Servitor Template

Does anyone have a full servitor template with everything. I want to create one but i dont know what to write.


I used to do them kinda like this:



Food sources and feeding methods:

Empowered by: (only if created by me then empowered by a deity)



Limitations: (for example who can alter them, who can use them, or in my case I always specified they have to appear in likeness of their given image)

What happens to the servitor when the owner dies: (only when requested by others)

Kill Switch:

I tried several layouts and found I needed or wanted certain information at the top and ordered it logically based on this and how I created them.

Each servitor had a completely different looking sheet, as you can see there are items I didn’t need for each of them, but did for some.

I actually thought a good comparison would be like a character stat list in an rpg, minus the fact you don’t need numbers and things like mana, willpower and strength as they increase as your servitor grows and are simply part of each us- but not really measurably except for in isolated incidents as perception really plays into those factors!


Do you just write the skill name ,like protection, etc?
And the servitor learns by itself?

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Actually it could be that simple, but you’d need to have strong intent for it to be a strong servitor.

I do it basically this way:


I use different methods, but here’s an example of one I made last year. The overall structure is mostly based on Brand’s method:

[servitor name], you are a spirit of great power, influence and enthusiasm.

[servitor name], your appearance is that of an industrious beaver, bright and enthusiastic.

[servitor name], you have the power to give me great enthusiasm for doing my work and remove my tendency to procrastinate.

Whenever I am at work, you automatically work continuously to:

-Give me great enthusiasm for doing my work

-Remove my tendency to procrastinate

-Give me powerful, clear focus in doing my work

[servitor name], you do your work in ways that are safe and comfortable for me. You never put me or my reputation at risk of adversity or telling off at work.

[servitor name], you receive any energy attunements that I provide you with, and channel these energies when doing so will help you achieve your objective.

[servitor name], you are fed by:

  • My attention, awareness and acknowledgement
  • My gratitude and appreciation
  • Being communicated with by me
  • The energy generated whenever I pedal a stationary bike
  • The energy generated whenever I type or operate a mouse at work
  • Whenever I feel pressure on the balls of my feet, either consciously or unconsciously
  • Consuming any parasites or negative energies around me at work
  • Consuming the energy of any negative emotions I experience at work, note that you will never generate any negative emotions in me
  • Consuming up to 2% of the reiki energy emanating from any reiki video I play
  • Channelling energies through the attunements I give you and feeding on these energies
  • Any other energies I choose to offer up on an ad hoc basis, note that you will never crave or become dependent on these

[servitor name], you are always completely loyal to me and are powerfully motivated to serve me.

[servitor name], you learn and adapt to continuously improve in your mission.

[servitor name], you are summoned when I call your name (either out loud or in my mind) three or more times and say the words “Take post” (out loud or inwardly).

[servitor name], you come to me when called and when commanded, you immediately go forth into the world to do my bidding.

[servitor name], you take great pleasure in doing your work for me.

[servitor name], you will live until I call for your death, upon hearing this call you will immediately and willingly dissipate.

[servitor name], you are housed in my right index finger.

[servitor name],You will immediately be reduced to nothing if I [kill switch instructions].

[servitor name], this is your sigil:


@Ragepanda how was your servitor performance