So for a long while, if I slept during the day (usually noon-afternoon) I would get these very vivid disturbing dreams as result.
The common factor was that I’d seize up in my dreams, close my eyes against my will, and feel like I was violently being shaken around as if I was in a blender but had invincibility. This would go on for about 10-15 seconds, I’d do my best to get my bearings and stand back up, but then it would happen again until I managed to force myself awake.
It is also worth noting that these dreams took place mostly in my own house, usually empty of people or liminal, and I’d feel nothing but pure fear before those seizing feelings.
On one of these occasions, I (in a dream) woke up in my bed, and a saw a midnight black figure in my living room, I wanna say about 5’11 tall and his figure was distorted and so was my vision. I hurried up and immediately went into that seizure feeling as if he were controlling the seizures, and I looked back at him as he was gradually making his (assuming he by its frame) way closer to me.
I jumped towards my shelf to grab my knife and seized again before waking up and seeing this walking towards me practically from my doorway.
Managed to get my knife and unsheathe it, and I stabbed the thing over and over again until it lay in what I can only remember as what looked like a void of darkness on my floor in the middle of my bedroom.
I woke up shortly after that, coming to my senses feeling like I had just won a large victory.
I never had those seizures in my sleep again after that.
So if anyone with experience on whatever the actual hell that was, PLEASE tell me because to this day I still do not have my closure on what I went through.