Servitor Creation Tutorial-How I dos it, in Ten Easy Steps

:stuck_out_tongue: Thank you


I agree, actually one of the best ones I’ve seen, most like to exaggerate their servitors as copy and paste gods or their guides sound regurgitated from other guides. But like this one is very simple to the point and legit I normally dont even use servitors but when I got Oisin I felt him and saw him instantly lol.

legit :100:


That is true never thought of it in that way but since they have a soul they can then begin their own journey !


Oh I tried to be very real here. I tried to take all of the things I didn’t find answered or laid out plainly when I began and clarify them.

I wasn’t sure what the fck I was doing with my first servitor and while the resources out there, at least some, explain it well enough, they didn’t explain it well enough for someone whose senses weren’t 100% and not being able to make mental images, I felt like my lack of abilities held me back.

Then I realized what I do to make it more concrete in my mind, would actually probably apply to everyone who hasn’t created a servitor or didn’t have their senses 100% yet. I mean you can absolutely buy servitors and I’m sure that’s not a horrible way to go if your source is legit, but as a newbie with fewer senses, you can’t know if your source is legit.

Not to mention to customize and get the tasks you want, is pricier. So I was just like, lets get it out here, this isn’t as difficult as it seems, and truly your imagination is the limit.


Most the servitors I got from others were either thoughtforms I wanted nothing to do with or exaggerated greatly and did nothing or both lol

I’ve literally have had Oisin implant thoughts in my boss head to send me home early for about 2 weeks now and it’s worked on every occasion lol it’s a nice change lol.


I’m really pleased with how he’s working out for you. I was worried about him more than any other I’ve made, because I knew you’d be able to sense him, and any flaw in the makeup lol. I thought your task was a little vague though and was like… How do I do this part…


Lol I was wanting him to be versatile to whatever I commanded him to do and so far he’s been great lol, I’ve had him also setting up sigils across the US in specific states energetically lol

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I figured but I was like, How do I impart knowledge I don’t have…

I ended up programming him to access the knowledge I did have, and to learn as he went from you.

Seems like it worked out fine, but it did have me concerned, that you might experience a delay with the things he had to learn.


do they have feelings and desires?


They have what’s programmed into them, they can learn about said feelings and mimic them, but for the most part they only desire they have is to do what they were programmed to do.


I think @anon48079295 pretty much nailed it. They seem to take on a bit of personality of their own, as I saw with Oisin, the servitor I made for @anon48079295, the example of the servitor, not caring for freckles, indicates to me, that much like a child of mine, they do take on some traits of their own, during development.

Idk if that’s due to my intent being that function much like other spirits, with focus on whatever tasks they are assigned and aiding their owners or just fact of life, that they will develop some traits of their own.

I feel if you’re intent was that they would have their own thoughts, feelings, and desire, you’d see more of this, but short of giving them their own soul, I don’t think it would be anything like you experience as a human.

I’ve made a few companion servitors, and the intent was for the servitor to adjust to the mind level and needs of the individual they were sent to, so would that include thoughts and feelings? Possibly, as the intent was for the servitor function like an imaginary friend for these people, only being able to think and communicate on their level as well as aid them in their practice.

shrugs I’m really not an expert at this, I’m learning as I go, and while I’m getting consistent results with these guys, I’m sure I have plenty to learn yet.


i was about to create a topic asking if it’s possible to create servitors digitally (without having to write it down on a physical paper) and i think you already (unintentionally) answered it lol.


Can the sevitor betray u and backfire on u? Also is its powers limited or what?

No, that’s why it’s programmed to always have food/energy and the power is only limited to your imagination and the same as any other spirits power would be.


If you follow my process and make them so they are always fed and have a purpose, they are pretty safe beings to have around, all the time.


A very nice post, thank you

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So how would we go about creating a sigil for our sevitor if possible? Also is a sevitor only as powerful as the magician? If so it probably won’t be able to do much. Also how do we go about summoning them and making them fulfill their tasks.

draw an image, create the servitor, link it to the sigil or command it to link itself to the sigil, there’s a few ways.

A servitor starts out knowing whatever the creator knows, it can adapt and take in new information if created to.


I really appreciated you sharing all your info. I have been researching to make a servitor. Then I found your post, it helped to make everything much clearer. Thank You.

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I have some questions:

-Do you need a sheet with the characteristics of the servitor in order to create one?,
-The creation of a servitor is safe, or may create some sort of poltergeist or some other conflict?
-IS a good idea to determine an object or place in order the servitor can live there?

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