Share your craziest experiences with love and lust magic

Suddenly couldn’t tear his eyes off of me and walking away from me seemed difficult. He would always keep looking back at me with a very telling look on his face. This is someone I know from my college and he tried to convince me to take a class with him the next semester. We had one class together before and that’s how we met. Never seemed to pay me much mind before. Was amiable and cordial but nothing like afterwords. The main reason why I think I did accidentally bewitch him is because after the spellcasting fantasy I felt as if I had actually done it, and it wasn’t the first time something like that has happened.


Ah I see I see. Well that’s definitely cool. It’s odd because so far, none of my spells in this area have worked, while yours is happening by accident :slight_smile:

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I can get the book of my bookshelf and send you pics of the ritual if you want to try it. Perhaps it will work for you. I had a relationship with Lilith already before this though, so if you want to try it then it might hey if you give an offering or something beforehand to establish good relations. Poems about how awesome she is are a good one. She seems to like mine.


Mental magick is indeed a thing. I have found that sometimes all you really need is intention and focus. Its nice to see others do this too!


It happens to me every now and then. Nice to know that I’m not the only one!


that would be great! if you post it here, others can try it too. Ive never worked with lilith though. i feel like shes kinda a hard feminist type of spirit which may not be too compatible with my personality

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I haven’t really gotten that feeling from her lol. More of a loving feeling than anything else.

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Eh. She doesn’t like wishy washy types but as far as I know that would be the only deterrent for working with her. Approach her with respect and you should be fine. Let me double check the rules of this forum to make sure I can post the pictures and I will get back to you.

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She has been a no-nonsense firm yet loving mother figure to me. Quit to smack me upside the head when I am being stupid, but also kind and wants to see me be my best self. Hail Lilith!


Same :blush:

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Good thing I double checked the rules because posting the images is not allowed. My apologies. I would still recommend working with Lilith for seduction. I am sure plenty of others on here have.

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aw too bad. well ill think about it.

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U guys try myo hoo a asian god of sex and lust. I invowe him for a lady she play hard to get, 64, im younger she is hot. And she hug me kisd me etc. No we are just a customer, cashier relationship. So it work for me


never heard of that one. i take it he doesnt have a sigil?

No they always approach me i don’t have to try that’s probably why it works haha

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what did you meant by "guides " .?

I’ll been on NoFap 60+ days now, and I’m getting really…motivated…now.

Sooo… I should do some exciting magick works. Whom would you recommend for an exciting sex-life?

Sitri I am aware of and Sallos too. But whom to approach…:thinking:

I keep being told that I have a strong dark energy. Which I only see as a positive. But how would I best optimise this?

Whom would be a good entity to improve my charismatic?


Not a guy :smiley: but I heard Belial can help with charisma and giving that “don’t give a fuck,” bad boy attitude?


I recently ended my 40+ days no fap journey .

I wish you success :slight_smile:

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Your insight is valued, i’l give Belial a try. If there is something I can use, it’s the bad boy attitude​:sunglasses::metal: