Solo sex magic/ masturbation

I have recently started doing solo sex magic , visualising goal when orgasm is approaching and after oragasm stating my intent.

But results are not strong.

How do can I get more potent results using it ?

What are your experience with sex magic …

How effective is it in making someone full of romantic passion for you ?



I find talking to the person helps.


Wow that was so helpful… thats the reason I am on a Magic forum


Lol, he he he, mind control is a difficult and daunting task. Especially when using magick for it. You are far better off doing magick to make yourself, confident, charming, and attractive. Then you don’t have to spend countless hours attempting to mind control each and every girl into liking you. Instead your personality will attract them and they will actually be liking you for who you are.


The girl is my girlfriend who has acting cold and distant…so …thats why I was asking about romantic passion


That makes it all more complicated, how long you been with her?

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Nearly 1 year


Cut your losses and move on would be my first instinct because there’s no sense in making someone who isn’t happy stay with you. Do you suspect she might be cheating? Most people start to cheat after about a year. This is why monogamy is a big fucking joke. People get bored of the same person day in day out just like you would get tired of eating the same meal day in day out. She’s probably just over it and perhaps you should be too.


I chuckle like a freaking maniac here :joy:


Making some one fall in love with you romantically is not easy. It’s possible but not easy. I did a working to obtain the girlfriend I desired, she loved me but after six months we broke up and became enemies like hell. I hated her deeply and she did too…
The energy that had influenced her into loving me had subsided. And things fell apart. But what do you truly want? Sex or love? If it’s sex cmon man sex magick is so easy even the uninitiated do it. But if it’s love magick, do it, it will happen, but once it does, keep re-doing it so that it can continue working on the victim.
Most Hollywood stars practice Love Magic that’s why most celebrity couples break up after a short while


Well I’m not sure that’s the most powerful magick for love/lust but your likely to get an opportunity to interact and begin a relationship but Sigil magick is not for influencing people. I use the method in Chaos magick by Adam blackthorn. If you want an advanced version but still VERY simple. Then also get the book sex magick by Damon brand. The way I do sigil magick is I use Adams method for creating the Sigil, but before I masturbate to send it to gnosis, I add Damon’s angelic sigil to Empower the ritual. It’s very easy so don’t get alarmed. It acts as a quick way to boost your energy of the ritual that replaces the middle pillar or any energy work. Then i do the sigil magick as described in Adams book. Every single time I’ve used this technique (yes every time, I have it written in my occult journal) I’ve gotten results within 2-4 days of the ritual. Of course like All magick, have no expectations and don’t lust for results. :wink:


Yes that’s true… but my relationship with my GF didn’t started because of magic. So she naturally Loved me.

Thanks for the reply

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I have Damon Brand’s book … but I havent read about angelic sigil in it ? Was it meant for couple sex only??

Hard truth, i like it

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It’s in the beginning of the sex magic book. I believe it’s called sexual trance or something I don’t remember

If she is acting cold or distant then invoke Venus to strengthen your love. Or you can call on sallos or beleth to strengthen love. If you have magickal seduction then use ritual 2 to make her fall in love with her. You should follow that up with talking to her like Adam says

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I’ll risk being offensive and suggest that the vibe you’ll give off from whacking it to magick isn’t going to get her back.

You need your sex energy to draw her back in.

IMO you would do better to read some PUA sites and get opinions from those than trying something like this, that reeks of desperation - never a good look, regardless of your sex or sexual preference. I’m just trying to put myself in her shoes and how I’d have felt if I found out someone did that. it would totally put me off them for life.


I agree with lady eva, here.

The thing is, her acting cold and distant can mean many different things, maybe she’s in some hard situation’s and not open to you about, maybe she haves other issues.

or maybe something has been missing between you.

Since i studied PUA on my walk into power, i can tell you the core inner principles, so you woun’t need to waist a dime into canned material, and opener seminar’s and all that crap.


That’s all.
The whole formula.

The secret, hidden formula, they could close all their buisness if that’d be out on the street’s. Ok?
That serious.

Trust, Comfort, Connection, Sexual Escelation.

Look those word’s up.
Each one.

Those are looped:

TCC > SE > TCC > SE > TCC > SE > TCC >…

If that doesn’t work, go into divination about it!




