Serious question: Why is richness okay for some but considered "impure" and "sinful" for others?

So far, there have been numerous threads about money, about how to get out of poverty, about why are many magicians so broke, the housing crisis and homelessness… I think we’re finally getting somewhere…

Years ago, I had a conversation w/ a fellow Buddhist friend. I asked him: “Wouldn’t it be nice if every member of the Buddhist centre had $100,000 in the bank?” And he replied: “That’s rich!!!”

Now… For context, he sounded quite shocked in his reply like $100K for each member was too much, was just—not correct, not normal or feasible, like it would be something immoral, impure or something. (And mind you, $100K is NOT rich.)

I think this is a very pertinent discussion and not a waste of time. I mean, money is one’s of people’s very top priorities worldwide (and now, we can’t stop hearing about those tariffs, tariffs, tariffs). A lot of decisions (good or terrible) are based on money. One’s fate may be based on money; some people had to leave school early because their parents were too poor to afford further tuition, and that led them to a lifetime of misery and poverty they just couldn’t get out of without proper Law of Assumption tools to rewire their brain. Many artists suffer from their talent being unnoticed because they lack the budget label-backed artists have. Many get sicker and die because they can’t afford proper nutrition and healthcare. And I could go on and on and on…

Back to my friend’s reply… Why would it be so bad for every single member of the Buddhist centre to have $100K in the bank? I mean, it’s not like we were junkies and going to dope and drink ourselves to oblivion. It’s not like we were all going to stop working, be lazy and sit on the couch all day. $100K in addition to one’s regular income is minimal security, I think, to be comfortable and prosperous. The higher-ups of that Buddhist organization have a whole lot more than $100K in the bank, but somehow, it would be “impure” or “sinful” for all members to have that amount?

Makes me think of how the higher-ups of huge corporations or conglomerates have millions or billions in the bank while employees work their asses off for minimal wage.

Is it a sin or impure for Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Katy Perry, Eminem, Drake, Lil Wayne, Shakira, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, The Weeknd, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, and a string of others to have a net worth of anywhere from $170M to $2.5B dollars?

Is it a sin or impure for Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates, Daniel Ek, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell, Steve Ballmer, Phil Knight, Eric Schmidt, and a string of others to be so rich they are basically pooing money w/ a net worth going anywhere from $8B to $420B?

It’s not a sin for Oprah either, right?

But somehow, it is impure, “bad for the soul” for each member of that centre (and most people in general) to have $100K in the bank…

Something to think about!


Religion and social poisoning has made people consider money as “the root of all evil” when its actually not. The biblical verse saying that doesnt even say money is evil it says greed is lol.

Unfortunately people dont get what they want if they subconsciously consider it undesirable or something that they dont have already or something they cant get because this that the or the other. Thats why the rich prosper more and the poor dont. The poor envy the rich and want their money but their envy is borne out of an unchecked and unhealed desire to have more of what they feel they dont have (money) further leading to not having what they perceive they dont have.

Huge corporations are built on exploiting peoples desire to fix something that they feel needs fixing about their life or themselves, thats where products come in. Products fulfill peoples desire to fix something. Most people consider exploiting others for profit as something undesirable but that is exactly how becoming rich is done.

I personally am perfectly fine with it and thats why im starting something myself lol.


I think it is imperative that anyone that is tired of being broke-ass and aspires to be wealthy perish and destroy that mentality that being rich is somehow “filthy,” “bad for the soul,” etc. And it doesn’t help that Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying that it is very hard for a rich person to gain entry to Heaven.

Maybe we should rewire our brain by telling ourselves: “Poverty is mortally sinful,” “Poverty is evil,” “Poverty is gross.” Not that poor people are evil, but that poverty itself is so.

It is if you believe it is. If you follow a religion or philosophy that tells you, like Buddhism, so it is.

As creator beings we manifest what we believe, which is what we put our energy into.

So to answer ”Why is having money ok for some and not for others?”

Because we are all different. Not everybody thinks the same way. Simple as that.

Me, I don’t even believe in sin as a sane concept. It’s crazy, insane (a word that literally means “unhealthy”) - for me - and a control mechanism for the weak minded. For the weak sheep though, they seem to need it. That’s their kind of crazy.

So yes, heal yourself from the gaslighting and mental abuse. Then you won’t be crazy any more.

Do continue to maintain healthy attitudes around resources, and you won’t fall prey to any issues this top-down control concept may have misguidedly intended to help you avoid. Be secure and integral with yourself, know yourself, be emotionally literate and in control of yourself, and you won’t need to rely on external control to stay whole (holy).

Imo, as per usual.


The idea that it is somehow more spiritual to be broke than rich was one of the reasons why the so-called Prosperity Gospel started among the practitioners of the New Thought movement. One of its most popular proponents, Catherine Ponder, taught the opposite of what the Church traditionally preached, that God does not want you to struggle, but that you should be rich and prosperous.


Which is exactly what the Old Testament said. Thats why the Jewish People are pretty well off, because theres actually biblical instructions to save wealth and make wealth. Its even said in the bible that a person that doesnt work is practically as bad as an unbeliever, and that people SHOULD provide for their family - especially monetarily.

I say that because i dont have a fucking clue where the idea of “poverty is holy” came from considering the same religion who’s scripture says its good to have alot of money says that its bad to have money. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me lol.

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I agree.

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Control. The Church amassed massive amounts of wealth for itself while keeping its followers poor with the promise of glory in the afterlife. They also restricted education and many people sent their children to be indoctrinated into the church just so they would learn how to read and have a better life.


Buddhism is garbage, it’s a method of viewing your own coping as enlightenment.

A path of self-destruction and self hatred.

There is nothing wrong with wealth, not at all, it’s all just a big cope for people to pretend their poverty is spiritually enlightened so they can endure it.

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Some may of heard of a term called “Luxury Beliefs.”

In a nutshell it means someones Negative Projections upon a person or a group which is a form of Scapegoating. But the way it is used is High Level, and very refined as to be subtle. How it operates is off the concept of “Creation out of Destruction.”

Basically, someone pushes the opposite belief to their agenda. Why is it called Luxury Beliefs? Back then, it was enough to attain the rarity of physical wealth. But as society progressed and more common people could easily attain this, newer things had to be given value… such as Art… or idealogies, etc.

An example.

  1. Belief pushed upon the Masses: Moving away from the value of the concept of marriage and staying true to one high quality partner. Instead the idea is pushed of mating with many partners (of lower quality of course).

  2. Meanwhile, the same people pushing such a belief are doing the exact opposite… having high quality marriages.

  3. This acts to do a couple of different things. The obvious agenda, but it also acts as a Filtration system to where they can “Dump” non-desireable candidates into the lower Sphere of the Masses. There is naturally a system to process them through to put them there. This creates an exclusive “sublimated” high value group. Sometimes individuals of course could also Rise Up, so the High Levels also keep an eye on those individuals.

  4. Keep in mind I am not referencing any specific group, but just Highly Successful groups (so as to keep it neutral).