Sell your soul at the crossroads

The celebrities made songs detailing this, that’s why I say they talk about having done this

They speak to spirits in their songs, and there’s usually a pact made between them, sometimes they straight up say they sold their soul to the spirit

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Robert Johnson is not the only one Also there is, Giuseppe Tartini and Niccolò Paganini Who was asociate with devil’s pact also.

The video is in spanish but the interview on minute 4:55 Dave mustaine is in english.

They are bridges in Europe which are Also asociate with devil pacts/deal.

My contention is that that’s not the case. The songs are poetic license not talking about real workings. And we just had a music industry insider confirm that as far as his experience goes.

It’s a sales gimmick, not magick.

Sure but that’s got nothing to do with pacts or deals, that’s devotional.

Of course, they would say that, wouldn’t they? That doesn’t automatically make them either honest or actually understanding what they’re talking about. They’re entertainers, that’s what they do, entertain and this is an entertaining subject. When in doubt: follow the money.

I’d believe it on a case by case basis if I got my own UPG verifying it, otherwise, UPG is UPG. They can say what they like, I’m aware that "selling: your “soul” to a higher being is complete bullshit. Whatever they did, that’s not it. They might have picked up strong parasites for sure.

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I honestly think at the time it was probably more of an accusation against him that he must have sold his soul. And the story has persisted because he’s considered the grandfather of rock n roll and it sounds cool to say it came from the devil… maybe that’s even the reason why other musicians have tried it?

My upg confirms there are entities out there that want to buy your soul