Shadow people

Creatures that are attracted to violents pasts and lower vibrations.


I dont full understand.

Would suggest smudging your house with sage.

And hanging garlic on your doors.


They’ll touch everything in your house :slightly_frowning_face:


And leave a black trail of goo. It’s hard to clean up .


And they never take their shoes off and they are lounging in your bed and eat from your plate, too…Jokes aside, they don’t wear any shoes. But you’re not the only one asking yourself that question, look:

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You will. They can be very persistent.


Had the same problem, I posted about it a while back ;/ I think they feed on emotions especially fear. A regular banishing seems to keep them away. You gotten any nightmares or feel real creepy around the place lately?

No im so used to them i dont fear them anymore.seen them since i was a kid.

I see :confused: You could always just ask them what they’re doing here. My answers have always been variants of “to eat you” and occasionally “to watch”



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I find them annoying ;/

Im glad i could provide sone amusement

I was laughing at @blueberry saying a shadow wants to eat them.


It might eat their soul.

I dont think they can harm im genuinly curious of their nature and where they come from

They are probably trying to feed off your fear and annoyance.

idk if they are all that dramatic lmao

Just banish. They are parasites. Don’t be scared that’s what they want they might look scary but they ain’t shit.


Shadow people aren’t parasites lol. They sometimes cross over on accident, curiosity, and so forth. However, they are transparent af beings who intentions can be seen through their eyes, by this I mean red eyes are usually aggressive, white tends to curious, and blue/yellow tend to be “benevolent” Shadow people are pretty cool to be around in my experience. I openly invite them into my home for years now. Most create this fear-based stigma around them without actually getting to know them individually and just slap parasite or some other silly nonsense on all of them.

Shadow people are basically dark energy elementals. Just like there’s light elementals, fire, water, earth, air, and so forth.