Slayed a shadowy figure in my dreams, can anyone tell me what it was?

So for a long while, if I slept during the day (usually noon-afternoon) I would get these very vivid disturbing dreams as result.

The common factor was that I’d seize up in my dreams, close my eyes against my will, and feel like I was violently being shaken around as if I was in a blender but had invincibility. This would go on for about 10-15 seconds, I’d do my best to get my bearings and stand back up, but then it would happen again until I managed to force myself awake.
It is also worth noting that these dreams took place mostly in my own house, usually empty of people or liminal, and I’d feel nothing but pure fear before those seizing feelings.

On one of these occasions, I (in a dream) woke up in my bed, and a saw a midnight black figure in my living room, I wanna say about 5’11 tall and his figure was distorted and so was my vision. I hurried up and immediately went into that seizure feeling as if he were controlling the seizures, and I looked back at him as he was gradually making his (assuming he by its frame) way closer to me.
I jumped towards my shelf to grab my knife and seized again before waking up and seeing this walking towards me practically from my doorway.
Managed to get my knife and unsheathe it, and I stabbed the thing over and over again until it lay in what I can only remember as what looked like a void of darkness on my floor in the middle of my bedroom.

I woke up shortly after that, coming to my senses feeling like I had just won a large victory.

I never had those seizures in my sleep again after that.

So if anyone with experience on whatever the actual hell that was, PLEASE tell me because to this day I still do not have my closure on what I went through.

In my experience there’s a wide variety of types of beings that officially attack you and they all tend to look like black silouettes.

The differentiator is not what they look like, because this is not an area of reality that uses visible light at all, that’s a thing for humans which physical eyes, This is not the physical. So we to expand the understanding of the experience to more senses, particularly those of energy and emotion.

It’s tricky because humans are very reliant on visuals as a default, you’ll notice posts like this about dream/attack entirely focus on visuals, and don’t mention how people feel about the experience.

But I’d say that’s where the key is: the energy, intuition and how you feel, did it engender any emotions, did it seem to be feeding on you energetically or giving you energy? Did you get any impressions on it’s attitude or motivations? Having any kind of energy training like yoga or qigong to notice if any of your internal systems were affected and how would be helpful.

As a default label for minor things like this that seem sentient, I’d they try to feed I can then parasites and if they don’t I call them imps.

Given it attacked you, my expectation is that that imagery was your subconscious way of telling you it was coming into your energetic field and trying to constrain you. Obviously you don’t actually have a physical human body on that level, so we don’t take that literally, this is a representation used to try to communicate to you what’s happening.

The overall communication seems to be “a sentient being that is not giving much info about who it is (“black” representing cloaked or closed thoughts, can’t read it) attempted to constrain you, and it was personal. It was in “your house”, and that’s important, your house being you, so it’s inside your walls - inside you - and you damaged it, but it’s still there last you checked. Because of this boundary break I’d call it a parasite of some kind.

We can conjecture why anything would want you immobilized. It was hiding it’s intent so it’s hard to say exactly. But you can’t be inside someone’s being that close and not be absorbing their energy as you’re soaked in it.

From here Is recommend writing down as much detail as possible, there will be things about the scene that seem so obvious it’s not worth mentioning, but are part of the message. Nothing is background including the background.

Given it seems agressive and unhelpful, I would recommended more work to properly banish this and make sure it’s dead or banished and out of your house, as it were.

I don’t see a benefit in trying to talk to it or reason with it it, you can expect it will only lie, about everything, including what it is and what it wants. It would be of academic value to examine it though.


I reckon this happened about 7-8 months ago, and I’ve had no negative dream experiences(besides the occasional nightmare) since then, but nothing of that magnitude

If it were parasitical at one point, I believe I would’ve already removed it because of my tendencies to turn to selfdeification practices when I’m in a mental rut, in which I’d also seek out more protective enns and meditation habits

Regarding extra detail on the dream, I have few religious items (excluding hand drawn sigils in my notebooks Clauneck, Zepar, Baphomet, and a personal sigil I made ,but that was very recently, as far as I can remember)
The main difference was during that dream, my younger brother was in the next room, though unaware of what was happening

The only interpretation I can really assume was that the presence of another person drew it out in “physical” form enough to, as you mentioned, enter my space of energy
Granted the seizures in my dreams up to that point, the intention was no doubt harmful towards me but the fact that they stopped after I had stabbed the thing multiple times tells me I either killed it or sent it running
I don’t fully recall what it looked like laying down on the ground, but I remember it lay completely lifeless and didn’t once move even after I left my room

And if it was parasitical, I’ve got little clue as to what would have attracted it

Nonetheless I will be doing some research soon as to meditative practice to fully remove that or any other potential threats in my subconscious as recommended

(And sorry if this response seems short or lacking detail, I am very sleepy haha)

Sounds chill. I should clarify, everything has meaning or reason, but that reason could be as simple as, these things are on the surface or your memory. Dreams are mixed up like that.

That’s interesting. Did it make you feel protective of him or worried about him being targeted next or anything? Had you argues at all and could the think be an opinion of his about that? Or is that also an incidental memory based on it being in your house?

Yes. This thing to be aware of, is taht it can run deeper into your psyche and hide there. That happened to me and it was years before I found it, remembered the dream as where it had come in, and it was a lot of effort over 6 months to root it out after it had been embedded silently for so long. Not saying that’s what’s happened but it’s good to know that they can. They don’t have to take enough to let you notice when they’re dormant. Like a virus. They hide, and they’re good at it.

Might not have to, just being a warm body is enough for some of them. Good energy can attract things too, the astral is basically a mirror of this world - as above so below - everything feeds on everything all the time, coalescing and separating and reforming new combinations and new experiences, anything can happen.

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If anything it would be the latter of feeling defensive over him. We have a tight relationship and honestly I would die defending him no matter our religious difference but that’s how I feel about all of my family.

I remember experiencing this same effect when going on abstinence, I think my second time, with no intention to actually perform a ritual. I start having erotic dreams every week, and really assumed it was succubi being attracted to all of the newfound energy that I was giving off. However I never played into it and just ignored the advances, especially after assuming it was those energy vampires.

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