Share Your Circle of Pacts

There are some strange people on this forum lol… As long as it works there is no reason to fix it

What is this “strange” business…???
I don’t know of any strange people here…

Uncle Fester

Maxx, me and you should know exactly what I mean by strange, but hey being normal would be terrible lol.

What? … Me Worry…?

Ok apologies in advance for the hyperlink instead of the picture but I am a fucking dunce and it just…wont …work…for me doh. I have to tweak the crescent at the top of the circles i just noticed its not long enough (but my triangle is big hah). Will take it for a test run this weekend!

(img) [url=][/url] (/img)

[quote=“Neo, post:125, topic:225”]Ok apologies in advance for the hyperlink instead of the picture but I am a fucking dunce and it just…wont …work…for me doh. I have to tweak the crescent at the top of the circles i just noticed its not long enough (but my triangle is big hah). Will take it for a test run this weekend!


:slight_smile: there ya go my brotha

How do you get perfect circles?

Ya, you have to be careful with the spindle of you go that route, or use something that’s a bid heavier.

You could use a cord with a pencil at one end, then stick or hold the other end in the middle. take the pencil and pull the cord (not to hard) and go around with the pencil. voila… perfect circle!

[quote=“freya, post:129, topic:225”]You could use a cord with a pencil at one end, then stick or hold the other end in the middle. take the pencil and pull the cord (not to hard) and go around with the pencil. voila… perfect circle!

Yeah, that’s what I was doing with the spindle. I used the spindle as the central anchor, and had a string tied around it with white chalk on the other end. It’s actually pretty tough, even with something that stays in place, because the fabric will move too unless you’re really really careful.

Exactlly my modus operandi freya and DK…I got the pole from a broom handle (no expense spared here) then stretched a piece of string with a thin paint pen tied to it to the required length to sketch the circle…then shortened it several inches to draw the inner circle…The only drawback to this method is needing someone to hold the broom handle steady while you draw so requiring an excuse as to why you are drawing out a blood red summoning circle!

Very fucking nice man!
I am a bit jealous, I must say. That’s a pretty bad ass gig you got goin’ on :slight_smile:

What I don’t understand are the second pair of horns on the circle (I know they’re on the cover design). In the original image of the Demonic Circle of Pacts I see the rim of a censer, not horns.

I too noticed that. In fact, in the original image, it looks to me like the legs of the cauldron. I just assomed it was an alteration symbolizing manifestation as a replacement cauldron.

I’m no artist, but I think it’ll suffice.

… you’re going to have to explain that handle. It is definitely intriguing! :slight_smile:

VX is a deadly nerve gas. 23 represents change, magic, and syncronicity. There’s no real meaning to it, just wanted to use a different username than the usual.

Funny, 23 has been ALWAYS my fav number…but never knew the reason :wink:

i was a chicago bulls fan, myself:)

just a comment on the CoP. although it looks great as it is, and the symbolism is appropriate, i’ve been playing around with the idea of the sigil of Saturn instead of the Chi-Rho. EA mentions that the Chi-Rho represents time (and particularly existing beyond it), but as Saturn is typically regarded as the lord of time in the classical literature, i thought this would be just as appropriate. moreso for me, as i’m a capricorn.

on the CoP i’m planning to build soon, i’ve decided to change a few of the names. as i have never worked with Abaddon nor Amaymon, i’ve substituted their names with others more significant to my practise.

just a couple of ideas for personalising the CoP. i’ve also noticed that there seems to be a peculiar lack of Alpha-Omega symbols being employed. is anyone using these in their CoP?

kind regards, james.

Anyone know where I can get a pre-made Circle of Pacts for relatively cheap? I’m no where near artistic enough to make my own.