Share your craziest experiences with love and lust magic

Really, in what way did it end. Did you flap flap dee flap or got some mumu?

People see NoFap in different lights. I see NoFap as simply not touching myself.

And thanks, I have been on 90+ days before. Ended that streak because I got bored… ah, no bogies. This time it’s staying, since I finally know how good namnam dee namnam is.

My body still “needs” it but my heart and mind don’t. I finally have a bigger goal then flap dee flap flap.


I ended it because if i hadn’t my balls would have busted by themselves.

the main benefit I saw of NoFap was that Strong Eye contact .

earlier i was afraid of making eye contact with girls .but during No Fap period ,My Eye contact was strong …bold and confident enough to make girls wet :roll_eyes:

i also noticed general increase in luck and my academic performance


like following intuition where I should go, when I perform a ritual it comes in like theta waves


I did 4 bindings, 3 are working now, except for 1.i can tell the looks so intense on me using cloth, cinamon. And picture dry roses i invoke my own energy on 3 and baphomet on others, plus i have done a few whit sheeba, anael. Asmodeus, tri reading say its working, the 1 girl no even tx me, saddd, others girls are being open more to me incluse to say ilove you, u are the best etc, or gwt jealous, if i talk to girls.