New member intro

Welcome! I hope you’re having a great day

I’m going to make this post my I ntroduction, as I have some neurological disorders and I am struggling to post in the right place… Please forgive if I am in error…

I became interested in “witchy” things at the age of 16 and got my hands on every book or magazine that I could find at that time that was dealing with the occult or magick… Well, that was a blast! I had the great privilege of visiting the occult Emporium in Allentown, Pennsylvania decades ago.

I started my journey quite some time before the Internet came about, so that made things a bit tougher

The vast majority of the books and people encountered then were what I term “white witchcraft,“ things like Wicca… no doubt many on this forum understand and can appreciate that. I did the best I could at the time with the books, groups, and knowledge that I could find; however, though I did learn some positive things and had some beneficial experiences, I could just tell that what I will label as “white witchcraft” was not really fulfilling my needs and I felt very frustrated.

Something was missing!

I was initiated formally into a coven of very nice people who taught me good things and did a lot of good work… But I gently drifted away because I had more work to do on myself and so I just became a private practitioner and would occasionally find other people who would have events such as the necromanteum or a “dumb supper” that were very beneficial ritual experiences with people that I felt comfortable with and who did work that I felt was very grounded and practical. I took many positive lessons from that and still use these rituals.

Being very attracted to darkness, I felt that I had to forge my own path… Fortunately, with the Internet, I was able to discover more things that were a better “fit“ for me and use those things as a springboard to continue on and help myself.

Though I have not read the entirety of his works, I have borrowed many things from the Greek occultist Konstantinos… I am very fond of his Nocturnicon. The experiences he describes with Lucifer and his teachings about stepping into a current of energy and tapping into ancient energies as “power batteries“ of sorts is what I am doing now.

I like the work of John Allee and Joseph Nunn.

I hope my introduction is not too boring or milquetoast, but I’m very glad to be here and I guess I’m kind of old… perhaps very boring too! LOL

I live in the United States of America in the state of Georgia in a place where it is likely best that my personal spiritual practice is not known to my neighbours. I have tried to find like-minded people in the area, but to no avail… that is fine, I am used to that.

Cheers to all, and may your day go well.




Welcome, this is the wrong area, but I’ll flag @Lady_Eva and maybe she can move it to the right spot for you.

I noted you said you started your path at 16, but don’t see a rough current age, forgive me if I am missing it, but I only ask so we can have an idea of how long you have been practicing :slight_smile:

It seems like you’ve studied quite a few things, but is there any specific type of magic you practice now, or anything special you’re interested in learning next?

Greetings! :smiley:

I made your intro its own topic now, many thanks @Keteriya & @DarkestKnight

And @pitfiend I’ll be sending you a message shortly with loads of cool useful info in, reply on that if you have any questions about using the forum’s fgunctions, I’m happy to help. :+1:


Thank you! You are very kind! Have a wonderful day


Oh, age…I’m chronologically fifty-two but sometimes wonder if this is what eighty-five feels like…lol.

As regards a specific type of magic, I am hard-pressed to say. I make no claims at being much of a ceremonial magick practitioner. I use scrying, channelling and automatic writing, meditation, and I feel drawn to ritual work using the lore of ancient cultures of Greek, Sumerian, Egyptian, and Scandinavian sorcery. I am, however, often surprised by the energies that come forward sometimes. I have long felt a strong connection to Lord Anubis, the jackal god of the cremation grounds. I love canine energy anyway, so that is unsurprising. I need to start using sigils more often, I think. Also, I plan to kick myself in the slats and do another necromanteum ritual soon.

I hope that makes sense, and I hope I didn’t forget anything.

Thanks for your help.




Yepper, you make sense :slight_smile: Thank you

Thank you!

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Hi there @pitfiend, welcome to the forum :wave:t5: Your intro was just fine.

Thank you very much! I hope you are well this day… Pleased to “meet“ you.

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