Self Hypnosis gateway to subconscious

Guys don’t you know any quick safe and easy ways how to hypnotize yourself? In hypnosis is the most effective way to form affirmations and give commands to the subconscious.

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Learn breathing techniques. You can use breath as a way to calm yourself down and put yourself in a suggestable state. Relaxation of mind and body is key.

Or you could always repeat your affirmations right as you wake up or as you are falling asleep. Utilize the time where you are not quite fully awake but not asleep either.

You could also look into chaos magic and the creation of sigils, to help program or reprogram yourself.

Lady Eva has also talked about the concept of ‘Afformations’ that you might want to look into:

A search of the website pulls up more results than just that post, but its something you can look into if you so desire.


Wim Hof breathing

Bineaural beats for what state you’re going for eg theta alpha etc

Guided meditations esp sleep ones, recommend Brian Scott’s! YouTube

Revision techniques- Neville Goddard & NLP

repeat. repeat. repeat!

Ps: you are hypnotising yourself every time you watch tv, film, read etc and fall into that daydream not alert state! You’re already a pro at it… all of us are :sweat_smile: That way less safe tho!

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Pick up a copy of the book How to Master Self Hypnosis In A Weekend by Rick Smith.

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