like a mother hen diligently and lovingly tending her best. Interesting.

I’ve entertained the notion of seperating some of these in order to “graduate”, or “evolve” them into more fully fledged servitors (not sure what this would entail, or if it would be harder than making a new one, though I’d prefer to use one that’s already been around awhile and has a fair bit of life and time on it already).

As of yet, they remain a bit untested. I’d like to put them in action on something, and still need to program some kind of gate that I can call them to or station them with.

Ideally I would like to feed them parasites. For now, the only parasites they may encounter are any that come near the temple, which frankly I’ve never been aware of anything of the sort being around. Oh, well…

I could probably use some more servitors with different duties delegated to them…

Something else I’ve been meaning to do:
I’m pretty sure I want to invite an Ubi into my life. I feel that I need a good copilot, and ubis are to my estimation a cut above a familiar.

I feel some internal resistance though.
Some inner blockage keeps me from commiting to it.

I also have at least two channeled sigils that I need to activate from months ago.
One for a female spirit, the other for what felt to be a male spirit.

There was just a knock at my door, and I had to go outside to Look at my vehicle.

Apparently the landlord bumped it.
He says he’ll pay for anything I need to do though.

Just some very minor stuff. Replace one or two parts.


Funnily enough, this has occurred after I did a banishing today. (I don’t usually do banishings, not really my thing but I won’t discuss that here).

There is another curious but of circumstance as I was out there with the landlord and a girl who I know nothing about. I may have to dig in to something, but for my own reference I note it here as well as the banishing I did. Very interesting

Additional note:
I performed the banishing from Asenath Mason’s tree of qliphoth.

Don’t have it memorized so I had to go from the book a bit.

I was critiqued with:

(“Not good enough”)

It was sufficient enough to work though right?

(“Yes. But you need to practice. No book.”)

I understand.

(“You need to start banishing more regularly”)

Because of the energies I’m working with?

I don’t remember what the response to this was. I remember it feeling like there was a slightly conflicting/ed answer.

Final note:
I have the LBRP memorized, and I could’ve theoretically just winged it for a demonic version (I don’t want conflicting energies in regards to my current work), but wanted to go with Asenath Mason’s because it also calls on the four queens, Agrat, Mahalath, Naamah, and Lilith.

Mar 16th '21 ᛏ Tues:

Last night I made offerings to both Hekate and Lilith.

I kinda got a wierd impression from Hekate when I was done. Seemed good but there was something else going on. I dunno…🤷

Lilith wanted a good bit of blood and I obliged.

I was feeling a lot of energy when I was preparing the black candle. It was quite enjoyable to feel that energy.

As I started to smear my blood on the candle I could sense her enthusiasm (“Yessss! Gooooddd!”).

Some of the dried blood flaked off a bit as I stood the candle up after dripping wax on my new pillar candle holder I acquired. I consider this a sort of christening as Lilith is the first to recieve an offering on this.

I sprinkled the dried blood flakes into the flame…

Not much to say about today.

Kinda stressing out about having to get my ride dealt with. Ugh

I broke my fast today. I’ll return to fasting though. Today’s the most I’ve had in four days.

Something I haven’t put down here:

Some week ago, I was getting candles ready for my altar. Votives, three…

I have three personal sigils.

One is my main one, the other is the original sigil (second being an evolution of the first).

And the third is a runic version I received a couple years ago through rather spontaneous and intense inspiration while doing some kind of craftwork with clay.

The first two I originally came up with around ten years ago while working graveyard shift. I’d drawn them on receipt paper and had kept the originals behind my driver’s license in my wallet for nine years.

I still have the originals which I blooded last year, and they now sit in my “grimoire” (I actually really suck at the grimiire thing and it’s really a mini journal with some sigils, and a few other things).

Anyway, I was imbuing these candles with energy. I would then “wake up” my personal sigils and link them to the candles or lace them underneath as I would push energy into the candles to consecrate them with the energies of my sigils and finally would blood these candles. These will be my working candles to invoke my energies more strongly upon my altar.

The first and original sigil I intuitively pushed energy into that seemed to sort of decide itself without too much thought on my part curiously.

A lot of dark or heavier energy. Something that merits exploring I suppose.

The second one (main sigil) took me completely by surprise.

I hardly did anything before it shot out this intense white beam of light into my chest that would have the occasional pulse. If anything this sigil seemed to feed energy into me instead. I was a bit awed tbh.

