Shadow's Sleeping Symposium

At a bar/restaurant with a group of people and a girl i used to know. She wants to go home together, but i am busy drinking and roaming the bar. I go outside for some reason and when i go back she and the others have already left. I look around for her and them for a while… ~dream shifts … There is another girl there that wants me to come to her house. We get in her car/motorcycle (somehow it is both?) with another unknown person I can’t see. She is driving but we are driving cross country over grass or there is grass and vegetation covering a lot of what was once city? She drives straight through a big puddle that turns out to be deep and the bike/car stalls. She manages to coast it to the sidewalk/road but it won’t start. I go outside and pick it up from the back to watch lots of water run out of it. We will have to wait til it drys to try again. Night is falling and I see her and the person i can’t make out sitting in the car waiting. ~End

Another weird one: Running around a house with a man and woman playing a weird game of tag. We are each taking turns putting on a fake sumo like diaper. Whomever wears the sumo diaper has to catch the others, then they have to do what they want. The woman takes it off and gives it to me and I put it on for my turn. The guy doesn’t want to really play anymore so he goes to another room to watch tv. The woman slowly walks away from me toward the bathroom, but leaves the door open a crack. I go in and she has removed her clothes and is sitting in the shower. I turn on the warm water and remove the diaper. ~The end

Was playing soccer and had to go get ready for a sentry watch in a facility. Was walking to the armory to get my weapon and radio gear and a sexy woman in a soccer jersey walked up to me and was asking directions for something. She was short and had long red hair. Her smile brought a feeling of happiness and her eyes held me for a minute. I gave her directions and went on to get my gear down the hallway. I then went to stand watch in a round tower raised above the center of a room. (what am I guarding? there seems to be nothing to watch…) I go to sit my radio down, but it is malfunctioning and broadcasting everything over a loud speaker. I go to take it back to the armory to replace it. In the same hallway another woman stops me to ask for directions. She has long redish blonde hair and freckles. She is also captivating, but I think she is only like this because she wants me to show her the way. I laugh at this and point down the hall to where there is light coming from around a corner and tell her the exit is there. She is still smiling and thanks me and starts to walk around me to the exit. Behind her to the side i see the same woman from earlier watching me and smiling. ~End of Dream

Had another odd one. Was at a party with friends. One of them did a drink run, but they didn’t ask what I wanted. They came back with randomness and I was upset about it. Are these really my friends? ~Dream shifts~ We are all around a bar in the kitchen doing shots of Chivas. One of the people is a deceased friend. We are all smiling. ~Dream shifts~ I am in a large building with sliding tatami doors. I am behind a wall of them and a woman is there riding me with a friend. People are marching down the hallway on the other side single file and stop for inspection on the other side of the wall. We can’t get caught, but we want to continue as well… ~The End~

dream was a bit muddled. Think i was in the watery world again, post climate disaster. The air had the greenish hue. Recall I was in a house surrounded by water and grass. I was cutting up some vegetable to put on rice for food. I separated it into 3 different bowls between what looked like small sliced peppers, garlic slices with 3 seeds in them, and thin green onion slices, but all from the same vegetable? (another dream with 3’s again)

there is a building that is holding people hostage. I am trying to sneak in to get a woman out. ~dream shifts… A girl that I like has been taken from me. I am chased by some people around a roller coaster like area. I find her in a building with her captors, but she is being taught by them. I say I still want to be with her and she looks at me and says I don’t really know her. There is something that draws us together and we stand in each others presence. Her eyes reflect light like a cat, but the light is bluish ~End dream

The Kingpin is looking for some sort of stone pillar. A woman is the only one the can read the map. It shows the path down a waterfall into a basin, a wall of woods that opens up to an open field of flowers and fireflies. The pillar sits in the middle. ~shifting~ I am in a canoe with my father, pulling away from a house that sits in the middle of a lake. My brother is being slow to get in the boat. I throw a fishing pole towards him yelling at him to hurry up. I look to the front of the canoe and start paddling just as I feel him getting in the back. When I look back I am alone except for a woman who sits on the back edge of the canoe where my brother would have been. I can’t see all of her details, but she is naked and she is looking at me smiling. ~End dream

bunch of randomness, but ended with me seeing three baby girls. the first had a cats tail, the second had a fish tail, the third a reptile tail. another dream with 3’s


There is unrest amongst a people. The ruling family is trying to keep their people from revolting with a festival. A man tries to run up to the stage and attack the queen. Seated next to her on the left are her daughter, pale but beautiful, a large foreboding son with red skin, and a small normal looking child. On her right sit two twins with red skin joined at the waist, the rightmost having two large swords on his back. An attacker runs up to strike the Queen. her daughter sits forward and simply blows on them and they become nothing more then dust. The Queen smiles. The youngest prince leaves the stage and is running through aisles of barreled liqueur trying various samples. He finds one and upon drinking it grows and ages into an old man. Laughing he runs back to the stage his royal family is seated at while slowly becoming a child again. He is chased by the merchant who is unaware of the identity of the child upon reaching the stage he is horrified and cannot move. One of the twins elaborately draws the swords and stands. As he does so the other twin stands with him. However, they are now separated and one holds a sword in his right hand and the other in his left. They will kill the merchant, but someone intervenes and says the merchant did not know whom he was chasing, and the merchant is guided away from the stage unharmed. … … Dream starts to become muddled. … … I am in the crowd. We know that they are coming to stop us, but we have to live because. … … running with her to hide. … … (the rest is lost upon waking) ~The End


I am entering boot camp for a second time. They are gathering us to march. They are all wearing yellow hard hats with their picture and info on the front. Mine only has my information. I leave the group of 5 that i am with to go find the correct hat. Why am i doing this, when I have already done it before? ~dream shifts~ I am driving a motorcycle up a giant bridge. The speed is 95. I make the top and start gliding around the curve to the other side. At the base is a checkpoint. In front of me is a very curvaceous woman on foot. I think of inviting her to my bike, but she leaves and they motion me forward. I show a fake id and they let me through to the desert on the other side. I start to drive turning left into the desert… I am coming back from the left… the gate is watching me… I… ~dream shifts~ There is a woman in a house that is wasting away. She buries her father part way in dirt in her living room floor. She begin to digest his innards and becomes more monstrous/feral… ~The End