Shrooms helped me reach Ganesha, demons, Jesus?

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To be honest they probably were artifacts of the trip. Everybody has different hallucinations on psilocybin and there’s not that much consistency: it’s very personal communication from your own subconscious. So my feeling is, it’s all about you and provides a base for internal work similar to dreamwork. Everything is a representation of your own inner world and is your subconscious tell you something, or, sometimes just you witnessing the crap it muses to itself and there’s not enough meaning to waste your time on, just enjoy the creativity.

Then you probably should avoid psilocybin as that can bring on psychosis. especially when you’re already susceptible. It’s best to avoid magick until you’re fully stable as that too can excacerbate brain chemistry issues.

No, not necessarily. My tips

  1. Don’t take it too seriously, as the last thing you want here is stress.
    Start asking questions and building your worldview with the answers like jigsaw pieces in a puzzle, avoid random purposeless trips: you get get random purposeless info.

  2. Before a trip, set your goals and intentions as clearly as you can, and bring yourself back to the goal. Write everything down afterwards

  3. Always keep your eyes closed so you don’t waste the trip looking at the visuals happening to your environment.

There’s good tips in here to understand what’s happening and what can happen to your brain:

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