.:. Servitors, CAT ARMY nyaaa <3


Hey guys :smile_cat:

~i want this to be, a pool for ideas on how to establish a army of servitors for all of balg.
Cute kittens, that would protect you from lonelyness, mosquitos, bugs, harm and a sufficient supply of milk. XD but sure, you could offer them whatever you want.

Ideas on how to establish something like this:

°one servitor, but many people using it

°every user creates his/her own servitor, but with a few points and comandos in common

“Why cats?” You may ask. And i would -knowingly silly, answer with: "Cause cats :3 "


Well, what i mean is more like the companion-type of servitor :wink:
~You know, with all that simulated sentience :3
Something life like.


What i read, are basicly two schools of thought:

Damon Brand: Servitors are spirits created by you, just as you are created by “god”.

John Kreiter: Servitors are thought forms, and with every task they ‘just’ grow more and more complex,
but they are not sentient though, they are more or less compareable to a AI.
They just go “rouge” if your mind goes rouge.


I struggle with creating one single servitor companion, and you create legions of them? :flushed:

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Cat’s milk. Nom.



So thats why :astonished:

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So… Is that the kind of milk, british put into their tea? :thinking:

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You know, that you could create a army of T600’s or T800’s instead, but only for the purpose of fighting islam,
i’m just saying it…

da dom DOM DOM-DOM
da dom DOM DOM-DOM

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@Drachir I’d rather stick to cats.

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Me too ^^

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Do you have good enough sight to perceive Spirits clearly if I send them to you?


No, thats why i work on my own.

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I really can’t seem to see them either. I can almost always definitely feel their power coursing through me in an invocation though. I can sometimes feel their presence too. I can even communicate via certain trance methods and divination, but seeing and hearing them is hard. I mostly just rely on being able to see the results after a ritual.


Actually Mohammed liked cats, and cats and Islam have a reasonably good history, it’s the poor old doggos, and other critters, that would have a cause for anger there. :frowning:


How could they dare?? Cats are way too intelligent for islam :rolling_eyes::pouting_cat:

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idk how i should think about, dealing with a entity that i didn’t created,
but that is supposed to serve me.

Something created as a companion is just as a servitor, as the one that works on some task,
but the companion has a purpose that far more vague and intense.

With respect :smiley: that is not the mindset of many here, you have your own path but it’s not everyone’s cup of strange. :thinking:


I am very well aware of that. Just expressing my opinion.


Seems interesting. If anyone has good enough spiritual sight it may prove an interesting experiment.

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