The third one being the newest needed a bit of work to get going and honestly the impression I was getting is it has a more specific use. Needless to say I didn’t do too much with this one and kept it simple.

Last week, I called on Archangel Michael a couple times.

The first time he showed up so fast that I had to think about it.
“Hold on…wait…that was fuckin fast. Am I bullshitting myself right now?”

I needed to ask him about something.

He ended up being a bit of a hardass about it. Lol (I hadn’t experienced this side of him before, only heard about it.)

I was a bit nonplussed about it but realized there wasn’t much point in arguing.

Michael’s words: “Tough”

This coming full moon I plan on making and consecrating the sanctuary candles for the Shadownomicon.

I feel like I got to do it the way it says in the book.

I was shooting for possibly making first formal contact this new moon but was repeatedly told I was jumping the gun.
All things in due time I suppose…

Mar 19 '21 ᚠ:

Had a bit of a nightmare last night.

I was in a very dark setting and there seemed to be a forest.

Something about the shadows and darkness, something was in them.

All I really remember is that after fending off something I couldn’t see, I saw a dark misty (staticky) looking shadow shoot by me on my right and I woke up suddenly with a bit of a start.

The night was still young, so I drifted off to bed again.

This seemed to carry over into the next dream.

There was some odd stuff.

Me going into a store, then some kind of strange gym with a ramp that went fairly high.

At some point I was cruising around the streets and I may have gone near some strange junkyard with a bunch of huge trees that I’m pretty sure has occurred in a dream before…but I don’t feel like looking for it at the moment (it’s in this journal somewhere).

At some point Im around some people that give off that sort of quaint village vibe.

I don’t recall the exact circumstances but someone got irate with me for having been near “that strange place with the trees!”

At some point I’m in what seems to be some kind of sleeping area with multiple beds, and people in the beds (mostly children).

There’s a lot of fear and talk of “the shadows!” Which only seem able to do anything in the shade or dark corners.

Someone seemed to blame me for having caught the attention or bringing the presence of these shadows.

I begin to draw the rune Thurisaz with my right hand in the air while vibrating its name (Galdr).

Normally I use a low intonation, but in this dream that wasn’t working and after a couple of tries I then started to vibrate it’s name in a rather high tone very much like the elven singing in Lotr sort of.

As I did this, I could actually feel my physical vocal cords tightening as if I was really doing it.

After this, the sense of darkness and fear lifted.

Apparently, the next day there was some kind of community event.

This seemed to center around frogs, and there was a lot of frogs.

The focus seemed to be where the frogs were going or supposed to go. Was it a fertility thing? I dunno.

Somehow, I knew these people were druids. They looked almost like Amish without the beards and a little less old fashioned, but having that quaint, communal, village vibe.

Whatever these proceedings were, they seemed to consider me as being a type of priest or something and wanted me to preside over whatever this was they were doing.

I was like, “ok, I guess?” (It seemed objections wouldn’t get me far)

I tried to help one frog, but was told not to.

No interference must take place as the frogs “migrate” (or whatever they were doing), and it seemed like there was some importance on what direction the frogs took and how many of them took it.

At some point I woke up.

(Note: yesterday evening I was watching JoJo’s bizarre adventure. The episodes where Giorno Giovanna has to fight the stand that can only operate within the shadows. I wonder if this had an influence on the shadows in my dreams… :thinking:)

Just for fun, I found this:

Mar 23 '21 Tues ᛏ:

This morning I had a dream visitor and it was a rather pleasant interaction, but I keep the details private. All the same I note it for reference.

The last two days I couldn’t remember my dreams but seemed to recall something being wierd about them and important details having stood out. I just don’t remember what…

Sat Mar 27th '21:

Where to start?

Was it yesterday?

I had a wierd dream I was under an overpass or something…

There were a bunch of crows there and I started trying to communicate with them by cawing.

I forgot this dream til I was about to head to work and noticed a crow was incessantly cawing outside.

Later at work, using Spotify I decided to listen to one of the daily mixes (usually don’t) and at some point “the blackest crow” by Megadeth came on. Couldn’t help but laugh…

Thursday I received my silver plate candlestick that I’ll consecrate with the sanctuary candles for the Shadownomicon. Starting tonight, and the next two nights :waxing_gibbous_moon::full_moon::waning_gibbous_moon:
The only issue I have is determining a good spot outdoors where I won’t be disturbed. Failing that, there’s the window I suppose…

Lot of number synchronicities Thursday.

