Sincere advice - my magick is not working, why?


I am in a need of a dire advice regarding my magick. Namely, I have been practising magick for a few months, every day, very thoroughly and enthusiastically. I cannot say that my magick fails in everything, I have obtained some amazing results but nothing “tangible“ or slightly more serious. Furthermore, the result I had received were mostly about some minor medical issues, insomnia, medical recovery, toothache, and other minor and very subjective things. However, I haven’t had any success with any other issues which are more material or more connected to other people and their actions towards me, e.g. legal issues, money that is owed to me, obtaining and negotiating good deals, etc.
I do not have lust for result nor do I desperately dwell on my magick and its workings. What is more, I am more than aware that I have to be realistic with my results and have a valid source for them, which I do have. I just want to obtain a bit more justice… For example, I haven’t been able to obtain even a minor legal issue which should undoubtedly fall into my favour, I just wanted the magick to expedite it since the judge is stalling, but without any success.

So, my question is, what should I do to make my magick work? And why do I get results only in “non-tangible“ and more abstract issues?

I would highly appreciate honest advice…

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Hmm, I wouldn’t consider insomnia, medical recovery and toothache a minor issue.
Keep doing what you’re doing, that’s my advice.


You sound a wee bit impatient, yet you’ve had good results. in my own early days, I “only” managed to draw down the moon and evoke Kali and was utterly mind blown and content.

It might be good to think about whether you are in it for the magick or for “getting things done” because, while we all have things we need to get done, we all have times when the gods or spirits want us to get them done through normal means. and by we, I refer to all experience levels - even advanced magicians have this ‘problem’ sometimes.

You are doing good magically, but perhaps the spirits are saying that the real world is where your focus needs to go… for some things anyway.


Probably your state of mind? Try meditating before your next magickal working

If not that then try some qigong or breathing exercises. You could probably lacking Chi/prana for your working

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So you are having success with exercising your will when it is the only one at play

But not when other wills are in the mix. This is harder to achieve.

Sounds like you might need to work on being okay with using your will to influence or dominate another’s. Approach the issue as a conquerer or general, not someone who hopes by doing action A and action B will work. Domination spells would definitely be something i would recommend. While this is completely possible on your own, prehaps making friends in…other places would be helpful as well. When you are ready/want to work with spirits of course.


Magic doesn’t always work the first time. Sometimes, you will need to do a spell more than once before you get the desired results. So my advice is to keep practicing your spells. Good luck. :slightly_smiling_face:


They say Kundalini can super charge your magick with miraculous results

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Really?? Do you have some books or authors for recommendation? Or a ritual?

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Hmm, this is an interesting theory. Thanks very much! It really maks me ponder :thinking::slight_smile: But isn’t it a bit contradictory with the core of magick if we take into account that magick should control and restrain the unpleasant things in one’s life and to modify reality?

Exactly! I’ve been getting good results when influencing or modifying myself and my immediate environment/factors but nothing when trying to influence others or drawing material things. For example, I tried Magickal Cashbook and Nitika a few times and it didn’t work although so many people have amazing results. I even tried asking for a really low sum of money but the one that would make me happy and I didn’t have lust for result at all, but still it didn’t work. I simply do not know why​:sob::sob::sob:

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What would domination spells be? And how do you mean make some friends, like demons/angels…?

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Actually I don’t it’s just something I’ve heard in discussions and from some spirits such as Ahriman and Zohak

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An example of a domination spell would be to write someone’s name five times, taking away a letter each time and then writing your own name over each reptition. Essentially you are visualizing yourself ( and your will) overpowering another. This can be a great first step in establishing influence over a target, such as a manager in order to get a promotion to increase your income.

And yes, if you feel inclined to. There can be a lot that can be learned from working with spirits, such as how to word your intention carefully, different avenues for magick you were not aware of, etc. It does not have to be a straight “I call you to do this for me”, although that can be effective too


You mean, to call a spirit and ask for guidance? Do you have a specific ritual in mind?

I mean yes, there is that aspect of magic. But the deeper mystical aspects are more about understanding reality and answering existential questions.

I don’t know what your life is like so it’s hard to gauge where you should draw the line between ‘necessary’ and ‘unnecessary’. But in my own practice, I’ve found that my spirits help me best when I’m helping myself… so, searching for a job, speaking to a lawyer or doctor or confronting the a-holes as best as I can.

I just mention all this because you seem to have a long list of stuff to take care of, magically, and it may well be that your balance is off. But again, only you will know if that is the case.


My 5 cent:

You are only working since a few months so you are just learning the basics and this helps to grow your energy level.

More energy means you‘ll reach every entity easier and your focused will gets better results.

Practice the basics like visualation, meditation, reading, kundalini, energy work, selfprotection and than start with some easy spells and rituals.

Don‘t hesitate. Trust me it will work out fast enough :wink:


You can start with a petition spell. Baal Kadmon actually has a ritual specifically to gain wisdom from Asmodeus in his book Ghosts, Demons and Devils in Hebrew tradition. I imagine it can be adapted for other spirits as well. You could also reference @DarkestKnight’s petition spells tutorials as well. While petitions are normally used to ask for help with certain situations, i don’t see how it couldn’t help with understanding as well although i imagine it will be subtle things like ideas coming to mind while studying/practicing that leads to breakthroughs.


Many thanks! I will try!!

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how often do you masturabte?