Shem Angel Question

For those of you who work with the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash, do they tend to have the morality common to the Abrahamic faiths? Like, say I wanted to bind someone with a love spell, would an angel have a grievance with that or would they be fine with it like a demon is?

I ask because I find that the effect angels give tends to be more of what I ask for whereas demons like to twist my words, so if I can get at least most of my workings done with angels, that’d be pretty cool

I don’t see too much morality in the Abrahamic Faiths myself, I’d say they’re better than that. They can get angry and baneful though. Generally I have avoided asking them for baneful works, but personal help instead to improve a situation, and they don’t judge that I do baneful workings generally. With them I keep it upbeat.

I dont know about the love side of things, but if you’re wondering whether some of them will do things that some folks would consider bad, note that one of Vevaliah’s purported specialties is destroying enemis

Some do, some don’t.

Also, the 72 Shem angels all have an evil side.

Antoine-René d’Argenson has sigils for the evil Shemhamphorash in The Arsenal 2495 Manuscript. D’Argeson wrote ‘This magic is so dark and terrible that it cannot be more than that.’

Lazare Lenain also wrote about the evil Shemhamphorash in The Kabbalistic Science, but didn’t give the sigils because they were too malevolent.

Robert Ambelain wrote Practical Kabbalah giving the evil angel sigils, but later complained that working with them led to him developing cancer and suicidal obsessions.

Damon Brand’s book Demons Of Magick have these Shem sigils in circles surrounded by Godnames to tame their wild effects so they work with goetic demons. His sigils work fine without any downside or moralizing, as far as i can tell.

If you want to work with these and dgaf, get the earlier manuscripts. If you don’t want any blowback or moralizing, work with DoM, it’s pretty safe and very versatile.


Are Gallery of Magic books good? on the internet I am seeing/reading mixed reviews about them, such as how they distill things too much or that it’s too easy to do and you get good results. If a beginner wants to work with angels, what books do you recommend?

btw just found you are the fool and magician, when I was searching on demon hierarchy I saw your posts and they were quite intriguing.

I like some of their stuff very much.

Some of their books i couldn’t get to work for myself, so i leave them for others to do. I don’t blame them for that, it’s just my worldview is too different to make a match.

There are a few of their books that are keyscaled wrong to my way of thinking; their logic isn’t logicking the way mine does. I’ve corrected the keyscales for my own understanding on a couple of their books and they made perfect sense to me, so i guess it comes down to whatever makes sense to you is what you should use. There’s value there, you just have to work within a magical pardigm and format you can believe in.

That’s just my opinion, which means nothing overall. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and most of’em stink.

End of the day, whatever works for you is fine by me, i have no agenda or ego when it comes to this stuff.

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I am the WRONG PERSON to ask about that! Keep in mind for 9 years my altar was a black box with ONE knob on it. I did literal miracles with that thing.

I know some occultists believe life should be some uphill struggle to get obscure shit that barely works unless you’re ruining someone’s life, but i like easy-to-understand magick that works consistently with powerful results.

Anyone who makes this job easier and more effective is on my good side.

Liber 6 with Liber 777 as an appendix, both by Aleister Crowley. They’re the ONLY magickal grimoires you really need to read once you understand how to read them.

Liber 6’s Rings & Fields are properly explained in Scott Stenwick’s Rings & Fields Of Operation technique, which i think is absolutely brilliant.

Scott’s breakdown of the Pentagram, Hexagram, and Septagram Rings and how they can be combined to form Pentagram & Hexagram or Hexagram & Septagram Fields is the single most complete magickal training technique i’ve come across in my life.

ALL of the kabbalist angel correspondences you need are in Liber 777, and it goes beyond angels to cover goetic work. I’m iffy on some of the keyscale info and think Crowley was bullshitting on its pagan as well as demonic correspondences, but the kabbalist angelic info in 777 is pretty spot-on.


Thanks for answering my questions and providing the resources with it, really appreciate it.

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Very very informative! Thank you very much for all the new reading material, I really appreciate it.

Time for more study, diving deep tonight