Went to a local shop to procure a selenite tower. (Thursday)

When I got back on the road I ended up pulling up behind a blacked out jeep truck with “666” on the license plate.

Earlier in the week I had woke up in the middle of the night. Heard some kids making a lot of noise outside but went back to bed.

As I was in bed between waking and sleeping I had the distinct sensation of being able to feel 3 different energies near me.

In my sleepy daze I was under the impression that I could feel the energies of the people outside across the street. Now however I’m inclined to think the energies were coming from my nearby altar. I dunno…But it was a very distinct experience for sure.

Broke my fast yesterday. Today I had one larger meal but that’ll be it.

Recently, I may have inadvertently threw a minor curse at some folks. I don’t know for sure though, could be coincidence. (As I was writing this, unless it was a floater, a small little black shape moved across my vision. Hmmmm at any rate, I make note of it)

This time last week I was in another city and there was a display with military history stuff, mainly mannequins in WW2 clothing.

I couldn’t shake the impression that there were actually people in front of me somehow. There were old photos by the mannequins, and my gaze was directed towards a mannequin in a navy uniform for some reason.

I went to another display window but felt nothing from the other mannequins.

Interestingly before coming up to the initial window the people who had been looking before me were remarking how the mannequins “felt real” and were “creepy”.

I’ve had a similar experience some years ago looking at a samurai exhibit at a museum.

One suit if armor felt like someone was inside it looking at me. This was before I had ever truly worked on my senses. I couldn’t shake the feeling til I walked away and returned some minutes later, at which time it just felt like an empty suit of armor…

Off and on I get these small waves of depressive energy that rise up within me.

I let them rise, I observe them, I don’t engage and I let them pass. Though sometimes I get a little sucked in.

I know it has something to do with the healing I asked for. Some older issue or patterns I haven’t truly resolved or got rid of. Intuitively, I sense a lot of it comes from my teen years (I think).

What I don’t get, is there seems to be this big thing around DEATH that seems to cause grief to some part of me within. How funny. I was veritably obsessed with death when I was younger. I’ve never been the type to shun or shy away from death as a reality or concept.

And yet…
I seem to have unresolved internal issues around death?

A thought just now. My grandmother on my father’s side died when I was 11. I never really knew her, but I cried like a baby. Somebody died. Death is the end. Death means no more. Gone.

While I don’t runaway from it (these depressive moments) or try to drown it with some coping mechanism or other, at the same time I don’t think I’m truly dealing with it in any productive manner. I might be overthinking though. I acknowledge and accept it at any rate. With more time it may become more clear.

Losing my train of thought here

Hmmmm…was it wed? Or Thurs?

I decided to play abbadons enn, and light some incense for him.

I grabbed my mala and recited a round of his enn with a couple breaks in between.

I felt a lot of energy, and I seemed to be getting a lot of minor partial possession. My head was being moved around.

At some point I got:

“Invite me” (into the temple/home)

Really? (Aren’t we being formal)

“Invite me”

(Very well) **Abbadon! I invite you into my space and home, and invite your energies! For your teaching and guidance with the tasks at hand, and the path that now lays before me. Abbadon, I invite you here.

“Very good” (I sensed a very calm sort of pleased sensation)


(In-between my at times laziness, I’ve been chomping at the bit with things)

Despite my initial impression that Abbadon may be a bit difficult or trying, he actually comes off as rather calm and confident. Though, I would say he has a certain strictness to him depending on circumstance rather a bit like what I’ve gotten from Azazel. Perhaps a bit moreso

This same day, I was asked to invoke Abbadon while I was working, and after doing so was asked to call Belial.

I took some annoyance with all this because, well, I was at work. So I honestly didn’t really see the point.

I did it anyway though. :person_shrugging:

Seems I’ve hit a snag with tonight’s consecration of the sanctuary candles…

It’s fuckin cloudy now. Sunny and clear all day, but now

Not only that but it might rain.

So, I either call it a bust and wait for the next full moon (if I want to be by the book, but fuck man that’s an entire month of setback), stay up and wait for the clouds to clear (might be a long night), go ahead under the cloud cover and try to channel the moons light anyway, or buck the whole process and improvise some kind of energy work (though perhaps keeping the prescribed method the next two nights).

