Share your experiences with attraction magic!

Okay thank you! And was also wondering, if you want to form friendships with those men or find friend group to become part of, would maybe Belial be good choice for that? And if not which one then? If any of them have that speciality :slight_smile:

Marbas and One are brilliant at making you appear however you wish to appear to the sex you’re interested in attracting.

I’ve had enormous success with both, not just to be attractive to also appear wiser, more skilled, and frightening.


Ose I meant to type.

Thats great, can you maybe share more detailed story of your success with that?

Thank you! What were your results with those spells? :slight_smile:

I have had countless success with Asmodeus/Ash-me-dah-ee/Aeshma. Being a guy, i noticed nowadays girls call me cuttie and all such. Asmodeus is very good when it comes not only just attraction, but attraction to getting laid. I started working with Asmodeus after reading this: Journal 6: Conversation With Asmodeus

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In the great tradition of “Fucking around and seeing what happens” I have been experimenting with attraction focused on someone I sorta like (and she probably doesn’t think of me at all when I am not in sight) using a black mirror to focus on and applying and playing around with mainly the first three Hermetic principles. Using the black mirror I can cut the connection I build pretty easily and instantly using my dagger when the desired result is achieved, so it feels a little less like a magickal roofy to me (just a personal opinion, no judgements meant). I did not include any spirit for assistance in this. Small changes where noticed no real mindblowing results as of yet.

Something rather awesome happened when I included some of Barbie’s Slutwater in the working and as such decided to call on Astaroth/ Astarte for this round of experimentation. First of all, it added a lot of great energy to the work, but most notable for me was the clear message to be careful using this kind of magick. The same as when you use NLP or other mentalist tricks to attract people, you can also put a spell on yourself. The result likely is that the more you use it as a substitute, the more you will subconsciously imprint that you are not capable and/ or worthy to attract love/ affection just by being your charming self.

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I have used that book as well and It’s AMAZING!!!

Queen Pombagira Maria Padilha, Goddess Lilith, King Asmodeus, Prince Sitri, and recently Inari Okami and the huxian have helped me with attraction and love. I’ve had great success when it comes to attracting specific targets that I desire and lusted after, and funny enough I’ve gained some simps that would randomly give me things like money and if it’s in person- random gifts. It’s really nice of them!

And yes it’s true. Lilith can help you with glamour magic, Asmodeus can help you gain a lot of sex. I know nothing about Sargatanas. I’m a woman, and Prince Sitri has helped me with attraction and lust spells.



I have recently worked with Gremory for a specific target and it was wow success!

What I have noticed is that she gives you the possibility to set it the way it fits you better… I was able to switch on/off the intensity of her feelings… (I have heard that when you specify the target she/he will become obsessed thus suffer… with Gremory the lust/interest of the target on you is temporary.

Gremory - intensity in love/lust!
Hail Gremory!


Does Astaroth aid in relationships?

I brought 2 women to me with rituals 1 and 2. The first never materialized into anything, but I could have had her if I’d wanted. Things happened that changed reality independent of the spell. The second, I am still with today- 18 months later. Both happened despite huge odds against me.
It’s a potent book/ approach.

I’d also plug EA’s “Asmodeus: Demon of Lust.” That book might be the single most potent grimoire for love and lust that I have ever read.

Read it carefully though- especially the section on love spell blowback. That shit is real.


Little update:
The baneful application of love/ lust magick seems far more effective to me than actually trying to get a decent romantic partner.

I’ve had a lot of fun playing around with love and lust magick this way.
One example, I’ve had some slightly hostile confrontations with a co-worker. He seems to have learned a lot from his big-shot lawyer brother in terms of arguing and twisting another’s words, so I needed a little extra to help get him to back down in these situations.
Apart from attempting to have some mindfucks in place as triggers/ traps for the moments he feels like he is dominating a (verbal) confrontation. I’ve cast a love spell on him. It had a short lifespan, to make it last longer I think it needs to be repeated frequently. But this was perfect for my application. It really added a lot to his sense of confusion when having to deal with me.

@hydrasicks Please stop spamming people’s posts with your obvious dislike, to put it mildly, of various Judaic goddesses. This is not adding anything to the conversation and is starting to look like preaching, which is not what we do here.

Post removed.

if you would like to make a new topic going into your experiences that fed into your attitudes around these particular beings, I’m sure we’d be all ears and the share would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Why would you use Lilith as a sex demon?
She kills pregnant women and new borns and are a personification of destructive female sexuality, is that really the deity you would align with?

I don’t look at her like that lol, I look at her destructive sexuality in more of like “meneater” way, the way that makes you a siren, since they were beautiful creatures with beautiful voices leading men into death.

So I look at her destructive sexual energy as if she is making you irresistible and making men “dangerously” drawn to you (aka losing their minds over you, spending money, doing anything you want, etc…), making men be at your feet and doing anything for you while you stay “heartless”.

To make things clear, I am not saying that I WANT men doing that to me and that I want to use them, I just explained how I see Lilith since you started that convo.

Well, but that is not Lilith.

That is not YOUR version of Lilith my guy😂

We are all here on different paths with different beliefs and have different experiences with the same entities, just bc YOU experience her differently, does not make her what you think/want/feel she is.

There are numerous people on this forum having positive experiences with her, especially about love matters too.

I am no guy.

Its a phrase darling, doesn’t mean that you are automatically male :smiling_face: