So I have a question for you all or, those interested in reading

And I have a feeling that those interested in reading are not the ones I intended the question for but it’s okay.
So I see all this website ( and others ) a full hype of life, people chatting about things that until not long ago were very hush hush. So how come all of this is so easy now and it wasn’t in the past? I mean 15 years ago one in a hundred was able to give a vivid experience with spirits. Today its like every kid on the block knows all about it. I dare say I know the reason, the veil is weaker so it is indeed easier to experience all these things, but how come everyone now is an expert? What changed? I keep wanting help for this one matter and I can’t find anyone who’d help me with it… lol


Well, this is weird.

I don’t think everyone is now an expert. I think we are all learning and progressing at different paces and levels.

The veil is thinner now true. I think people are opening their eyes more and seeing things they didn’t before.

Years ago people were not as open with experiences because you could get burned for saying those things and you still can in some countries.

But there is more freedom with these topics and an openness that hasn’t been around in a very very long time.

Now if more people truly loved the goddess and didn’t treat her like something to have on a shelf and use her when it’s convenient or fun we would really be getting some where.


Because the internet.

Still annoyed that no one can tell me anything useful about time though.


There is no time,there are clocks.
JK. I know nuthin.


Here I was thinking that you were ascended.It was actualy JK


Well, thats your problem.I never said something along those lines :smiley:

Back to the topic:

Its much easier to share and less time consuming to find the right “group” of people.


There is no time, there are clocks.

This is actually very profound. That’s all anybody had to say.

I keep getting master thesis responses about stupid shit unrelated to magick.


Yea the veil is thinner now, but there was a time when there was almost no veil at all. This was when everyone believed in magick. Think back to ancient times. Stories of gods demon dragons. Flying carpets! Now it would be 100x harder to ride a flying carpet. This is cause the veil is thicker cause of persecution and disbelief. Together in the last decade we have been working together to tear through the veil and reach the realm beyond. Physically uniting our realm and the astral realm. If we accomplish our goal imagine what that would mean! The gods walking the streets of new York. People turning invisible at will instead of giving almost all their life for that ability. It’s amazing to think about the future. The recent past is sad, but we are making the future bright. That is why more people are involved.


Actually time is real. It’s a fabric in space. Look into it.


I agree. Time is a real, physical thing. But my questions are more about how the phenomenon relates to magick.

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I could also be asking the wrong questions. For instance, my magick works like there is no time which is why I agreed with @A_Pariah.

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Time is a concept based on how natter is affected by fluctuations in space-time. Theory of general relativity


Yes I’ve had visions of a time like this. All of what you so call dimensions or parallel lalala… Together, here on the focus of existence.

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Time is perception, which is a product of the human mind.


Time is not perception. It’s actually real. Time actually moves faster with more gravity. That can be incorporated in magickal workings if you want it to be or you can work separate from time. But the idea that time is made up, or an illusion, is completely false. And isn’t that incredible? Think of the possibilities


Then again it could be argued that space itself is an illusion. Holographic universe theory.

Superposition, entanglement, anything beyond the basics of quantum physics is a real dick in the brain but really fascinating to think about.

The Hopi Indians thought we came through a hole from.m another dimension and there are cultures who believe everything happens at the same time and their tenses reflect it (and a friend who studied Linguistics. I can ask him which if you’re curious )

I think there’s an eEenstien quote saying “Reality is but an illusion. Albiet a very persistent one.”

If anyone is interested in some amazing meditations I recommend the book Quantum Conciousness. Mind blowing experiences once you try the lens on

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Today’s common science is yesterday’s forbidden occult.

Today every kid around the block knows a lot more than what professional adults used to know after life times of research and study. The toys they’re playing with are extreme high-tech material compared to what the best scientists of the 17th or 18th century thought was possible.

Magick and occult are part of the accumulated human knowledge, when there’s an advancement in that, there’s also an advancement in magick and how we perceive it and practice it.

What would be really shocking is that humans advance in everything… and magick remains the same as it was thousands of years ago. That would be a clear indication that something is wrong. But what you’re wondering about, in my opinion, is completely normal.

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Looks like it will stay like that until science catches up with it.

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Yes it’s always like that in all history and history repeats itself. What occultists knew and practiced for centuries, is now being proven by new branches of science, like quantum physics for example.

That doesn’t mean we don’t learn anything from science. On the contrary. We have the overall concepts right for long time, nothing wrong in getting the details and specifics from science.

And that’s the wonderful thing about the revolution we’re witnessing. The borders between what’s scientific and what’s spiritual, are falling apart. Hopefully one day, they will completely disappear :slight_smile:


Mark my words,we will do it when we will build a dyson sphere around our sun,type 2 civilization :smiley:
I really want to see those days, better reincarnate enough, or ascent (I dont like this word tho, finishing the unending work fits better, for me), hoping we wont fuck up.

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