Share your ritual structure

Mines pretty basic:

  1. Banish

  2. Call in entities

  3. Raise power with said entities

  4. Direct power to cause change in accordance with will

  5. Give license to depart

  6. Engage in the mundane

What structure do your rituals typically follow? I’ve been engaged purely in entity devotion and want to start adding formal ritual back into my schedule.
It always feels amazing, but gaining the momentum can be tough, and I figured seeing other peoples rituals would help get me moving.



Well, as I follow demonolatry, I don’t usually banish, because the rituals are direct at the altar of Lucifer for example, I just call Lucifer, then the entity x or y, and do their conjurations, then the request or thanks and end the ritual
I usually only ban the days of Saturn on Saturdays, because on Sundays and days of work with the kings, now in necromancy I follow Jhon Dee’s line of rites:
clean yourself
execute (ask, ask, exorcise, etc.)
banish the spirit
clean yourself

  1. Smudge
  2. Take a nice hot cleansing salt bath
  3. Start the drumming
  4. Open the circle, calling in the 7 directions
  5. Light candles and incense
  6. Sit and meditate, getting into state
  7. Do the working - this is the long part and varies, may or may not involve others, maybe includes something from a book, might be an astral journey, it depends
  8. Sit quietly contemplating the shifting energies, writing notes
  9. Blow out candles, declare the circle closed, usually go straight to bed

I don’t have much I want to change, so that kind of dynamic ritual is rare for me… I’m more about receiving info and learning, I ask a lot of questions, I visit past lives, I visit astral places to see more of them, I don’t need momentum as much as curiosity.


So do you or don’t you banish? Lol

read it again, I said that when I practice necromancy, yes, when I use the conventional method, which is demonolatry, no


Anyone else?

My basic ritual structure is:

1: Meditation

2: Banishing or a circle casting, depending on what kind of ritual I’m doing. If I’m doing something simple like a candle spell or pathworking, I omit this step.

3: Working. If evoking, this is where I invoke omnipotence, perform the summoning and set the task

4: Dismissal. Here I give the license to depart and then perform another banishing to close the ritual.

5: Journal the experience and then have a snack.