Self Intro

I’m Jose from Barcelona. Thank you for letting me belong to this family. I am a Satanist and I have been practicing magic for several years. I am willing to learn a lot and with a lot of desire.
Many thanks


Welcome @Reznor87

How long is “several?”

Do you have any experience in specific systems or traditions outside of the religion of Satanism?

Welcome :tada:

I hope you’ll gain a lot of knowledge from this forum, this is honestly a great forum.

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Hi there Jose, welcome to the forum :wave:t5:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: New member intro

Welcome! :heart:

Welcome :hugs:

Good Morning,
I mean 3 or 4 years.
I am not an expert but I have been trying things in this way.
I am willing to learn and evolve.
Currently I need something to be able to get out of my problems. Would Bune be a good option?
I am baptized but I am not a Christian, nor do I like God.