Servitor Creation Tutorial-How I dos it, in Ten Easy Steps

If you don’t keep your servitor in its gestation period long enough, will your thought form not emerge? I thought I thought about my servitor long enough, at least four days but I’m not sure if he was birthed. When I gave him his first task to fulfill, nothing happened.

This can vary from creation to creation. (I generally try to hold the idea in my mind for a couple days before I really create it to really solidify it in my mind, but when the gears are turning I’ll start to see the thoughtform moving around my environment before I give it “life”)

Generally, if you have a strong impression of its form, function, etc in your mind, that should be sufficient.

After that it really comes down to empowering and giving life to that thoughtform.

A new servitor might take awhile to get up to speed. It’s just been birthed, and is a babe in the woods so to speak.

You might just gotta play tamagotchi with it a bit.

Give it another task with a good timeframe and see what happens.

It might need more energy?

I like to feed/charge mine daily for the first week or two before I taper off to once a week, then once a month. Just to give them that extra boost.


Thank you! Super helpful!

Bump :slight_smile:

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How exactly do I “charge” the spirit? Not very sure what I should do.

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Basically you transfer energy from yourself to the servitor. If you use an art or craft to construct the servitor this happens naturally while you think about how the servitor should be.

If you don’t and your skilled with channeling or working with energy, you can simply gaze at the servitor and know the longer you focus on it, the more energy it is gaining from you.

Energy follows intent, so even if you can’t feel the flow of energy it will occur if you intend for it to occur.


*not skilled with- that’s a typo I missed after the edit window. I was trying to say anyone could do it this way, Even If they are new to energy work.


Hi @Keteriya , I’ve been pondering doing something quite different to what I’ve done previously with servitors.

I am running quite a number of servitors and I call them in individually each week for a pendulum chat. Mostly to maintain a strong connection with them and as a way of further acknowledging them.

I have couple of questions (all are ultimately related) that I hope you would be willing to offer your thoughts on:

1)Calling in a number of servitors for a chat each week is very time consuming, so I am wondering about the possibility of creating servitors that would go on permanent detached service, ie after the first few weeks after they are deployed they just away and do their thing without further maintenance work from me.

My concern about this is I wonder if this disconnection will produce a likelihood of them eventually going a bit rogue.

I was wondering if you’ve used an approach like this before?

  1. I’ve never made a servitor for someone else. I’ve made servitors to influence or effect others, but I’ve never made one for someone else. I am interested in making servitors for several people (which they would be unaware of as no one I know in person believes in this stuff). These would have various functions from protection to emotional support to helping them attract good friends etc depending on which person I am making them for.

I would be wanting to not have to be involved in the ongoing running of the servitor, the idea is that these would be long term (albeit unknown to them) companions for the people they are made for who assist them to their benefit.

I’m wondering how efficacious you think this would be, given your own experiences making servitors for others

3)I would be assigning them a range of food sources. Normally include my attention, acknowledgement, gratitude etc as one source for all my servitors, but that would not be applicable in this scenario as I would be looking at fire and forget.

I would definitely use the consumption of any negative or unwanted energies or emotions of the person.

I like to use actions as well, but I am unsure how well this would work if the ‘owner’ is unaware that they even have a servitor. Say could I have it fed by the actions of them walking or brushing their teeth if they are unaware of its existence and therefore don’t have even an unconscious intention of feeding it with their actions?

My attack servitors feed off their targets energy without the target being aware of it, but that seems to be a different kettle of fish and I definitely wouldn’t use this approach on people who aren’t baneful targets.

Sorry about the long post, if you could offer your insight that would be hugely appreciated.

Edit: 4. I usually house servitors internally (ie, in knuckles for banefuls, non-banefuls in fingers or toes), do you think it would be viable to house it internally for gestation and then shift its housing after birth so that its housed within the person its made for?


This is how I usually use them.

It will work, but you have to be a little more broad /make sure it’s something they will do and like you could use every step they take.

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How do i know if servitor is actually alive and working?


What archangels would you say are really good at training servitors? Also how would i go about that? Is that possible to do? Does that make a difference? @Keteriya

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I missed seeing this, I am sorry!

The easiest way is to send it to do verifiable jobs. Things you measure the result for. Don’t do other work for whatever task you gave them and it’s not too difficult to discern.

You could alternatively have an experienced individual check, but their experience is subjective so it may or may not help.

I serially haven’t worked with angels for servitors in any capacity at all, so I decline to answer. I don’t have an angel I even favor, though I do I have one I like less than others… :rofl:

You can either tell the servitor I want you to go to this entity and try to learn from them if they will allow it, or you can call the entity and arrange it that way.

I have servitors for others to learn from other entities but not my own. It’s not really much different than anything, either the entity will allow it, maybe help and pass the them the knowledge they need instantly or it could be more in-depth than that.

Most things I’ve seen work like a transfer of energy from person to another, I e never had an entity tell me the spirit had to show up everyday for five days to get enough training, instead it’s usually imparted on them in one touch or exchange.

Hope this help :slight_smile:


It definitely did. Thank you!!

At what part of the servitor’s creation should I ask the entity for their assistance in imparting the servitor with their knowledge? During gestation? After birth?

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I usually do it after they are fully formed from my energy and otherwise ready to go. I then call upon the entity and find out if they require me to give or offer anything exchange for it- sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they are waiting because whoever I am working for planned out their servitor to an extent before contacting me, so the entity has awareness of the project before it begins.

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I dint get what you mean​:sob::sob::sob:

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Basically I create the servitor and do whatever I would normally do with it, then call the entity and see if they’ll do it.

Sorry I’m awful to understand anytime, especially this early and before I’ve a lot more coffee. :rofl:

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What are some good, smart and IMPORTANT fail safes to put on a servitor?

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I don’t really have any of those anymore. Once upon a team I implemented kill switches just in case, but considering that would only kill one face of the ensouled servitor- anyone else could still summon it, I stopped doing it.

Some people want to designate heirs, some people want to designate that it can’t hurt themselves or their families etc.

I just make sure my intent is that it will adapt to the needs, wants, life and language of the owner. It will serve and want to serve because it understands how helping others helps them etc etc etc.

I don’t need to intend for them not to hurt someone, because the intent for them to want to do well in their jobs is set correctly.

Pretty much every example I can come up with, I don’t feel really has to be included if your intentions are pretty solid.

Basically just figure out what you want it to do, how you’ll feed it and all of those other things.

Servitors can be reprogrammed and changed if something goes dramatically wrong, or it just doesn’t work but unless you have something you just can’t finish the servitor without, don’t worry about it.

If you would feel so much better knowing you have a kill switch or some other safety net, just in case- then go ahead and add whatever that is.


When doing this, would I be able to get my servitors to feed off of energies found in temples, mosques or gurudwaras that are not in my vicinity. Lets say i live in New York, would i be able to feed my servitor with the devotional energies found in a temple, mosque or gurudwara that I select out in some random place like, lets say Nashville?

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I would say potentially, but if you don’t have some kind of personal link to the location, it is likely to take the servitor longer to connect with the location etc.
I would also add that when you are new to servitors its a good idea to keep things simple.

Creation of effective servitors is methodologically quite individual. I think that everyone who makes servitor creation a major part of their work develops their individual approaches that work best for them.
I strongly recommend starting out relatively simple and experimenting with more complex concepts over time as you find out what works best for you in servitor terms.