I assume you’re using Grant Morrison’s wank technique, from DISINFO’s Book of Lies and his own book Pop Magic.

Ok, no disrespect, but that technique doesn’t work for many beginning Chaos magicians due to lack of understanding its psychological foundations.

Grant didn’t explain the roles hypnosis and sex magick play in launching a sigil properly. Grant’s wank technique falls into the category of being good for him but not for you, due to you not understanding things he takes for granted (no pun intended).

Here’s the deal:

Trance depth is the key to effective sex magick sigilization, which happens at a trance level at or beyond open-eyed somnambulism. Without the trance depth, a sigilized intent doesn’t generate enough psychic or psychological force to affect reality.

Also, orgasmic trance comes on slowly in waves through edging technique. This takes time. Edging usually requires 20 - 45 minutes for the trance to take over the mind and body enough to generate full-body orgasms, which are a tell that you are in the proper state.

The blocks for men and women in attaining orgasmic trance are as follows:

  • Sexual stimulation causes men to ejaculate quickly, before orgasmic trance is achieved.
  • Women generally suffer from physical tension and shallow breathing, both of which cause their minds to wander instead of focusing on the sigil.
  • Neither men nor women understand the importance of focusing through the entire waiting period until orgasmic trance sets in. This lack of persistence squanders the ritual entirely or causes it to sputter to a halt instead of gaining momentum.

With this in mind, troubleshoot reasons your solo sex magick sigils didn’t work for you:

  • If you have tried to launch a sigil using masturbation and you didn’t stimulate yourself for at least 20 minutes straight, you didn’t get through the waiting period required to generate orgasmic trance. You therefore didn’t generate enough mental force for your Intention to impress itself upon reality.
  • If you lost your focus due to either ejaculation or tension/mind wandering, the orgasmic trance state slipped through your fingers and your work was in vain.

Two exercises for you to fix the issue of doing this type of magick work:

  1. Prepare by drawing a black dot on a piece of paper. Breathe deeply and repeat a mantra while staring at the dot for 30 minutes. Don’t allow your eyes to lose contact with the dot the entire time, and don’t let your mind wander. This trains you to have the type of focus you need to launch a sigil properly. When you can do this, you have enough discipline to focus long enough to launch a sigil.

  2. The proper technique for launching sex magick sigils is the Lashings Of Azathoth (aka the Suffering Of Pan) ritual, which is found in Frater Elijah’s Chaos Kung Fu grimoire.

In launching a sigil using Lashings Of Azathoth:

  • Men, do not stimulate your penis in doing solo sex magick. Instead, stimulate your prostate gland for a minimum of 20 minutes. This technique is called milking.
  • Women, stimulate your cervix (the deep spot) for a minimum of 20 minutes. You may need a partner to do this for you, while supporting your deep breathing and focus with you.
  • Both genders: focus on your sigil and repeat your mantra without breaking focus or letting your mind wander.
  • Orgasmic trance will come to you in waves. You’ll feel it come in, hit, and fade over and over again until you’re at the point where it sets in and stays. This can take between 20 and 45 minutes. You’ll know when it hits because you no longer have problems concentrating, and you begin having hard full-body orgasms. It’s important at that point to keep your eyes open and continue to push through with your request and mantra.
  • When the proper trance state hits, it will fucking HIT. There will be no mistaking it. Then you can launch the sigil. In orgasmic trance, your focus is heightened and the world feels softer. I don’t know how to describe it, but the air and reality around you feels soft and moldable, like playdough or cotton candy. Also, you feel like the entire universe is within your room. In that state, you focus on your goal and speak it into existence, sending it out with your mind as strongly as you can.
  • As you come down, repeat that you’re going to forget what just happened. ‘How quickly will i forget this happened.’ etc.

Try launching a sigil for any desire using these modifications to Grant’s technique, and see the difference they make.

As usual, let us all know the results you achieve doing this work.


Exactly. I make up a sigil using the regular way as well, then once I’ve drawn it. I masturbate and the exact moment I reach climax I focus on and imagine my sigil being charged with my energy and sent off to the universe. Then I quickly destroy it and voila.

This is how I got many things including my current apartment in a tough market full of competition.

Your alternative method for charging sounds interesting. Though I’m not really into angels.

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