Servitors for all!/feedback

hello! I am ready to announce my SERVITORS!!!

Peter call on him for anything to do with romance, lust, sex. He can aid in spellwork and do many tasks, get you noticed by celebrities, people, or make you stand out he also can help you with confidence.

Side note for LoganX I have created him with the help of AZAZEL! So he will be beyond potent in all matters toward protection. He is also developing skills to create fortresses and for those of you who have astral spaces he will be able to create fences, and energetic defenses for your astral spaces or homes or other servitors.

Here is RAZEL! He has been blessed by archangel rapheal! & call upon him for anything to do with FORTUNE!
You can also call upon him for counsel about anything he is beyond wise.
He can help with wealthy fortune luck and opportunities in ANY way whether that be love, jobs, sex magic, buying homes etc.

I hope these servitors will aid you
I would like some feedback on the servitors!.
I will also continue to work with them and empower them later on in the week. Please task them and get back to me with feedback!

I will definitely create more!


What do you think about this idea?
servitor for the machinations of energy in the human body, strengthening energy systems, cleansing from diseases because both of these topics are interconnected.
An unrivaled level of energy that would you to work almost without rest.


Awesome! Great idea I think I will definitely put that to good use! But for now I’m gonna rest since I’ve been creating a lot of servitors and I made one which I spent ALL day with to empower him… but I will draft an idea!

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Okily, I have assigned tasks to all three.

Just wondering, have these three been field tested?

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Yes! They have been

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Nice! Its always good to know that shared servitors have been tested.

Good results I presume?

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Very good. For example Peter, got me noticed by crushes, he got people obessed, along with mind control to the point where I got people to literally do whatever I wanted. I also would do testing for example getting noticed by a celebrity while many many thousands of people are in a live and even getting a follow back.

Logan has protected me from a LOT! He knows many ways to protect etc.
His protections also help lift anyway any residue that may harm you.

Razel is my newest servitor, I’ve asked him to bring me money and the next day I had a family member come and spoil me.

I am also currently working on strengthing them so they may be bigger tasks especially for Razel since he is my newest seevitor


Many thanks for the info. I really appreciate the response.

The tasks I gave were as follows:

Peter- I honed in on the loyalty mention. I asked him to have a particular person’s sense of loyalty to me increase.

Loganx- Protection from certain bureaucratic/procedural outcomes I am trying to outmanoeuvre on short notice

Razel- To bring me good fortune/luck in every way at work

I appreciate that I may be stretching the parameters of what they are designed for here. All of these requests relate to various aspects of an unexpected, severe adverse situation that has arisen at work.
Real curve ball with big ripple effects.
I’m throwing everything at various aspects of this situation, from my book of Agares, to the antiversal seal, some pathworkings, these guys.


Thank you for this opportunity,

I have called upon Peter to make a certain person online pay attention to me and contact me, i will let you know and give an update on the situation if any results manifest.

Best wishes,


Awesome thank you very much! If you have any other ideas for more seevitors then do let me know. As I plan to have a community of them.

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I was wondering, I wouldn’t say I am new to all this but I would however say that I suck at feeling things, like feeling energy or knowing whether I got an answer or not (and with ADHD, the discipline required to hone in my senses is almost out of reach lol) but I still want to give it a try, especially Razel since I really need money so, I would like to know, in your experience, how do you know they heard you or answered you. Also, what would be the limit pf request you can make. For example, if I need money, can I ask for a huge winning scratch game or is it more like finding a 20 dollar bill outside ? I ask that because, I tend to have trouble believing. Like I want to believe but my brain always wants to think it could have been something else, therefore, I would need, like a huge something to believe without doubt that it was the ritual and stuff that I did.
Anyway, very interesting stuff and thank you for sharing your work with us. I’ll give it a try soon and will tell you. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5::crossed_fingers:t5::blush::blush::blush:


good question!
I have ADHD too and hearing/sensing spirits is very difficult for me.
What I can tell you is that sometimes it comes in dreams. if you do a working or after summoning a demon or servitor or something, you can have a dream about the subject relating to it.
it’s a common sign and means they heard you.
if you ask for money, well, it’s a broad question isn’t it? it could come in various ways! what we shouldn’t do is doubt all the time.


Many ways, you could ask for a specific sign, or angel number, he can appear in your dreams as a way to confirm & the money will flow thru many routes and ways.

Specify to Razel what you wish for and he will deliver it, so it could be a discount, 20$ or 200$ etc.

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Thank you for your answer. I will try it and try to have faith or at least, try not to doubt. I will have a little wrestling with my overthinking lol :joy:


Thank you for your answer. I will try it and ask for answers in dreams. It seems like an easier way to see if it worked, at least until I can feel things a little better. I will be as precise as possible with what I ask for and try to start small to get a feel for it. Thank you very much :blush::blush::blush:

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Great can you make a servitor 1. to be teachers pet, and to 2 hack the lottery machine and to program it with your numbers of choice. 3 to pick or blow out your lottery numbers


Just wanna say, the servitor pluto created for me, Xavier is doing a very good job. I admit I was kinda obsessed with my partner, and sometimes was anxious that I tend to check up on her always but now, I feel a sense of relief and trust in the knowing my servitor is there to help us stay linked to each other despite the distance and circumstances.


Awww thank you so much! I’m glad he’s doing wonders for you

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Hi there! Do you have any update from the tasks you gave to them?

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Not as yet but it’s been less than a week so far too early to form a view on effectiveness