Solomon pentacles question

Solomon pentacles question
I can use it like an iron
iron powder that is sold for moving magnets?

I’m afraid I don’t understand this question. Could you rephrase it into a complete sentence? And what is “an iron”. (I assume you don’t mean an iron for ironing closes, iron :slight_smile: )

This is “an iron”:

iron as a metal

Can I use iron powder instead of iron metal?

sorry english is not my native language :joy:

Yes, iron powder is iron metal ground into fine particles. Also called “iron filings” (used to be made by using a file on a solid piece of iron).

thanks, I found out that it is more difficult to get real iron these days, even ordinary construction nails do not all contain pure iron

Look for “cast iron” or “wrought iron” antiques…

I get railroad spikes and horseshoes on eBay, or you can get “cast iron” cookware, also trivets are nice, scale weights, decor, doorstops…(A trivet is a stand for putting irons and hot pans on: Irons used to be solid objects of iron that you heated on the stove, not the electric machines they are today, and they were hot so they had a trivet to put them on so they didn’t scorch the table you were ironing on.

Trivets often look iron-shaped but they also come in round shapes for cookware and novelty shapes.

This one is cool (not vintage but “vintage-style”):

I used the search “cast iron vintage”. Also try “wrought iron vintage” but you’ll get a lot of tools on that one. A hook could work though as it will be small. Maybe you could work some symbolism into the hook concept? :thinking:

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I’ll look into it, thanks

I wonder if more people are troubled by the Fae now with the absence of true iron these days :thinking:

It might be better for some, as many modern houses contain steel in the construction, such as in the rebar and steel girders. I do see that steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, and the carbon part is around 2%, but I’m feeling that’s more repellent than less.

I’ve read that steel does not have the same repellent effect as true iron on Fae and other creatures because steel is man-made while iron occurs naturally and is then merely shaped by man.

In the same vein, is a modern aluminum and steel horseshoe as effective in repelling bad luck as a traditional iron one?

With the scarcity of the traditional metals of folklore these days, do the modern substitutions have the same occult strength?

I don’t have a comparison, except for the old railroad spike I have salvaged from a local dilapidated line. My feeling is, if it is less effective, even so it does the job. It’s not completely useless, but you do have to put intention into the symbolism as well to make it fully functional as a ward. As long as it works with magnets, that seems to be the important part, as that’s what does the work to disrupt subtle energies as they try to get near it.