Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide

am new to this stuff got any tips to summon a demon that grants me to be more confident, brave, and fearless? no bad demons please or a demon that gives good advice to health of my physical body? i am not a satanist or a mage witch or any of that stuff. am i able to summon a demon if am not any of those? i heard some powerful good demons require loads of experience to summon or requires you to be a mage, witch, warlock etc… let me know what demon is perfect for me to summon this will be my 1st summons i do not want to start in a bad foot with him/her, any extra tips or advice would help like what not to say or what certain questions not to say only good/friendly demons no life harming ones thank you

Bael can be extremely civilised and mellow, I posted about him here: Enlil, Ba'al, Baal, Bael, Bel, Beelzebub, Beelzebuth POST IT HERE! - #9 by Lady_Eva

King Paimon is usually also gentlemanly, as is Azazel.

People who tell you that are doing what we in England call “pulling the ladder up” - meaning, they have been able to do a thing and they are now trying to stop anyone else getting the same ability.

Ignore them, you will find your own level.

Proceed with confidence, and politeness, as though you are a young genius entrepreneur meeting powerful businessmen about a possible partnership.

Don’t be cocky, but don’t grovel either.

Also, very important please:



I said to the demon I evoked, something along the lines of “Thank you for visiting me. I thank you… I’m asking that you may leave me for now. Thank you.” And I saw him go out of my room. I’m very new to all of this, not sure I’m rightful in answering, sorry. But I hope it helps somewhat.


Why shouldn’t you summon a demon? I know maybe some of you might find this disrespectful but would it be fine if I left protective hex bags in each room of my home besides my room?

I’ve summoned demons despite who was around, and always remained respectful to an entity that stepped through and things were fine. A little crazy but things were okay.

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I was asked by a member with NO English to make a very simple beginner’s guide they could translate using automated translation, so I wrote it to cover the maximum number of conditions people experience, and most beginners do not have hex bags etc.

And I myself do not use them so there are many different routes once a person has experience, etc.

Of course more experienced people can take a calculated risk. :+1:

But absolute beginners are better off being safe and not taking these risks, so that is why I wrote that.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Demons who help with law?

Can I do this evocation without candle and black and red ink? Is there anything I can use as substitues for candles and inks if I can’t get them?

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Thank you brother
I will look into it

I did this.

Well, how did it go? :eyes:

as usual

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Just bookmarked this holy shit your amazing!!


Are you just discovering this thread now? lol

It’s been linked all over the place :joy:


Yeah lol.


Hey @Lady_Eva from your expert experience, would you say this part here is a sort of banishing as well? Maybe not a ritual but a quick banishment? Also should it be visualized with the eyes closed or open? Thanks

this popped up once more, trying to summon Lord Lucifer, running into difficulties

I have 3 children at home- can this be done outside?


I evoke outside all the time. I set the area where I’m performing the ritual (back porch) and evoke with myself inside it. Haven’t had any problems with three cats and a 9 yr old (that I suspect is sensitive, but blocking it, like I used to).

Edit - I should state that I also do a mini-banishing afterwards, with the exclusions of my Honored Guests and those working for them for my benefit. And Family, if I’m doing an Ancestor Worship sort of thing.


Sounds good! My son who is 14 is very in tuned

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I used to ask ALL entities to leave, with the Deities being given quarter to leave whenever they wish. I’ve relaxed it since then, but have a caveat that they can stay, so long as they do not disturb my family and pets. I haven’t noticed any issues yet, but keep a watch. Since my son may not tell me, I actively check his room and the energy in it. If it were to turn towards fear, I would need to establish some further rules, go back to the old agreement until he calms down, or some other means of toning it down.