Should u banish an entity u're working with?

Ok…so I evoked King Belial 2nights ago. I forgot to clear the stuff used during the evocation that night. I slept well. The next night( yesterday) I cleared up everything and did a mini banish instructing all spirits arouns me to leave. I had a long day, was so tired and it took a long time to do my hair I went to bed at2 something, having taken my medication that makese sleep in minutes.

I’d laid down less than 5 min
My phone screen light was off, but after being in bed for like 5/10 min, the light came on, which would have happen only if someone touched it.
I was under covers, def didn’t do it. I then saw a black shadow on the wall. King Belial has previously left my hair tie on the same side. I asked if it waa him, he said yes. However in the back of my mind, I was thinking Lucifer, esp since i was facing east. I however wasn’t sure what it was so I banished even more commanding any spirits to leave. I finally passed out when I turned to face east. Before this though, I’d turned the flashlight on my phone on to see if there was anything I could see. Initially, nothing, but then I noticed a bringt light moving around my wall that seemed like orbs of some sort.

Now my question, when any of u work with an entity that u’re in contact with a lot, do u banish them? I was under the impression they’d feel offened. I previously did banish them, but didn’t with king Belial the other day. To add to that, much as that ritual’s over, I still have the videos on my phone. Are these by any chance open portals? Should I keep or erase them? N if I need to erase them, should I also delete the videos of King Belial’s manifestation to me that are online on BALG? Thanx in advance for the help.


I don’t banish, semi-regularly I will purify my home, but I don’t banish the entities I evoke.

That would be like inviting someone over, asking them for a favor, and then shoving them out your door. It’s very rude.


Damn so I have apologies to make I guess… dude I was tired and really not up for spirit work. Is it possible to inform these entities of when u’d rather not be reached, or once u make contact with them, they’ll show up whenever?

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You don’t have to work with Belial, just because he’s around.

But yes, generally, when you open a door they stick around. This is partly why I only work with angels, because I live with a large family with lots of small children, and I’d rather them be woken up by an angelic presence as opposed to a demonic presence.


Also, are the videos I have of his manifestation open portals, and should I erase them off my phone?

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I would say yes, just like E.A.'s ritual videos are also portals. But, deleting them may be a bit extreme. Why do you work with demons if you don’t trust them?


I called on him. He’s good people so far. Only thing I’m still not used to is waking up at night.

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shrugs Just acknowledge his presence and say that you’d like to go to sleep.


Think I feel his presence now. Come to think of it, I didn’t take my shots yesterday. I told myself I’d take it tonight but haven’t done so yet. Je usually gets on my case about that. I’ll take my meds and see what happens tonight.


I find the Goetics to be very protective, and gentle with children for the most part. If you are working with unknowns of any type then you take more of a risk, regardless of spirit “race”. Angels, fae, elementals, the dead, can all be gentle or aggressive, they are individuals and shouldn’t all be lumped together. Also keep in mind that just because a spirit shows up doesn’t mean you have to work with them right then. If I recognize the energy, I will greet them and let them know I’m about to sleep.


Let my people’s in, accept full possession. Christians banish entities not Magi


I’m not ready for that yet. I’ve here only 90days


I personally only banish if I feel the need to or before an important working, never the entities though. They can leave or stay, it really doesn’t bother me one bit.

Otherwise my room at night, every night, is basically full of orbs and shadows darting all over the place. I’ve just gotten use to it and honestly find it to be extremely comforting and relaxing actually lol


Last night when I cleanses the candles and the area I’d used for his evocation, saw shadows and light orbs on my wall. :ok_woman:‍♀️ literally wasn’t sure what to do about it when I was soooo sleepy.

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How do I prevent opportunistic spirits from joining the crowd? That’s really what my concern is at this moment.


Once or twice a week I do this:


Thanks. I’ll look for a youtube video of this. I find those easy to go along with.

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I never banish or cleanse my room in fact I want the demon spirit with me and inside me always


The only 1 i think for sure is in me is Lucifer. Feels like he hasn’t left since my last invocation of him. Idk, maybe I’m being paranoid, but he causes me no harm


I feel azazel with me ever since the possession but I think he left me a familiar spirits looking after me.