I suppose I could just suck it up and wait a moon.

The book is clear that if the setup gets disturbed then you’re probably not ready and should wait. Maybe this situation applies similarly…

I believe I’ll stay up late though, and see if it doesn’t clear. I can be rather stubborn depending on circumstance.

I should charge up my servitors though…kind of feel like I’ve been neglecting them a bit.

Sun Mar 28th '21 ᛊ:


So, last night I went to sleep around 11 or so (I’ve been pretty good about keeping a regular “bedtime” so I naturally start to feel very tired around 9 or so).

Sky was still cloudy when I went to bed, but I set an alarm for 2:55 with the intention to wake in the middle of the night. Must’ve slept through it, cuz that didn’t happen.

I woke up to my regular alarm though, and looking up at the sky, it seems it must’ve cleared at some point but the dawn was imminent and the book calls for 3 hours direct moonlight…


I feel like I should just soldier in though.
Maybe do a makeup night on the 29th.

Bottom line, it’s just gotta be direct and strong moonlight, the rest is largely symbolic of the moons waxing, full, waning, cycle.

Whatever, I’ll continue regardless I less I get some intuition otherwise.

Tues Mar 30th '21 ᛏ ᛜ :

This song was stuck in my head the other day…

At some point I was talking to some one I haven’t seen in a long time at a place I used to work.

She was excited, telling me about a new job and opportunity she had somewhere (I believe up north). She then asked me if I wanted to come with her up north. My first thought was (would, that I could). I explained to her that I wasn’t willing to take the risk with next to no plan, though I certainly would like to leave everything behind. I wanted to tell her that our paths are too dissimilar and I can’t follow her where she’s going but thought better of it. It would only have been a waste of time.

While looking around in the store I saw my oldest journal sitting on a shelf (fuck, how did that get there!?). It had numerous loose pages and stuff, stuffed in or poking out (was it *always this full?).

I’m outside at some point. I’m walking a dirt road surrounded by fields. Wheat? Some kind of grass (kind of felt like small pickets of Elysium in the middle of a town). I come across a mother quail and her two chicks. I picked one of these chicks up, don’t remember the rest of this interaction.

I’m talking to some girl. Did I know her? I’m helping find something? It’s fuzzy…

End dreams.

I had a problem in trying to consecrate the sanctuary candle. I couldn’t figure a good place to leave it under the moons light where it wouldn’t get messed with or I wouldn’t stand out. I opted for the window (very less than ideal) and worked on bringing the moons energy through my crown and filtering it into the implements, afterward leaving them by the window to catch what moonlight they could. The following night I fell asleep and failed to give it more charge. Utter failure (perhaps I’m being dramatic, then again maybe I’m just not ready yet). Lack of planning and forethought kinda got me here. Maybe it’s ok. I’ve been repeatedly under the impression that I’m jumping the gun. We’ll see. If I need to be acting on this right now, they can damn well give me a sign or bitchslap me. :person_shrugging:

Inspired by a recent thread and comments therein, I decided to fire off a spell to attract a particular target to myself. Really it’s just an experiment to see if I can draw someone to me. It was a simple candle spell, but I definitely felt that click. Now, we wait.

Per haps a bit ironically the target in question appeared in a Rather strange dream awhile back. Could it be I’m playing into something else? Who is drawing who in? Then again, that may just be bullshit. Well, anyway…

I’ve been a bit moody lately. Frustration. I feel stuck. I hate feeling stuck. This morning I was cycling back and forth between low-key anger and mild bouts of depressive feeling.

The other day I was doing a new Qigong routine and when I was storing in the Dan Tien I quickly had a sensation of being full. Is it that I can generate more energy than I can take in? Or that I have a lot of latent energy? At any rate, trying something new I decided to focus on an intent and send that out hopefully taking that extra energy into action. “I invite abundance”

I kind of want to experiment with sending energy to people.


April 1st Thursday (ᚦ) '21:
April fool’s day

Lunatic Tarot - The Fool

This will be the last entry in this journal.

Yesterday would’ve been, but I didn’t and perhaps its more fitting this way.

Returning to 0 (the fool)…

At the end, is a new beginning and another mountain to climb. The cycle begins anew, things are put away, and new things are taken up.

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