Servitor attacked by "La santa Muerte"

A few months ago I created a server that would help me manage the energy, it was working very well, I shared it with some people and they all had good results until 2 weeks ago that my wife had a psychic attack and we believe it was “La Santa Muerte” from That day it seems that he no longer works or something is wrong since before he always kept me loaded with a lot of energy and from that day on I have gotten sick, now my question is, what should I do so that my server is the same as before ? or if another spirit could have destroyed it? I await your answers, thanks

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Did the spirit That attacked the servitor simply resemble her, or Was there another factor to lead you to believe it was actually Santa Muerte? I’ve never heard of her doing something like that unprovoked (if it was indeed her) and I also wonder what the purpose of such an attack could be.

And then there are other Spirits that resemble grim reapers like San La Muerte (the male spirit) plus other lower astral beings and reaper thoughtforms. There could be so many factors in this situation if you really think about it.

Regardless, if your servitor was attacked then the next question is why? Was the attacker dispatched by another person? And also if you taking on too much energy you could consider other forms of healing yourself through magick or energy healers. Maybe.


We think it was her because my wife did work for someone else using her, but without using any protection, that was her mistake, then Santa Muerte wanted to work with her for a long time but she rejects her and I imagine that made her angry We also think that it could be another entity that only uses her form, since she saw it in a meditation. and is that my server is a protector of my whole family and to reach any of us they had to first go through him. Now that I try to meditate on my server I cannot feel it as before, they told me that they did not destroy it but that it is asleep.

From what I know in working with Santa Muerte, she can be a very jealous spirit.


Yes, she asks for an altar just for her and if you fail her in her offerings she get mad and that is why we don’t want to work with her.

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You could rework the servitor, also look into protection, even if you work with certain entities they can still be assholes, Gods, Demons, Angels, Yokai, and everything inbetween, but you also should think about things between La Santa Muerte.


is it done by doing everything from scratch? do you think it will be as strong as before or will it have to evolve again? thanks for the advice

Doesn’t have to be from scratch

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Santa Muerte is a very kind and loving spirit. At the same time, she can bring chaos if not respected. My advise is to speak to Santa Muerte and ask.

I have utmost respect and love for the pretty lady, Santa Muerte !!! Hail Santa Muerte.


Not true at all.

She isn’t if one understands her way of working.

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Remember just because she’s “kind and loving” to you don’t forget she’s not your teddy bear to dictate how she treats others outside of your reality. She’s a deity who is capable of many emotional spectrums and actions like humans and other entities.


I work with Santa Muerte daily. I’ve got a huge altar for her and she’s with me for the long run.

From my experience and what others I’ve spoken with who’ve pretty much devoted their lives to worshipping her have also experienced. She’s the sort of being who’s interested in a long term relationship. If you ask her of anything there’s a chance she’s going to want to be with you for the rest of your life. She’s known to take back everything she’s done and worse if you upset her.

So for her to do this doesn’t surprise me at all. When you call on her there’s a good chance she’s gonna want to be with you in the long run. It doesn’t surprise me that she got upset when you rejected working with her long term.

She’s a very fickle spirit and each person is a case by case basis. V.K. Jehannum has his Santa Muerte statue on an altar with a bunch of different entities such as Medusa. I know others who’ve put her on an altar with a Saint or an angel and she destroyed their lives for it. I’ve heard about her doing far worse than what’s she’s done to you for far less of an offense. These are to people who’ve devoted themselves to her.

I would definitely look into protection as Velenos stated. She might not stop with just destroying your servitor depending on how angry she is. She might come at other areas in your life. Not only that but you can fix your servitor and she could just come at it again. It depends on how upset she is over this.

Also If your wife ended up getting some sort of statue or a picture to do that working with her. You’re going to want to get rid of that if you haven’t already. However how you dispose of that could upset her as well.Ive been told the safest way to dispose of her statues without upsetting her further is to leave them in a graveyard, regifting them to someone who is working with her or resell them. I’ve not her read of her being as fickle with photo disposal as with the statues. As we’ve already established though, I could toss a photo in the trash and be fine but someone else she could and she could get real angry about it.


I know that she is kind to her followers, they even call her “mi niña” and they are always grateful to her but there is also the other side of those who fail her and then she takes everything from them, even a relative. My wife is Mexican and comes from a family of mediums (she introduced me to this world of magic) and since she was little, La santa has wanted to enter it and she has always refused, apparently if it was her or not, it seems that we are already in peace, the problem is that it was energetically attacked and our guardian who were 2 servitors have been affected and I don’t know if it is because I created the servers is that it affected me much more to the point that I am still sick with fever all the days, that is why I have not yet been able to reactivate our servers since one of their primary functions was to get energy from our enemies or from nature and always stay strong. !

This is my servitor

Yes, everything you say is true, my wife already apologized if she offended her and we believe that she left us alone, a client lit a candle here at home and I don’t know if she took it as an invitation and That was our mistake, did I open a way to work with her without that long-term relationship?

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Honestly it could be. She might have taken that lit candle as an invitation. I know just due to her background she’ll accept the smallest thing as part of her “altar” just because a lot of people who call out to her are poor and have nothing. She might have taken that lit candle as an invitation or it could have been just by reaching out to work with her.

You could always reach out to her and see if she’s alright with doing the one off relationships as opposed to being permanent part in your lives. Despite knowing that she’s big on permanent relationships if your honest with her on only wanting to work with her on occasion she may be open to it. Santa Muerte is a being that always surprises me because I can’t give concrete answers on her. I can sit here and be like nah she’s only interested in long term relationships and the person who posts right after me could be like yeah I do it all the time she’s cool with it.

I know the biggest thing she told me in a dream at me when I first started working with her was she can tell when a person isn’t honest with her.If I’m not genuine don’t bother calling on her because she won’t come but if I was she’d be there. I think if your open and honest with her on that she might be open to that sort of relationship.


I’m going to try that, thank you very much.

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No problem. Keep us posted on how things go with her. I am always interested in hearing others experiences with her.

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Yes she requires her own altar, but she only gets mad if you’re being dishonourable. So if you promise her something and then fail to deliver without having a good reason, that would make her mad. If you disrespect her, that would make her mad.

But even the Loa like their own altar, so having an altar to herself isn’t unique to Santa Muerte.

She is one of the most powerful spirits known to man, and I work with her. She’s lovely, caring, kind, helpful, patience, wise, loving, and protective. Just go for it if she’s been calling to you.

I’ve never heard of her getting mad just because one refused to work with her - were you disrespectful in some way? Just wondering.


Maybe she felt used since my wife helps a person to make a spell using her energy (the other person is a devotee of her) the candle was left in the courtyard of my house so as not to invite her to enter and because we know she doesn’t likes to be at an altar with other deities.