So I was just attacked by another practitioner

It was cute. They sent a half-baked servitor to try and harm me, ‘a test, a challenge’, that’s what it said it’s purpose was.

Long story short, I forced it to confront its own meaninglessness, not even being named, and gave it a choice. Either to return to the one who sent it, or I transform it and give it proper purpose and a name.

It chose to be recreated, so I reforged it into a clean slate, then formed it into a dove with the goal to bring joy to those on hard times they were forced into, and then I named it Hope.

Then I confirmed it’s purpose and set it loose to fulfill it’s new directive.

I’m not sure who sent it, but I feel like it was someone from the DKMU, based on some stuff I posted recently in one of their pages online and how their members often use slapdash fire and forget servitors. In any case, it was cute, but now I have to do something so they get the message not to screw with me. So gg random guy throwing servitors around, take the fat L you just earned.


Yeah, I basically steered him into a path of struggle and misfortune, at least for the next few weeks or months. This manipulating the paths of other people is a bit new to me still, so either he gets two weeks of frustration and bad things, or two months instead…


My thoughts while reading:

… Does THAT even count as an attack? xD

You stopped it so easily, and gave it a 10x better purpose.

Go you.


@Ryce It was trying to pull/feed from me, so it would be an attack.

I was amused at how weak it was too. I mean, it was at least strong enough to make a physical sound that I heard, tapping on my nightstand next to my bed, but that could have been from it feeding off of my presence to strengthen itself before I noticed it.

As far as what I did, it seemed a waste to just destroy it, and if I sent it back to it’s old master, it would have been cast aside or used for another meaningless thing, hence the new purpose. I actually let it choose what happened to it too, because it felt right.

In any case, thank you for the compliment.

I still may have accidentally fucked the guy who sent it over a bit harder than I meant to though.


Loved what you did here, mate.

Did you learn who it was who tried to attack you?


Some nobody from the DKMU. I didn’t care to get a name or anything, just hit them with a casual fuck you for a few weeks or months and moved on.


I’ll go ahead and admit I had to google DKMU.

Anyway, thanks for the answer.

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Edgy chaos mages who have a penchant for sigil wankery and servitor/thoughtform/egregore shenanigans. Some of their members are cool, but then a fair amount of them are just going nowhere in their practice.


Yeah, kind of what I read. “War on reality”. That’s isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve read today, but come on!


Their goal isn’t a bad one, trying to forcibly change the world to make everything magickal and different. More or less wanting everyone to be aware of magick and spiritual phenomenon.

It’s their methods that make them edgy. Sigilbombing public places to cause spiritual activity and awaken normies to magick, and making really silly egregores that are stupid and make everyone stop taking them seriously.


I see. Why then they call it “war on reality”?? I know it sounds less pretentious than “Enlightment”, but it is kind of misguiding.

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Who knows? In any case, this was an interesting diversion from the usual shenanigans that I have to deal with.


I tried to create a servitor for the purpose of telling me I was dreaming. It didn’t work.

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Lucid dreaming is something that some people just can’t really do no matter what they try. I can’t do it either. But speaking of, I really should be off to sleep.

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Jajja, I get it. Have a good night, man.

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The best kind of counter-curse. :smiley:

Also, good on you for re-purposing the servitor. I’m curious though… .how did it express making the choice to be re-purposed? :slight_smile:


I talked to it. It was aware enough to communicate, so I simple talked and asked.


Honestly, I only really noticed that it was there because I felt the feeling that I was being drained, like a vampiric tendril into my left shoulder. I don’t know if it was the servitor itself or just a remnant of some past stuff reacting to the servitor trying to drain from me.

I’m just happy I noticed it before I did another ritual/working, because it would have been destroyed outright in that instance without being noticed at all.


That is awesome. Repurpose a servitor sent to attack you. Nice.



And it’s great, I just asked how Hope is doing, and she seems happy with her new role.

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