
Hi everyone,
My name os Jose and I’m from Barcelona Spain.
I am not a great expert, but I have done evocations with Lucifer, Satan and Leviathan. I have connection, I can feel them, even in dreams but not see them physically. I am currently using a scrying mirror and I think I am making progress as the glass seems to smoke but I am not achieving anything else.
I am in agreement with Lucifer and Satan but honestly I have more connection with Lucifer and I feel better with his energy.
This week my intention is to contact bune to help me with financial problems.
Forgive my bad english

Your English is fine :slight_smile: welcome to the forum @Reznor87! :wave:

How long have you been practising magick for?

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Welcome to the forum.

It was understood, so well done!

This is good. If you can get impressions or thoughts from them, that is enough to communicate.

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I’m not sure why you did another intro, but nonetheless, welcome.