Sigil Of Peaceful ETs

Hello, so
please let me intoduce this sigil

to peaceful ets (pleadians, nordics, arcturians, sirians, andromedians, lyrians)

you can offer them healthy foods : any vegetables and fruits
also you can offfer them water : water (of water tap), mineral water (with pomarange, or citrus, kiwi) , alkaine water, cooked water (means that heat water in kettle), tea (with sugar),

and also black and white chocolate, any meat you can offer too, milky foods too,cereals & Muesli ,pizza ,taco, sushi,seafood, cofffe, pasta, chicken, those are their specialities
they are interested in humanity so you can offeer them any food or water

you can work with them on anything, life goals, carrier goals, family & financial goals

also activity you can offer as watching movies actions, scifi, erotic
and video games too
music they like too, techno, remixs

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