So I have a question for you all or, those interested in reading

The aeon of the Devil is in Transformation and starts the aeon of Baphomet.

Agios ishyros Baphomet! Agios athanatos!)

You do know that was proved already humans can’t handle magick, thus the veil was created, yes?

Humans are necessary as flowers in a garden but witches and mages have magical blood through demonic alchemy

Yes but more than 95% of the new kids on the block are just that, humans.

I think there’s just a lot more LARPers now than ever before… people who fashion themselves as experts but are really just engaged in mental masturbation. In terms of true expertise and experience…I think it may honestly be less than it ever has been.


According to gnosis I have received,

“It is always now, whenever that happens to be.”

This goes much deeper than “living in the present,” as on a deeper level, concepts of “past, present, and future” are irrelevant, yet they are still manifest on the material level.

In my opinion, most magick works partly through the acceleration of time, though some spirits, such as Metatron, Lucifer, and the Angels of Omnipotence (Elubatel, Ebuhuel, and Atuesuel), are particularly skilled in the various ways it can be manipulated.

There’s a lot more I could say on the subject, but I’m afraid that would get into “master’s thesis” territory :clock9:


Buddhists have a time travelling practice in vajrayana tibetan buddhism which is practised secretly by monks. Its called kalachakra.

It’s always a secret. I think it’s safe to say that people don’t know shit about time in magick because the science is too smart.

It’s why you can either get really abstract answers or super scientific ones; never a healthy median where information can be verified and tested.

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That’s all very interesting but for 90% of the humans its more like, what time? It’s 6 o’clock… Or… Time travelling? Sure when you go and come back with a pre historical live animal ill believe in ya.