Sell the soul

I read the topic, debunking the myth about the sale of the soul. Please don’t advise her) just how to do it? Is it possible to do it at all? For the sake of wealth, so that things go uphill, the success and attractiveness of girls. Or how to conclude a serious contract (then the question is, with which demon to conclude it and how? )

I don’t believe it’s possible, hence I agree with the topic debunking it.
Your conscious mind can’t sell what it doesn’t own.

A pact, is a different thing, that might be what you want.

I like to think of the “selling of the soul” as less a physical thing you give to bind you to a contract and more of just adopting the identity, work ethic and beliefs that will make you what you want to achieve.

Energy is contagious.
Bcoming who you want to become means you have to encompass it, and typically that means imitating what that type of person would do.
It gets you the goal but changes you.

Millionaires suffer from financial headaches judgment expectations and constant fear of losing what they’ve built. They become the self centered ignorant person it takes to become a millionaire.

Celebrities get hooked on drugs, toxic relationships and shamed. everyone knows their darkest secrets judges you and you fear never being enough.

That’s where the"selling the soul" truly is.
You become what you want to achieve. You embrace it and it’s identity. And that changes you.


It is very difficult, if only to find a person who does this for others.

There are many professional magicians who will make a pact for you. EA Koetting and others at BALG offer such services (it’s not cheap though). However, no legitimate magician worth their salt will “sell your soul” for you. They know that is something completely unnecessary, and goes against the very tenets of the Left Hand Path, which is all about freedom. The whole idea is based on Christian propaganda. Most demons don’t want your soul; they want to help unlock your potential.

Eternal servitude after death will not improve your material life. You are the embodiment of God, so act like it, and learn to use your power to make of your life what you wish. This is what demons truly want from you. They want your time, and dedication, to becoming all that you can be. They see the divine spark that exists within all of us, and they want to help unleash it upon the earth. They have no respect for those who want to give up their personal autonomy and power.

If you really want to make a pact, instead of your “soul,” offer up something more meaningful. Offer up your godhood. Dedicate yourself to achieving Ascension in the demon’s name. That is the kind of bargain that will echo throughout Eternity.


Well, which demon is best to choose for huge success in business, wealth and other things? And is it possible to conclude a contract for 20 years) and not 20 days

Informative communication with you

Mammon is always a decent one for wealth, but wealth alone. Gremory can help with attractiveness of women. If you are feeling up to it, you can always try Adramelech. Although, he is known for turning on the signatory if they break or call off the deal.


You or whoever are gonna get yourself in trouble trying to do it (sell your soul) but by all means go ahead and try. There’s tons of how tos online. Tak one and run with it. Just don’t come crying about it after when you get possessed by a parasite or dead humans ghost and don’t get what you asked for out of it.

From experience I can say you are asking for trouble but go ahead cuz I know some people need to find out for themselves the hard way.

Before you ask: I tried it didn’t work and got possessed for a spell because of it. That’s why I say don’t cry if it backfired and you get possessed and don’t get what you want out of it. Personal experience that I now refer to as when I did the dumb shit when telling about it. There’s are spirits just waiting to get in low level ones. It’s not a good thing to try from my experience with trying.

Add: instead of trying to sell your soul why not just make a regular short term (not life long) regular pact for the thing instead. Search pacts with the little magnifying glass if you want to try that instead you’ll find plenty of instructions on how to pact to get something specific.

In my opinion, as a beginner in magick, you will not get the full benefit out of a pact because you literally have no idea how anything works, except through Hollywood movies, and cannot enter a binding agreement because your eyes are not open. For every beginner that has had a successful pact, there are hundreds that have not. It’s not as easy as the movies make it seem.

If wealth and success are your only goals, those are easily attained without having to negotiate a pact:

That book calls upon both angels and demons to re-order your life so wealth can flow. Several of the rituals can, however, cause some disruption if your lifestyle is not already primed for the building of wealth, so fair warning.

Or you can go with the powerful Enochian angels:

Both of these books are beginner friendly, and cost less than $10, a pittance for what they can do for you, and far less of an investment than paying a professional magician to make a pact on your behalf that may, or may not, bring you what you desire.